Author Topic: Parents: School sex-ed program an open door to porn. 'You could kiss, touch, bite, fondle, nibble, squeeze' and more  (Read 446 times)

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Parents: School sex-ed program an open door to porn
'You could kiss, touch, bite, fondle, nibble, squeeze' and more
Published: 12 hours ago

Two parents whose child attends a Colorado middle school are charging that the district’s sex ed program, which links to the outside online resources of a massive “information services” company, actually allows students to access pornographic content and images.

But, they say, their parental portal locks away those same images. So they’ve started a campaign to insist the district do something to address their concerns, a move that includes discussing the situation with an activist group in Massachusetts.

The district calls the claim nonsense, and cites the opinion of the domestic terror-linked Southern Poverty Law Center, which slams the activist organization, MassResistance, as an “anti-gay hate group.” It’s the same SPLC that called Dr. Ben Carson a “hater” for his views on traditional marriage. (It was linked in a Washington, D.C., courtroom to domestic terror several years ago when a man now convicted of trying to commit mass murder confessed he used the SPLC website’s list of ‘anti-gay hate groups’ to pick a target, the Family Research Council).