Author Topic: EXCLUSIVE: How Chuck Schumer Caused Bank Collapse Dems Now Blame On Trump’s Treasury Nominee  (Read 429 times)

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Daily Caller News Foundation
EXCLUSIVE: How Chuck Schumer Caused Bank Collapse Dems Now Blame On Trump’s Treasury Nominee
Photo of Richard Pollock
Richard Pollock
10:12 PM 01/15/2017
Chuck Schumer (Getty Images)   Chuck Schumer (Getty Images)

Senate Democrats — led by senators Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Vermont Independent Bernie Sanders — hope to defeat Steven Mnuchin, President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Treasury Secretary, by focusing on his alleged role in the 2008 collapse of California’s IndyMac bank.

Warren has launched a web page on the official United States Senate website that calls Mnuchin, “the foreclosure king” because, as she and left-wing activists charge, he threw thousands of homeowners onto the street after he bought IndyMac. Mnuchin’s Senate confirmation hearing begins Thursday.

But the Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group (TheDCNF) has uncovered extensive evidence that the person who triggered IndyMac’s financial crisis, which led to one of the largest bank failures in American history, was Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York.

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