Author Topic: Mena Grebin: Grid Going Down, multiple dreams Faithful Walk Healing Ministries  (Read 4312 times)

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NOTE: This is the gal who tried running from her prophetic gifting as a teen but realized that God could always 'out-run' her and finally submitted to Him. She's married to a retired Secret Service agent.

Years ago, she was also talking to some character ranting about Bush. She immediately told him that the bloke coming after him would be far far far worse and much more destructive to the Republic. She'd known that for some time. I don't know that she has timing right--as she well admits. I don't know anyone who does. I do find her stuff more convincing than average, however.


Since November 4th, I have now had six dreams of something happening to our electrical grid/powerlines/cell phones. In all of them, the lights go out!

The only reason I am posting this is because prior to November 4th, I've never seen or heard (in the spirit) anything regarding such. Therefore, I feel it is my duty to let you know, instead of just telling my family and inner circle.

I'll add one more thing...

In the most recent dream (that I just woke up out of), my mother called to tell me that they were warned that five zones in the metro DC area were going to be affected. So in other words, she was telling me before it happened. Afterwards, I saw a major earthquake (not in DC). I also saw a poplar pastor, who is currently sick, pass away.

Yes, I'm aware of the gamma wave coming on December 26th, and yes, I know about the executive order regarding space weather. I am also suspicious of the assassination of the ambassador to Russia in Turkey, yesterday.

I'm not trying to instill fear, for Christ has not given us a spirit of fear. But I felt the need to warn. The only time I've had back to back dreams like this about something, the incident was either days, or weeks away. I don't share everything I see either; only as I'm lead. But I do not know a time frame on this. I could be wrong. I mean, I saw Hurricane Matthew fourteen months before it came. I was told to put it out, and I did, in July of 2015. So what I'm saying is, take this to prayer. And as always, test the spirit with the Holy Spirit.

Mena Lee Grebin
Faithful Walk Healing Ministries

« Last Edit: December 20, 2016, 07:14:15 pm by Quix »
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She has a blog. She goes into more detail about said dream in it.

I don't have Facebook.
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She has a blog. She goes into more detail about said dream in it.

I don't have Facebook.

Thanks for the link.

She is generous about posting her stuff elsewhere but it's worth going to her blog, to read it.

Sobering, for sure.

I wrote my city council years ago about the EMP issue and was assured that our government and military had us all protected. What UTTER IGNORANCE.
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She has a blog. She goes into more detail about said dream in it.

I don't have Facebook.

Further down the page at that link . . . the 2nd dream/vision down . . . some excerpts:

. . .
There have been many dreams, visions, and prophetic words from people like David Wilkerson and Dumitru Duduman, who have seen Russia invade the US.
In October of last year (2015), the Lord showed me a map of Israel and Iran. He instructed me to begin to pray because Israel was going to strike Iran. He said, "War is about to begin."
I asked the Lord, what war? And He responded with, "Gog and Magog."
After this, I went through a period of three days of dreams where I saw war planes; bombers and fighter jets being launched in various places, including the United States. I also saw missiles being dropped on us.
I want to speak on another thing that I heard two nights ago. It was odd thing to here, yet clear as day. I heard, "Tell the Queen that in forty days, great change is coming to the UK." 
Now I know I don't have access to the Queen of England (LOL), but I understood that the change wasn't for the good. There's a great shift coming to that area, that will impact them in a major way; even their way of living. As always, take these things to prayer.
. . .
Dimitru Duduman's dreams and visions are available at his Grandson's site here:
The one about Russia and China striking is particularly . . . sobering.
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Another interesting youtube of such dreams and visions . . .

