Author Topic: John Kettler Investigates: UFO War--Antarctic & Pacific Oceans! 3 UFOs Vaporized; UFO War Expands--Heavy Action in Antarctic Ocean  (Read 763 times)

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 UFO War–Antarctic & Pacific Oceans! 3 UFOs Vaporized!.

 UFO War Expands–Heavy Action In Antarctic Ocean.
The UFO War continues to expand, with heavy action in the Antarctic Ocean and 3 Reptoid UFOs destroyed elsewhere, according to highly sensitive sources. Two submarines of the Chinese PLAN (Peoples Liberation Army Navy) have been slammed together, resulting in injuries, but no fatalities, to the submariners inside them. How did this happen? The Reptoids have unleashed a fearsome new weapon–a tsunami generator! It works by inducing huge standing longitudinal waves (a la the great Nikola Tesla) in the water, which then mutually reinforce and get ever larger. Please see the demonstration of this concept starting 50 seconds in on this video.
With the standing wave concept at least somewhat understood, understand this: The Reptoids are generating 50 foot waves, to a radius of ten (10) miles!


While they're doing their best to sink our ships, without directly confronting us, we've let them have it. Three Reptoid UFOs have been “reduced to atoms” by U.S. space based disintegration beam weapons. More on that shortly. Reptoid ships were destroyed off the coast of South Africa, off the coast of Chile and off the coast of Peru. Sizes were reported as being 135′, 150′ and 175′. No information was provided as to what size Reptoid UFO was destroyed in each location.

Last night, 20 UFOs, traveling at 25,000 mph, left the Antarctic Ocean in a group and went to Guadalajara, Mexico. Another group of 15, flying at the same speed, went to Argentina. This morning, 12 more emerged and went to Chile.

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UFO War, Molecular Disruptors and the 9/11 Connection.

UFO War has brought some deep black programs out of hiding. While we don't know who built the disintegration beam weapons, or quite how they work, we now know disintegration beam weapons work and have been used before. Real students of black program weaponry will be familiar with disintegration beam weapon use in the Gulf War. I quote  one sentence, but urge you to read the entire passage at 6) there. (Fair Use)

‘Two pictures my relative confiscated from one of his officers showed: 1. a large disc-shaped craft slightly in front of our men with a high intensity beam of light emitting out of it; then, 2. where men, equipment, etc. was [had stood], there only remained dark charcoal-like spots on the desert floor. We have had this technology for quite a while.'

If that seems fantastic (and not in good way), please understand that I have separately and independently confirmed this information through my most sensitive sources.

Then, there's the mind shattering evidence that weapon technology very much like or identical to the above disintegration beam was used to achieve surgical destruction of multiple World Trade Center buildings on 9/11. The overwhelming proof the official explanation's total hogwash is here, in high resolution big color pictures.

And if all that's not enough to convince you, the Germans had a disintegration beam in development and successfully tested it in 1943. This information appears in Joseph Farrell's beyond astounding book Reich of the Black Sun, which completely, but temporarily, shattered me intellectually when I read it. So overwhelming was what it reported, that I was in a veritable daze for nearly two weeks. At a stroke, reality as I knew it ended. (Fair Use)
. . .

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____Which is proof against all argument,
______And which cannot fail to keep man in everlasting ignorance.
________That principle is condemnation before investigation
--Edmund Spencer

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« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 05:26:25 pm by Quix »
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She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley