Author Topic: When James Clapper got away with perjury  (Read 421 times)

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When James Clapper got away with perjury
« on: January 09, 2017, 01:27:26 pm »
January 8, 2017
When James Clapper got away with perjury
By Daniel John Sobieski

Director of national intelligence James Clapper, who resigned rather than serve under President-Elect Donald Trump  is now certain, where he wasn't so certain before, that sophisticated Russian hackers were behind the revelation of the DNC's and John Podesta's emails.  This is the John Podesta whose password was "password."  Clapper now says "we assess" that the Russians hacked the John Podesta and the DNC under direct orders of Vladimir Putin for the purpose of releasing information damaging the credibility of Hillary Clinton and helpful to Donald Trump.

Clapper did not address why the Russians would want to help Trump, who has pledged to rebuild our military, modernize our nuclear arsenal, and drill like there's no tomorrow for oil, the only thing of value the Russians have to sell.  Nor did he address the fact that the emails detailing the corruption, bigotry, and collusion among the media and the Democrats and Hillary Clinton were all accurate and true.  Hillary damaged her own credibility, and her loss is more likely due to her "deplorable" remark and the spike in Obamacare premiums just before the vote.  As investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson notes:

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