Author Topic: Slate’s hilarious justification for white genocide-wishing communist professor  (Read 210 times)

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December 29, 2016
Slate’s hilarious justification for white genocide-wishing communist professor
By Thomas Lifson

The Left clearly is stuck on stupid, in the immortal words General Russell Honore.  Matthew Dessem of Slate is at the bottom of a hole and excavating. It seems that those of us upset at a university professor’s Christmas wish for white genocide are the problem. “You’re stupid,” he explained.

    In a follow-up tweet, he added, “To clarify: when the whites were massacred during the Haitian revolution, that was a very good thing indeed.” (The tweets are no longer available online, as Ciccariello-Maher has since made his Twitter account private.) In context, it seems clear that he was tweaking white supremacists for their repurposing of the term white genocide, which is disingenuously invoked nowadays to pretend that uncontroversial things like interracial dating are as threatening as the slaughter that took place in Haiti in 1804. But Ciccariello-Maher’s tweets were as good a reason for a witch hunt as any, and what better time to hunt witches than Christmas?

    Breitbart, as usual, was the most openly racist….

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