I've heard some of Lyn Leahz's stuff but I don't know anything about her guest on this one:

My paraphrased Notes therefrom:

. . .
I got a really sick feeling in my spirit . . . I began to intercede for Trump . . . {e.g. for his safety etc}
. . .
There was a point when I realized I was all alone . . . husband had joined in the festivities . . . but I felt grieved, . . . suddenly I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder . . . a woman tapped me on the shoulder--stop mourning and come and celebrate with us . . .
I felt the need to explain to her why I was in mourning . . .
It all felt so warm and inviting and I wanted to join it but I felt it was quite wrong . . . that the country was NOT OK and we needed to continue to pray for repentance.
I turned to look her in the eyes . . . and there was nothing but a blank stare . . . like I was watching a robot . . .
on awakening . . . the first thing I heard . . . loudly and clearly . . . There is more to come . . .
. . .
The neighborhood represented the U.S.
Those celebrating . . . had pinned their hopes on turning things around on a man . . . it was obvious they had no change of heart . . . they thought nothing of destroying property . . .
I represented the repentant praying church . . . for what was yet to come . . .
The woman represented a deceiving spirit in the church . . .
I was given I Thes 5:3 . . . when they say peace & safety . . . then comes sudden destruction . . .
I Tim 4:1 . . . in the latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons . . .
Lyn Leahz relates feeling similarly after Trump's win . . .
I've observed 3 reactions in Christian circles . . .
1st . . . majority seems to be ecstatic . . . that God's going to turn things around etc. No mention of Jesus being needed . . . idolatry pinning all their hopes on a man . . . When I've attempted to talk about the dream or just mention the reservations I've had . . . I usually get a blank stare--just like the lady in the dream gave me. . . . been accused of fear-mongering
2. There's a small group . . . 2nd group . . . also very happy to the Trump win--also feel it's a postponement of judgment--that we've been given more time . . . I've asked them where's the repentance in America? What does the church need more time to do? The church has fallen asleep at the wheel. The church only wakes up when there's trouble and persecution and then goes back to sleep when there's peace and safety. . . . the majority of the church do not want to let go of this world. . . . that's why judgment must come--because he is such a merciful God . . .
In Rom 2:4 . . . the goodness of God leads you to repentance . . . he chastens those He loves . . .
3. The 3rd group seems to be an extremely small group. They haven't gotten caught up in the Trump excitement--they realize that nothing has changed--there's no repentance . . . a spirit of deception has been sent out to draw the anointed ones out of their place of prayer and intercession.
The saints in the 3rd group were tempted to join-in at first . . . the spirit of deception is soooo smooth and enticing . . . there are other spirits now entering the scene . . .
The Lord gave my husband a dream that really shook him up. He doesn't tend to have dreams . . . he's only had a handful . . . it's been 15 years since the last one--they've always been warning dreams of imminent danger and they've always come to pass.
On the night of 3 Dec, he had a dream that lasted most of the night . . . when he tried to tell me . . . he couldn't speak . . . I immediately sensed it was a dream and told him to go write it down.
He saw 2 men go all over the earth . . . and wherever they went--people turned against each other . . . they would go and tell lies on each other . . . turn husbands and wives against each other . . . in the dream, the phone rang . . . the man began to tell my husband things about me . . . my husband answered back and rebuked the lies . . . the scene changed back to the 2 men and they were coming after him--to kill him--if one didn't fall for the deception, they'd come to attack you.
A deceiving spirit is dominating the majority of professing Christianity--The Lord is shouting out now--WAKE UP! Now additional spirits--very wicked spirits of strife and confusion--heavy persecution against the church--with horrible lies coming against the church and anyone who sides with them.
The devil knows about the prophecies of the end times church . . . but he's convinced that if he can just keep the church sedated--that there will be no end times harvest.
The Lord has shown me that the devil is terrified of what he's seeing now about our prayers etc.
He sees that a very small remnant is praying . . . and he can't stop them . . . this group will cause him much trouble in the kingdom of darkness . . . I John 4:17
We are to be destroying the works of the devil . . . the words we speak in the power and authority of Jesus will trample him under foot before we are taken out of here . . .
This is what the devil fears . . . The Lord gave me a glimpse of the coming glory that the church is going to walk in.
Words cannot adequately describe what I've seen . . .
Please ask Holy Spirit to open your heart . . .
. . . revealed things that shook me to my core . . . death and destruction . . . the rising of the church from the ashes . . . before the Rapture . . . His church is not to fear . . . walking in His glory in the very midst of the destruction and chaos . . .
On the night of 15 Dec 2015 . . . at my house standing in my family room . . . something had happened . . . cracks in the wall of my house . . . several people in the room with me were in full panic mode . . . immediately I opened my mouth and the word began to flow:
I felt no fear . . .
In that dream everything was covered in grey ash . . . small groups of people dotted the landscape in dazed expressions . . . in shock . . .
Others were wailing and screaming out in pain and agony . . . I began to walk towards them . . . as I walked towards them, I felt the Love of The Lord flood me--the Love was uncontainable--and began to flow out of me toward the hurting people . . . overwhelming love and compassion . . . 'come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest . . . heal all your diseases . . . as the word was spoken, they were drawn to it . . . Love was now flowing into me and out of me like a river . . . they changed from expressions of fear--peace covered them . . . they were healed . . . all traces of blood removed . . . I saw a woman approaching with a plate and a few morsels of food . . . How are we going to live? I said, bring it to me--and the dream ended.
The worst of times and the best of times.
We all need to determine to finish the race.
Let go of this earth and cleave unto me . . . basically it means to lay down your life and take everything to the altar of God . . . pour ourselves out . . . totally empty . . . only then can we be indwelt by the Glory of God . . .
We all have to learn how to hear from God ourselves.
. . .

