Author Topic: The Trump EPA: Increasing Levels of Common Sense  (Read 328 times)

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The Trump EPA: Increasing Levels of Common Sense
« on: January 13, 2017, 04:36:33 pm »
January 13, 2017
The Trump EPA: Increasing Levels of Common Sense
By Chris J. Krisinger

To hear Democrat voices tell it, one might be tempted to think the incoming Trump administration actually wants dirty air, dirty water, and to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Among the more breathless of those voices, one Atlantic magazine writer labeled the incoming Trump administration the "Triumph of Climate-Change Denial" for not accepting climate change and its presumption of "anthropogenic" (man-made) global warming as settled science.  Still another caustically wrote, "Trump's Climate-Denying EPA Pick is Worse Than You Think" because he will now "enjoy free rein to gut environmental regulations, without Congress or the courts to stop him."  No less than a former senior adviser to President Obama demonized President-Elect Trump's nominee to head the EPA, Scott Pruitt, as "an existential threat to the planet."

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