Author Topic: Secrets of the Bible Code Revealed--Documentary--Part 1--Kennedy assassination--COLLECTION of BC links  (Read 797 times)

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This is probably the best documentary on the Bible Codes that I've seen.

This is about the Equidistant Letter Sequence coding that the best website I know of:

does such a good job of researching and discussing.

It does a very good job of going over the historical background over the eons in the Jewish Culture.

It also goes over fairly well the modern brilliant mathematicians' research, discovering the codes in our era, via computers.

 Military coding experts (including Chuck Missler) are included in good segments.

The documentary notes that short words are easy to find in any sufficiently long text but are not significant. That is, they occur by chance and mean nothing.

However, the following examples are given:


Rips explained that each code is a case of adding every fourth or twelfth or fiftieth letter* to form a word. Skip X spaces and another X spaces and the hidden message is spelled out.

. . .

If you begin with the first letter of the above paragraph above--"R"--then skip every 3 letters and pick up the fourth letter following, the coded message is revealed:

"Read the code"

{*most high quality Code computer software can handle any skip distance from 2 to several hundreds or more.}

. . .

Dr Harold Gans--Senior Cryptologicc Mathematician, Retired, of the National Security Agency:

". . . You have to apply statistical analysis to determine if what you have found is, in fact, random--or--is, in fact, well beyond what  you'd expect to find at random."
"The key to statistical significance is how many related terms are found in a small area of Biblical text and how many characters are in each term.** Short words in lots of text are very likely just coincidence.  . . . so . . . what makes the Torah Codes unique?"
{**The Bible Code Digest website/organization, IIRC, has found that for a code to be significant, it has to be at least 30 characters/letters long. One of the famous Isaiah Messianic codes is more than 150 letters long--Qx}
{I forget this expert's name:}

". . . amazing . . . Only in the Bible do you find this one, for instance, by skipping equal number of letters, you spell out "President Kennedy." The very next letters in the same skip sequence say "to die" and "Dallas" is encoded in the same place {place in terms of the 'geographic' text space at that skip distance--Qx}.

There are probably several hundreds of examples like that--at this point in the science and art of code research.
There were a couple of mathematicians--am blocking on their names at the moment--one of whom pontificates his nonsense in the documentary. They are atheists, IIRC. They supposedly debunked the codes.
However, They were later proven to be lying and that they had jiggered their data to say what they wanted it to say. In other words, they were arrogant, ignorant, poor loser jerks in their whole argument.
Anyway--It's a very good documentary, if you haven't seen one on the topic, particularly. If you have, it may be better than the ones you've seen.

Part 2 gives air time to the detractors, debunkers.



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« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 05:24:06 pm by Quix »
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Note: I have written authorization to post documents in full in my web postings. Nevertheless, these items below are excerpts.
. . .

 Are the skeptics right?
 Definitely not. All the skeptics showed was that very simple clusters of short codes can be found in any book. The examples they provided from Moby Dick and War and Peace were fairly comparable to many of the simpler published examples, but they are seriously out of date. Some proponents’ recently discovered clusters of Bible codes are so complex and extensive that they really couldn’t be a coincidence. The most extensive cluster of Bible codes found to date (the Isaiah 53 cluster) is vastly more complex and improbable than the most extensive cluster found in any book other than the Bible. There really is no comparison. Click here* for details.
. . .

Isn’t it true that there is no limit to the number of ELSs that can be found in the Bible?  
 Though very large, the total number of ELSs in the Hebrew Bible is actually quite limited. In fact, it is a bit less than 20.2 trillion. That’s in the same ballpark with the Gross National Product of the United States.
 Couldn’t you find relevant ELSs about any topic if you looked long enough in any text?
 It heavily depends on how long the ELSs are. If the ELS is eight or less letters long, it is almost certain we will find it somewhere within the Hebrew Bible at some skip. If it is 10 or more letters long, it is unlikely we will find it anywhere. And the longer it is, the more unlikely it is that we will find it anywhere. For example, if it is 15 letters long, the odds are 1 in 1.3 billion against finding it anywhere in the Hebrew Bible. If it is 20 letters long, the odds are 1 in 9,621 trillion against finding it anywhere. This is why the longest codes discovered are so exceedingly significant.
. . .

