Author Topic: Why the left hates Trump so intensely  (Read 392 times)

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Why the left hates Trump so intensely
« on: January 13, 2017, 04:40:49 pm »
January 13, 2017
Why the left hates Trump so intensely
By Thomas Lifson

The intensity of the hatred for a newly elected president faced by Donald Trump is equaled only by the reaction of the Confederacy to the election of Abraham Lincoln.  That ended up in civil war, a precedent that one hopes will not be equaled. But there has been a remarkable fury at people who do not shun Trump: boycotts of a company whose shareholder contributed to a PAC supporting  Trump, attempts to pressure the president of a historically black college to prevent its marching band from performing at the inaugural, and hateful rhetoric at Hollywood awards ceremonies. With much more to come.

A useful perspective is to regard this as a religious conflict. Cults behave exactly the way the left is behaving when a member leaves the fold. And remember that Donald Trump used to be a member in good standing of the Democrat cultural machine. He even had a show on NBC, a mainstay of the Left, in addition to being a generous contributor to many Democrats.

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