Diana Pulliam's blog:
« Last Edit: December 20, 2016, 09:35:39 pm by Quix »
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Offline Gefn

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Do you follow Nostradamus?
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Do you follow Nostradamus?
I used to keep some tabs on his stuff but given the Biblical prohibitions to seeking knowledge from such routes, I've avoided him for some years.
I occasionally check on such sources just to be aware of where the world is paying attention . . . but mostly I avoid them as a forbidden thing to stay way clear of.
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Another Lyn Leahz youtube of similar ilk . . .
"Top Government Agent Reveals Information So Shocking, May the Lord Have Mercy!"
Skip to 1:15 or turn the sound down.
I'm not that impressed with Kim Clement's predictions--though he did predict Trump's win years ago. imho, he's missed it more than a little. He's now deceased.
I do think that the business of God taking over the media at some point is likely to be true.
I don't know how much Trump and Gates will fit the prophecy. I'm more than a little skeptical. I'd like it to be true--I pray it is--I'm just quite skeptical.
I'm skeptical that things will be wonderful economically or otherwise . . . except maybe for a brief period.
Secret Serv agent told her that Trump was chosen 2 years ago . . . they're going to have him in the office--they want him to do a mass deportation--so there will be coast to coast civil unrest so they can call in martial law . . .
What about Jade Helm . . . He said you're right--there will be martial law . . . Trump is going to be elected and there will be martial law . . . there's not going to be an economic collapse--there's going to be an economic catastrophe . . . I'm going to finish up with O's Admin and then go to Belgium  . . .
She did not personally know this man or his credibility . . . it's just one more piece of information to consider . . .
The NWO cut a deal with D Trump 2 years earlier to make him President . . . and he's just playing a scripted role {as I, Qx have said to many people around me for months}.
etc. etc.
An intense Dust & rain cloud sat between ISIS and Israel . . . about minute 20 or so.
It's an interesting youtube. I don't know that every minute is worth rapt attention but it's an interesting one.

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Paul McGuire & Troy Anderson--authors of the book The Babylon Code
They have documented in their book how satan worshiping secret cults . . . migrated through the centuries to the current globalist elite . . . protecting their wealth and their power among the relatively small number of ruling families through all those centuries.
Particularly minutes about 10 up to 22 or so.
They note that the Podesta "SPIRIT COOKING" hideousness, the abuse of babies and toddlers in human sacrifice . . . are all a persistent set of practices still going on with the ruling elite.
{Some sources insist that they sacrifice--as in torture and murder a child every single day in the USA.}
They mention the Arch of Babylon/Baal that went up in NYC and in London . . . virtually begging God for a big slap-down.

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The OP refers to a Christian popular pastor who's ill will graduate from this life.

My own impression was immediately . . . Billy Graham.

