Author Topic: The Campus War Against Israel and the Jews. Fostering vicious lies about a bastion of liberal democracy in a sea of tyanny and hate.  (Read 368 times)

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The Campus War Against Israel and the Jews
Fostering vicious lies about a bastion of liberal democracy in a sea of tyanny and hate.
January 5, 2017
Bruce Thornton
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Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Barack Obama’s abstention from a vicious, anti-Israel Security Council resolution is merely the latest attack in the West’s long, shameful war against Israel. That the historical birthplace of political freedom and human rights should make a pariah of its cultural offspring is an indelible stain on the honor of Europe and America.

That such irrational bigotry and moral idiocy should find a comfortable home in universities is even more reprehensible. Higher education is supposedly the protected space where critical thought, fidelity to truth, and humanistic principles are honored. But as Richard L. Cravatts meticulously details in his indispensable collection of essays Dispatches from the Campus War against Israel and Jews, universities and colleges today foster and promote the most vicious slanders and lies about a country that for nearly a century has had to continually fight for its existence, yet still has remained a bastion of liberal democracy and human rights in a region devoid of both.