Author Topic: Clinton Camp Still Challenging ‘Legitimacy’ Of Trump Election  (Read 413 times)

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Clinton Camp Still Challenging ‘Legitimacy’ Of Trump Election
Photo of Peter Hasson
Peter Hasson
Reporter, Associate Editor
3:16 PM 01/13/2017

More than two months after the presidential election, elected Democrats and members of Hillary Clinton’s inner circle continue to question the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s electoral victory.

Hillary Clinton looks at national press secretary Brian Fallon   Hillary Clinton looks at national press secretary Brian Fallon's smart phone while on her plane with aid Huma Abedin and traveling press secretary Nick Merrill (Getty Images)

Among the latest Clinton insiders to do so was Brian Fallon, who was the press secretary on Hillary’s unsuccessful campaign. Asked on CNN’s “New Day” on Friday to respond to a series of Trump tweets hammering Clinton, Fallon claimed the “legitimacy” of Trump’s election is still in question.

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