There has been a prophecy that when Billy Graham passes, huge disasters, traumas will strike the Nation and the earth.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2016, 05:47:25 am by Quix »
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I have read the material at every link on this thread.  I don't believe in modern day prophets, not their dreams and not their visions.  The reason is, there was no more need for prophets once we had the Bible.  All truths and future events to happen are in the Bible.   We are given time lines when "x" would happen and they have been happening throughout my lifetime.

Remember, I am very old.  I used to wonder why anyone would want any land in the middle east since it was nothing but desert.  That was before oil was discovered in that region of the world.  After that happened, I knew why that land was now valuable and why the leaders of those countries now had power in the world.  I watched those changes happen, changing into Biblical prophecies coming true.

I do pay attention to people like Palestinian Pastor J D Faraq, in Hawaii, as he and others like him use scripture to determine where we are on the time line of the end of days.  That is using scripture, not dreams or visions, and scripture can be counted on to be the truth.

It is interesting to me that people will believe the Bible up to a point, but when the end days are described through prophecy in the Old Testament and further expounded on, further explained, by  Jesus and his apostles in the New Testament, people tend not to believe it.  And, they really avoid Revelation.  It's like Revelation doesn't exist. 

Why is it people don't digest the scripture about the end times?  My opinion, is, they are stuck to this ground and want to stay here - they know this place and how to live here.  As long as they don't know the future that is fine with them.  They are going shopping today and having a party with friends tomorrow, and have planned to go to Mother's place on Christmas Eve, and going back to work this coming Monday and they have to start on a new project at work that day, and they have plans for a big New Year's bash with friends on New Year's Eve, and have to get a flu/pneumonia shot soon, and the son is getting married in January, have to think about taxes in January, make folders with all the bills in it to get ready to take the stuff to the H. R. Block to be sure the paperwork is done right for the April deadline, have a company required physical in February so cut down eating sugar so the blood test comes out right, daughter graduates in May, must fill out college forms for her, get the air conditioning checked in June, where are we going on vacation in July/August to get out of Texas heat, check all the company stocks in September as the stock market usually crashes in October, what to do for Halloween treats, must start Christmas list soon, won't be long before Christmas.   

WHERE IS THOUGHT OF LIVING IN HEAVEN?   Where is Heaven?  Where is Heaven described?  One place Heaven is described is, Revelation.  Person tied to earth says, "You must be kidding, I 'heard' Revelation is about hell fire and damnation, the end of the world - that's scary stuff, I don't read scary stuff."

The above are my thoughts and some of my beliefs - your mileage may vary.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2016, 11:33:54 pm by Victoria33 »

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Thanks for your great points.

One quibble . . . there are some Scriptures asserting that God will have many prophets in this era. Certainly He's not going to let satan's false prophets be the only such voices. I'll look the refs up and put them here later.

Amos 3:7 [Full Chapter]
Indeed, the Lord God does nothing without revealing His counsel to His servants the prophets. {HCSB}

Joel 2:28:
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: {HCSB}
I Cor 14:24 & 39
24 But if all are prophesying and some unbeliever or uninformed person comes in, he is convicted by all and is judged by all. 25 The secrets of his heart will be revealed, and as a result he will fall face down and worship God, proclaiming, “God is really among you.” {HCSB}
39 Therefore, my brothers, be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in other languages. {HCSB}

For one, St Paul exhorts all believers to pray that they might prophecy.
I think prophetic sources are needed in our era for specifics for different locales and for individuals and groups to take God-ordained action, prepping and otherwise.

I think most authentic Christians have had a measure of 'prophetic' input from Holy Spirit when they have been reading the Bible and a verse "jumps off the page" as applying specifically to them at that time or just ahead in an area they'd been concerned, burdened about.

Much appreciate your comments.


I have read the material at every link on this thread.  I don't believe in modern day prophets, not their dreams and not their visions.  The reason is, there was no more need for prophets once we had the Bible.  All truths and future events to happen are in the Bible.   We are given time lines when "x" would happen and they have been happening throughout my lifetime.

