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Avast Free Antivirus joins fray against Trump... Just Wow!

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Weird Tolkienish Figure:
I primarily use Windows for everyday web stuff and cannot remember the last malware we had. We use EsetNod 32 here, it's fairly good, and doesn't seem to slow down your system as well as other AV solution. I also am religious about applying updates, and never surf with IE.


--- Quote from: Weird Tolkienish Figure on May 17, 2017, 02:48:19 pm ---I primarily use Windows for everyday web stuff and cannot remember the last malware we had. We use EsetNod 32 here, it's fairly good, and doesn't seem to slow down your system as well as other AV solution. I also am religious about applying updates, and never surf with IE.

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What version of Windows anti=-virus are useless? Leo Laporte ( The Tech Guy) says that he believes the Windows 10 antivirus is fine.

Weird Tolkienish Figure:

--- Quote from: LateForLunch on May 17, 2017, 02:54:56 pm ---What version of Windows anti=-virus are useless? Leo Laporte ( The Tech Guy) says that he believes the Windows 10 antivirus is fine.

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I agree with Leo Laparte... if you stay on top of updates and use Google Chrome or firefox. Most users won't do either.

I watch Leo too, I like his show on Youtube. His opinions are reasoned and well thought out, unlike the hysteria that dominates tech news of late.


--- Quote from: Weird Tolkienish Figure on May 17, 2017, 02:56:25 pm ---I agree with Leo Laparte... if you stay on top of updates and use Google Chrome or firefox. Most users won't do either.

I watch Leo too, I like his show on Youtube. His opinions are reasoned and well thought out, unlike the hysteria that dominates tech news of late.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, he's got an interesting show and is always very patient and helpful (never snarky or derisive). I guess that's one of the reasons he makes the big bucks.

He mentioned that many of the older AV programs are written so that they access deep levels of the OS (right down to the kernel) which makes them usable as mechanisms to infect as well as protect. He also said that programs like Norton have a history of slowing down OS's because their software gets into registry conflicts with other programs for control of the system security protocols and peripheral operations. He said to run, don't walk to someone who will help remove Norton AV software from any computer afflicted with it.


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