Author Topic: The Left’s biggest problem now (CR)  (Read 372 times)

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The Left’s biggest problem now (CR)
« on: January 08, 2017, 01:56:56 am »
The Left’s biggest problem now
By: Steve Deace | January 07, 2017

  The rise of Trumpism certainly comes with its own potential perils for conservatism, which I’ve written about several times before.

However, it’s not devoid of its benefits, either. And one of them is becoming increasingly obvious, as the Left continues to make almost all the wrong moves in the two months since the election.

Since Ronald Reagan left the national stage, the Left has never lived in a world where its dominance of the media did not do one of two things: control the narrative or have the power to change the narrative quickly. Even if the media’s power was overblown, the Right’s fear for whatever perceived power it had gave it traction nonetheless.

But that’s over now.

As the Democrats move further to the left, more Americans are identifying as conservative

No, I’m not comparing Trump to Reagan, because the two men couldn’t be more different. Yet they have created a similar environment for the Left, albeit by very different means. While Reagan used the deft touch of his winsomeness and charm to outmaneuver the Left and its media henchmen, Trump has simply taken a sledgehammer to them. The approaches are antithetical, but the end results the same.

The Left/media no longer controls, or even determines, the narrative anymore
The past few decades many of us on the Right have marveled at how our opponents on the other side have pried open the Overton Window — and in so doing moved the cultural/political fulcrum steadily to the left — with a mixture of disdain and envy. We’ve seen their resolve, organization, and tactical messaging and assumed our side was either incapable of such a thing or just plain sucked at it.

Respecting one’s opponent is certainly wise, but it’s also unwise to blow their real or perceived superiority out of context, too. For example, suppose every year when you play your big rival in football, they get to handpick the refs — all of whom are known to be big fans of that team. We wouldn’t be shocked when your opponent got every judgment call and benefit of the doubt, would we? The odds of defeating such a rival wouldn’t be insurmountable, but they wouldn’t be good, either.


The Left is going to have to actually win arguments now, not just name call and then wait for their media shills to call the game over before the other side even has a chance.

That is what the Left/media has been for our opponents since the curtain fell on the Reagan era. Until along comes Trump, lacking the tact and dignity of Dutch. But like him, a product of the very media culture he’s now up against. So he has out-shamelessed them. He has out-blustered them. He has out-spun them. He called their bluff, and he outed them as the emperor without any clothes.

Which is not to say the Left/media is irrelevant. Rather, it is impotent.

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.