Is this distinction illustrated by comparing the Isaiah 53 and the Hanukah clusters?
 Yes. Dramatically so, as detailed in our report, the Hanukah cluster only consists of seven ELSs and the longest one is seven letters long. The Isaiah 53 cluster includes over 1,200 ELSs and 19 of them are 10 or more letters long. The ten longest ELSs are 22, 21, 19, 19, 18, 17, 16, 16, 15, and 14 letters long, respectively. There is no comparison.
 Couldn’t codes about Jesus have been embedded in the text after he lived?
 No. The Hebrew Bible was completed between 100 and 400 years before Christ lived. The Dead Sea Scrolls provide copies of nearly all of the Hebrew Bible that date back to many decades before Jesus was born.
. . .

How can you know for certain whether or not a particular code is intentional?
 You can’t. There’s always some chance, however small, that the code could be coincidental. Like other codebreakers, Bible code analysts use statistics to help them evaluate codes. We can know “beyond a shadow of a doubt” that a given code was intentional if statistical analysis shows that the odds of its chance occurrence are extremely small (e.g., less than 1 in a trillion).
. . .

Why would God give us codes we can’t understand?
 That is an excellent question. Some of the codes we turn up are easily understood, but some of them -- especially the longer ones -- are difficult to interpret. In fact, we believe that some of them are imparting several unconnected thoughts.
. . .

What is your view of the statement by 55 mathematicians that there is no substance to the codes?
 The petition signed by 55 professors was a statement of opinion based on their review of the state of Bible code research as of about 1997. Many findings have been made since then that are far more improbable than anything published at that time. Consequently, the petition is seriously out of date. Click here** for more on this topic.
Squaring Off with Bible Code Skeptics
How the Mathematicians' Statement is Mistaken:
 Do the codes have anything to do with Biblical numerology or kabbalah?
 No. One kabbalistic device, the “cipher disk,” was adopted by cryptologists looking for a way to break codes in the middle ages of Europe. This forerunner to the German Enigma machine of World War II is the only connection between codes and the mystical offshoot of Judaism known as kabbalah. There is no direct connection between kabbalah and Bible codes.
. . .

There are some other facts about the McKay detractors . . . that are outrageously ugly, even evil and fraudulent against the codes. I'll see if I can find such a document again.
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Summary of "An Introduction to the Range of Types of Bible Code Phenomena" (May/June 2006).
In the full-length article, the types of phenomena described are illustrated with examples in English. However, code researchers almost without exception do not believe there are codes in the English Bible. Bible codes from the Hebrew Bible are in Hebrew and codes from the New Testament are in Aramaic. This summary presents only a few of the phenomena discussed in the full-length article.
 Equidistant Letter Sequence
 In the full-length article, examples are given for: Single Forward ELSs, Single Backward ELSs, and Extended ELSs.
 The letters of a literal text are placed on a "mini-Scrabble board," and are read by column up or down. ELSs can appear in a matrix in a diagonal direction, and they can appear by skipping a consistent number of rows between each letter of the ELS, while reading down a column. ELSs can also appear within a diagonal, while skipping a consistent number of rows between each letter of the ELS. One characteristic of matrices is that the skip sizes of the ELSs are all multiples of a single number, or are close to a multiple of that number.
 Suppose you were to start with row of letters, but with many different "mini-Scrabble" boards, each with a different number of columns. So, we would have such boards with widths of five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, and every number of columns up to 25. Then, you would search each different board for ELSs, while only including those where at least one letter of the ELS had to appear as part of a one word in order to be included in the cluster.
 Visual Mosaics
 These appear within a specific matrix where a small selected number of words appear as ELSs and, if we color the squares occupied by the letters in those ELSs, some kind of visual image appears.
 This phenomenon is explored in Barry Roffman's book Ark Code. Some examples are accessible from Amazon.
 Every one of the 35 letters in the five King David ELSs with the shortest skips in the Bible appear in a verse that mentions David, refers to him or was written by him. We call this phenomena underscoring.


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I just got a call from a friend that she read on the net that Cris Putnam who co-wrote EXO-VATICANA and PETROS ROMANUS with Tom Horn . . . has passed away.

Funeral home page:

His website:

I don't have any more info.

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There is a principle
__Which is a bar against all information,
____Which is proof against all argument,
______And which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance.
________That principle is condemnation before investigation
--Edmund Spencer

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« Last Edit: March 05, 2017, 12:18:43 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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