Remember, I am very old.  I used to wonder why anyone would want any land in the middle east since it was nothing but desert.  That was before oil was discovered in that region of the world.  After that happened, I knew why that land was now valuable and why the leaders of those countries now had power in the world.  I watched those changes happen, changing into Biblical prophecies coming true.

I do pay attention to people like Palestinian Pastor J D Faraq, in Hawaii, as he and others like him use scripture to determine where we are on the time line of the end of days.  That is using scripture, not dreams or visions, and scripture can be counted on to be the truth.

It is interesting to me that people will believe the Bible up to a point, but when the end days are described through prophecy in the Old Testament and further expounded on, further explained, by  Jesus and his apostles in the New Testament, people tend not to believe it.  And, they really avoid Revelation.  It's like Revelation doesn't exist. 

Why is it people don't digest the scripture about the end times?  My opinion, is, they are stuck to this ground and want to stay here - they know this place and how to live here.  As long as they don't know the future that is fine with them.  They are going shopping today and having a party with friends tomorrow, and have planned to go to Mother's place on Christmas Eve, and going back to work this coming Monday and they have to start on a new project at work that day, and they have plans for a big New Year's bash with friends on New Year's Eve, and have to get a flu/pneumonia shot soon, and the son is getting married in January, have to think about taxes in January, make folders with all the bills in it to get ready to take the stuff to the H. R. Block to be sure the paperwork is done right for the April deadline, have a company required physical in February so cut down eating sugar so the blood test comes out right, daughter graduates in May, must fill out college forms for her, get the air conditioning checked in June, where are we going on vacation in July/August to get out of Texas heat, check all the company stocks in September as the stock market usually crashes in October, what to do for Halloween treats, must start Christmas list soon, won't be long before Christmas.   

WHERE IS THOUGHT OF LIVING IN HEAVEN?   Where is Heaven?  Where is Heaven described?  One place Heaven is described is, Revelation.  Person tied to earth says, "You must be kidding, I 'heard' Revelation is about hell fire and damnation, the end of the world - that's scary stuff, I don't read scary stuff."

The above are my thoughts and some of my beliefs - your mileage may vary.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 12:03:26 am by Quix »
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Offline Victoria33

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The Old Testament scriptures concerned prophets in the Old Testament period before Christ appeared on earth.  Those prophets were spoken to by God and told what to say.  When Christ was born, he fulfilled scripture by prophets who predicted his birth.

"I think most authentic Christians have had a measure of 'prophetic' input from Holy Spirit when they have been reading the Bible and a verse "jumps off the page" as applying specifically to them at that time or just ahead in an area they'd been concerned, burdened about."

Yes, today's Christians read SCRIPTURE and compare that to what is happening in the world today and see the connection(s). 

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The Old Testament scriptures concerned prophets in the Old Testament period before Christ appeared on earth.  Those prophets were spoken to by God and told what to say.  When Christ was born, he fulfilled scripture by prophets who predicted his birth.


VAST portions of 'Old Testament' prophecy remain unfulfilled... Believe me, it's kinda my gig.

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VAST portions of 'Old Testament' prophecy remain unfulfilled... Believe me, it's kinda my gig.

I agree with that wholeheartedly.  The prophecies in Ezekiel (chap. 38 for one) and Daniel are to come.  My point was the prophetic announcement of a savior to come, was fulfilled with Christ.

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I agree with that wholeheartedly.  The prophecies in Ezekiel (chap. 38 for one) and Daniel are to come.  My point was the prophetic announcement of a savior to come, was fulfilled with Christ.


Not so fast.

The prophecies about the Messiah coming as a suffering servant were fulfilled.

NOT the ones of Him coming as conquering King.

Throughout their history, the Rabbi's have not had a good explanation for those two presentations of the Messiah in the OT. Some even taught that there were 2 different Messiahs as a way to resolve the mystery.

BTW, St  Paul talking about prophets and prophesying in the NT church era was NOT talking about the Old Testament era.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 02:44:29 am by Quix »
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Yes, today's Christians read SCRIPTURE and compare that to what is happening in the world today and see the connection(s). 

