Author Topic: AP: Grand Old Party? Donald Trump remaking GOP in his image  (Read 1825 times)

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Re: AP: Grand Old Party? Donald Trump remaking GOP in his image
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2017, 03:48:17 am »
Anti-science?  Where do you get that?  I am anti-fake science as in global warming science.  I am not really in favor of giving huge grants to so-called scientists with an under the table hint that they come to certain pre-ordained conclusions.

That's fine, but if we're going up against something approaching scientific consensus, we'd better have deeper arguments than the Chinese conspiracy floated by Trump.  Has he ever articulated his anti-AGW position the way Ted Cruz did?  Perception is important ...  to many otherwise persuadable people, conservatives are perceived as too lazy to question anything they've been taught.

borrow-and-spend is a generalization that doesn't mean anything. We should not spend on useless programs and support useless federal agencies.

borrow-and-spend is the central plank of Trump's economic plan.  He wants to borrow trillions of dollars and spend it on shovel-ready boondoggles and the military industrial complex.

Protectionism?  I think we should protect American industry if we can.  Why not.  Free trade, yes but also fair trade.

The tariffs threatened by Trump will drive up the cost of living and probably end in retaliation from our trade partners.  Guess who will get the blame when that happens?

Warmongering?  Is it war-mongering to insure that we are strong enough militarily to fight if we need to?

Republicans take it to an absurd level.  Our military spending dwarfs everybody else's, and we're bankrupting the next generation by sticking our noses into tribal disputes on the other side of the planet.  It makes Lindsey Graham feel all butch, but it doesn't do much else.

Misogyny will always exist in certain individuals but I don't think it exists in the Republican Party as a whole and I don't believe you can show evidence of that.

Racial discrimination?  That's a ridiculous one.  Affirmative action was a failed attempt to achieve racial equality which can only be achieved by individuals.

There again, it's about perception.  Donald is the leader of the party, and he most certainly is a misogynist who engaged in racial discrimination against judge Curiel.  The party rank and file largely shrugged it off while the rest of the country put it in their memory banks for future reference.  Who knows, maybe the Republicans can win 90% of non college educated white males.  It's a long shot, though, and this campaign made it that much harder for the GOP to hold on to sunbelt states that were already demographic time bombs.