Author Topic: Iles of Shrillery-stan et al A Very Hazardous Conjecture  (Read 2363 times)

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Offline Quix

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Iles of Shrillery-stan et al A Very Hazardous Conjecture
« on: December 24, 2016, 02:08:03 am »
We've all likely seen the maps showing the 'islands' amidst the rest of our Republic, where a great majority voted for Shrillery.

I found them interesting . . . Sobering . . . outrageous in many ways--in terms of the tail wagging the dog.

And the intensified assault on the Electoral College has been incredible. Clearly the masses are farting the propaganda the oligarchy has trained them to fart--pretending it's wisdom or equality or some other such farcical nonsense.
But there was something niggling at me about those pockets of often rank evil and cluelessness. And, today, it may have distilled into my consciousness.
We've all likely read, heard, as well about this or that looming "natural disaster," or "acts of God" from huge quakes to tidal waves, droughts of epic proportions, floods to huge volcanoes and/or major war.
Now, clearly, "the rain falls on the just and the unjust."
However, throughout history, natural disasters have tended to cluster around places, cities, nations of raw unmitigated-arrogant-fierce-fist-against-God areas of social cultures and political life. Certainly it's not been a strictly 1:1 correlation but that has been a true tendency, trend. Certainly it was true with Israel. And, it was true with Israel's enemies . . . wholesale.
Today, I've increasingly felt that the looming calamities will be worst, maybe first, and certainly MOST devastating in the areas of the country that Hillary garnered the greatest percentage of votes.
The pizza gate stuff that the NYPD has mentioned is off the charts evil. Serious researchers into such things have asserted that such oligarchs sacrifice a baby to satan EVERY DAY.
The Boss is fiercely hostile to the shedding of innocent blood. That's one reason He is so hostile toward abortion.
There is looming closer and closer VERY SERIOUS consequences.
Such consequences will begin with those claiming to be Christians but being the opposite. But the devastations will quickly move toward those who are most guilty of the worst outrages against God and the innocent.
And, certainly a lot of people of good heart and values are in the horribly liberal idiot infested places. And they will suffer, probably, right along with the liberal idiots--unless they are supernaturally protected by angels or some such. Some of which may happen. I wouldn't bank on how much or often it would happen.
I think I'm going to prayerfully ponder that map and see if anything jumps out at me about the most vulnerable areas to being wiped away. Maybe some other discerning folks could do the same thing. If there was some correlation to what a diversity of us felt, it might be interesting.
Here's one such map:
Just off the top of my head looking at it . . .
The California, Oregon, Washington coastal areas are certainly areas slated to be devastated by massive quakes and tsunami's--at some point.
The long 'island' going up above New Orleans . . . looks to me like it's ripe for the New Madrid to cut loose, big time.
New York . . . certainly a case could be made that it's not the most saintly region . . . and that a nuke could mess things up there horribly. Ditto DC etc.
I don't know enough about the Florida spots or the Carolinas or the region to the east of that one above New Orleans.
I don't think most folks would contend that Chicago is the most saintly region in the USA either.
The South Western region of Texas . . . hmmmm . . . could well be a mess from Mexican drug lords etc. etc. etc. but I'm just not that familiar with it.
Albuquerque & Santa Fe . . . aaaarrrrgggghhhh. Lots of highly classified research in those areas or near those areas. To the West of them near Gallup etc. is an old volcano and plenty of Muzzie terrorists biding their time.
Not sure what to speculate about with the Colorado areas. Not that familiar with them.
Certainly in the looming traumas, any city is not going to be a nice place to be caught in. But I'd think that those cities particularly are going to be horrific 'hell-holes.'
imho . . . just my 2 cents.

@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe
« Last Edit: December 24, 2016, 02:09:44 am by Quix »
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Offline Quix

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Re: Iles of Shrillery-stan et al A Very Hazardous Conjecture
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2016, 03:21:04 am »

The 2nd video on this thread:,241274.0.html

includes a prediction that God is going to lead the evil doers to have parades and conventions and celebrations in those cities, areas that God has marked for utter destruction.

I believe he is 100% right in that prediction.

Then I recalled the map in this thread. I believe at least a major portion of the Shrillery areas will be those areas.

Then it occurred to me . . . that THAT phenomenon might be a clue about WW3 being about to break out with the surprise attacks also described in the above thread.

That is . . . when masses of evil doers are holding celebrations, conferences, parades in major cities around the country--particularly the same cities which Shrillery won so overwhelmingly--it might be time to head for the hills.

ping list ping.
@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose
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Offline Victoria33

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Re: Iles of Shrillery-stan et al A Very Hazardous Conjecture
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2016, 04:22:57 am »

I don't believe in visions or dreams of the future.  However, in my opinion, the world is headed toward nuclear war and I expect it will happen soon, perhaps 2017.  Most likely targets are according to the location of the country who sends those bombs, the closest US cities to that country.  Make a list of countries with nuclear bombs and see which ones are our friends or used to be our friends, and our enemies who want to kill us all.  I believe you will find the enemy list longer than the friend list.

Offline Quix

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Re: Iles of Shrillery-stan et al A Very Hazardous Conjecture
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2016, 04:51:35 am »

I don't believe in visions or dreams of the future.  However, in my opinion, the world is headed toward nuclear war and I expect it will happen soon, perhaps 2017.  Most likely targets are according to the location of the country who sends those bombs, the closest US cities to that country.  Make a list of countries with nuclear bombs and see which ones are our friends or used to be our friends, and our enemies who want to kill us all.  I believe you will find the enemy list longer than the friend list.

I understand your perspective. I don't have that luxury.

I have had my own dreams and/or visions that proved true.

I have had others share theirs which proved true.

Essentially your perspective is saying that Scripture is untrue.

Cessationism is not supported ANYWHERE in Scripture. It is also illogical to an absurd point. It pretends that God does change--contrary to HIS declarations that He does not change. The major difference in the New Testament vs the Old Testament on the issue of dreams and visions is that Holy Spirit made such more or less available to all believers vs just the designated and anointed prophets.

Prophet Joel declared that people in our END TIMES era would have dreams and visions from God. And, I have observed that repeatedly to be true. There are many New Testament Scriptures affirming such. I Cor 14 is one such chapter.

Of course, all is not equal. There ARE a lot of flaky people claiming all kinds of things as various types of "Christians" false and not so false in their doctrines.

BTW, IIRC, there were 3-4 Christian prophetic types who foresaw 9/11 and said so published well before the event in reasonably clear and specific terms that proved true.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2016, 04:52:55 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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