Author Topic: Why Journalists Always Tap the Brakes on Terrorism Stories  (Read 238 times)

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Why Journalists Always Tap the Brakes on Terrorism Stories
« on: December 26, 2016, 12:33:22 pm »
Why Journalists Always Tap the Brakes on Terrorism Stories

by Jonah Goldberg

December 23, 2016 12:00 AM @JonahNRO

The media are guilty of a double standard on terror attacks. Here’s a paradox for you. Whenever there’s a terrorist attack, the immediate response from government officials and the media is: “Let’s not jump to conclusions.” Yet when there are breaking reports that Muslim or Arab Americans were allegedly victimized by bigots in some hate crime, the response is instant credulity, outrage, and hand-wringing. This doesn’t really even scratch the surface of the double standard.

When there’s a terrorist incident, there’s deep skepticism at every stage of the unfolding story. At first we’re told there’s no evidence that the attack is terror-related. Then, when reports come in that a shooter shouted “Allahu akbar!” or has an Arabic name, we’re assured there’s no evidence that the shooter is tied to any international terror groups. Days go by with talking heads fretting about “self-radicalization,” “homegrown terror,” and “lone wolves.” This narrative lingers even as the killer’s Facebook posts declaring allegiance to ISIS emerge.

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