Uhhhhhhh . . . WHEN . . . one is reading a Scripture and the verse kind of existentially, spiritually 'leaps out and grabs you by the spiritual noggin and says: "PAY ATTENTION KEENLY--THIS IS FOR YOU, NOW--IN THIS RESPECT IN THIS WAY, IN THIS SITUATION!" '

it is NOT the ink on the page  doing that.

It is Holy Spirit active in that person's life--someone who is earnestly seeking to follow God and His will for them.

THAT is the SAME TYPE of phenomenon of Holy Spirit fostering a prophetic impression, word, statement in the person's mind/spirit. There's not a great deal of difference. The main difference is one trigger is text on a page being the catalyst, spring-board to the realization, understanding that God is actively AT THAT TIME speaking specifically to the individual about a current great concern of theirs.
And in a case where the individual is getting similar input in the form of a prophetic "word," picture, impression etc. to share with someone else of the Body of Christ--per Paul's exhortations in I Corinthians . . . that's a different kind of trigger or initial input. But the communication from Holy Spirit is essentially the same. I can speak from significant personal experience on such scores.
The most dramatic experience I had of that sort involved a missionary committee Chairman . . . he had been a troublesome plague on 5 families on the mission field in Asia. God engineered me working to help that whole team . . . long story short--at a given point he had been yet again troubling the team and making challenging things worse.
Now the couples were all seriously seeking God's will and seriously really loved each other. There were some local leadership problems related to Attachment Disorder--but the Chairman was really the repeatedly troublesome factor in the situation.
On a long trans-Pacific phone call, I suddenly found myself with Holy Spirit rising up within me warning the Chairman--paraphrased now: "If you continue to plague this team, God will likely {actually, I think I said--would take him out--not 'likely} take you home--out of this life--and probably within 30 days." Of course he was exceedingly indignant and responded as though he thought I was off the wall crazy.
Within 30 days, he was dead of a brain aneurysm. His wife, the whole team and his successor knew of that prediction. His successor was GREATLY more attentive to really listening to the team from then on.
That was one of 3-4 similar incidents in my 70 years. The others were not so declaritively specific and known by others.

I share that cautiously . . . but with some press in my spirit because I'm convinced that there is going to be a LOT more of that ilk of thing in coming months and years.
There was a Roman ruler in NT times who was puffed up when the crowd began to chant about him being a god and not a man. God was displeased. The ruler was evidently eaten alive by worms rather quickly, standing there on the platform.
I think it will start with some religious leaders over proud of themselves and building their own kingdoms instead of God's
However, it will spread to political leaders. I believe that in some cases, their whole administration, with few, if any exceptions, will fall dead instantly at the same time. Some will be with God just making it happen, period. Some will be after a Godly prophetic person has declared, warned it will happen.
imho, believers  and unbelievers alike are going to have a whole different order of magnitude type appreciation for what the "FEAR OF ALMIGHTY GOD" really means.
Certainly God alone will be powerful enough to deal forcefully with raw evil in high places or political power.
We shall see.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 03:42:04 am by Quix »
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Not so fast.
The prophecies about the Messiah coming as a suffering servant were fulfilled.
NOT the ones of Him coming as conquering King.
Throughout their history, the Rabbi's have not had a good explanation for those two presentations of the Messiah in the OT. Some even taught that there were 2 different Messiahs as a way to resolve the mystery.
BTW, St  Paul talking about prophets and prophesying in the NT church era was NOT talking about the Old Testament era.

The Jews didn't recognize the conquering King would come as a child of a peasant family and being grown, enter the city on a donkey.  There were not two, just one who was and is the conquering King. 
Isaiah 7:14  "The Lord will give you a sign in any case: It is this: the young woman is with child and will give birth to a son whom she will call Immanuel."  (The meaning of Immanuel in Hebrew is "God is with us.")

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Your definition of a prophet is different than mine.  When I feel lead by the spirit to do something or say something, I don't consider myself a prophet.  Peace, okay?

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Uhhhhh . . .

it is possible to collect all the verses predicting the suffering servant Messiah


all the verses predicting the conquering King Messiah.

The two lists of verses are two different narratives. It's understandable that it was mystifying to Jews through the centuries. God Himself set the mystery up for His purposes--as He declared.

Many Jewish scholars over the centuries were mystified by the two descriptions of seemingly quite different personages.

And, of course, NEEDING deliverance from Roman oppressors by a conquering King made that set of verses the ones focused on in that context. They were 'merely' paying attention to the wrong list of verses about the wrong visitation/coming of The Messiah--wrong compared to their desperate need for The Conquering King coming/visitation.


The Jews didn't recognize the conquering King would come as a child of a peasant family and being grown, enter the city on a donkey.  There were not two, just one who was and is the conquering King. 
Isaiah 7:14  "The Lord will give you a sign in any case: It is this: the young woman is with child and will give birth to a son whom she will call Immanuel."  (The meaning of Immanuel in Hebrew is "God is with us.")
« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 04:49:44 am by Quix »
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Your definition of a prophet is different than mine.  When I feel lead by the spirit to do something or say something, I don't consider myself a prophet.  Peace, okay?

Having a prophetic gifting is usually quite different from having been called and anointed to the OFFICE of a prophet. Both sorts of people can have valid prophetic pronouncements.

A calling and anointing as a prophet tends to be much more heavy-duty with tons of excruciating 'back side of the desert' purifying and training. And, their assigned tasks tend to be a lot more heavy duty--as a rule.

St Paul exhorted all Christians to seek a degree of prophetic gifting.

I'm . . . wary, allergic to considering myself a prophet, too. However, a number of folks have told me otherwise.


« Last Edit: December 22, 2016, 04:54:40 am by Quix »
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Many Jewish scholars over the centuries were mystified by the two descriptions of seemingly quite different personages.


I will concur. Many rabbis expected two: The Messiah of Joseph/Ephraim (the suffering servant) and the Messiah of David/Judah (the conquering king). The Messiah of Ephraim was to come first, to make atonement and make it possible for the northern tribes to be brought back in... And the Davidic Messiah would come to conquer the world.

As I adhere rather closely to two-house messianic beliefs, it is surprising how well they predicted - What did not occur to them was that the two could be one person, in two comings, across many years of absence (the time for Ephraim to come home).

But in fact, your words are true.

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I will concur. Many rabbis expected two: The Messiah of Joseph/Ephraim (the suffering servant) and the Messiah of David/Judah (the conquering king). The Messiah of Ephraim was to come first, to make atonement and make it possible for the northern tribes to be brought back in... And the Davidic Messiah would come to conquer the world.

As I adhere rather closely to two-house messianic beliefs, it is surprising how well they predicted - What did not occur to them was that the two could be one person, in two comings, across many years of absence (the time for Ephraim to come home).

But in fact, your words are true.

Thanks for your kind reply.

That's certainly my understanding from my study--which is considerably less than yours.
Certainly every prophecy related to His coming as a suffering servant was fulfilled to the tiniest detail.

And every prophecy related to His coming as conquering King will also be fulfilled to the tiniest detail.

Most of those are evidently slated to be fulfilled in our era . . . with a few slated for the end of His 1,000 Millennial reign, IIRC.

Is that congruent with your understanding?
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Thanks for your kind reply.

That's certainly my understanding from my study--which is considerably less than yours.
Certainly every prophecy related to His coming as a suffering servant was fulfilled to the tiniest detail.

And every prophecy related to His coming as conquering King will also be fulfilled to the tiniest detail.

Most of those are evidently slated to be fulfilled in our era . . . with a few slated for the end of His 1,000 Millennial reign, IIRC.

Is that congruent with your understanding?

Indeed. And it parallels the Feasts and harvests - The spring feasts were fufilled in the most fascinating incremental perfection. The barley harvest (Jewish believers) and the spring wheat harvest (Pentecost/Shavuot - early Christians from the gentile nations [Ephraim's return]).

But everyone knows the fall harvests (fruits, grapes, summer wheat) are the biggies. and with them, the Feasts of the real Return of the King, and of his coronation, and of his wedding, and of his judgement with the rod of iron between his feet.

Here it comes - to be fulfilled with every bit as much attention to detail as the last time.