Author Topic: Tolerance of the left specifically defined  (Read 3091 times)

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Tolerance of the left specifically defined
« on: December 19, 2016, 05:29:55 pm »
Tolerance to the left is demanding that a 6'4" high-school boy with a working functioning  penis be allowed to share the shower room with your freshman daughters because on that day he decides he wants to self identify as a girl,


Not being Mature enough or honest enough to admit that they lost the Presidential election as they repeatedly attempt to subvert our constitution and steal the  power of the presidency so that they can continue the perverted shower room invasion at our daughter's schools.

Offline LateForLunch

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Re: Tolerance of the left specifically defined
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2016, 03:44:30 pm »
You are discovering what Joseph Sobran called "Alienism" - which is the preference for, protection, promulgation and promotion of any culture OTHER than one's own.

One of the features of modern leftism is the perverse rejection of U.S. culture and traditions in favor of something ANYTHING else!!

From a psychological perspective, this is linked to what (genuine) psychologists call "the psychotic response to stress". That is when a person responds to some problem or emotional crisis by resorting to some coping method that is foreign, experimental, strange, extreme, weird, radically divergent from previous-tried, reasonable methods.

For example, a normal person when confronted by say a lack of clear direction after graduating from college might take a few months off to relax and see the world before deciding on what to do with their life. Maybe one would take some time off from work or school to consult with trusted friends/counselors, relatives about their thoughts, feelings and opinions about what to do with their life. They might make plans to take incremental measures to test the waters of a lot of different careers in order to try to get a sense of what they really want to do in life. IOW, follow some reasonable rational plan which has good chance of success in ameliorating their doubts without causing severe disruption to their life.

On the other hand, a person who resorts to the psychotic response to stress might decide to drop acid, go to a bunch of rave parties, join an "artist" community living in an abandoned warehouse, sell everything they own and move to Tibet to join a Buddhist monastery. None of those actions are very rational/reasonable and are all fraught with enormous risk of disaster and severe, permanent damage to their life. 

The impulse toward the deviate response to stress is also linked psychologically to what CG Jung called "the Shadow" impulse. Jung's research into the human psyche led him to form the theory that all normal minds have a sort of Shadow mind which exists just below the conscious mind.

For every conscious impulse that we follow, there exists a suppressed, semi- conscious one which derives from the Shadow. An example of a Shadow impulse would be say, driving a winding mountain road and having the odd thought come to see what it would be like to simply jerk the wheel over and drive off the cliff. Normal people find it very easy to resist that Shadow impulse, because their conscious rational impulses (to remain alive, well and pursue happiness) dominate over any such deviate inclination.

Leftists often have a perverse fascination with remaining conscious of and obeying their own Shadow impulses. Instead of cherishing and protecting normal, innocent young children, they cherish and protect adult, jaded, deeply-disturbed sexual deviates. Instead of cherishing and protecting innocent victims of violent crime, they cherish and protect those who commit horribly violent crimes. Et cetera.

Alienism with it's attendant perverse fetish for strange, experimental, foreign, anti-social, radically extreme things and behavior which come from pandering to and obeying their own Shadow impulses, can be seen in leftist behavior and policy every single minute of every single day.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2016, 03:57:36 pm by LateForLunch »
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Re: Tolerance of the left specifically defined
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2016, 03:49:35 pm »
You are discovering what Joseph Sobran called "Alienism" - which is the preference for, protection, promulgation and promotion of any culture OTHER than one's own.

One of the features of modern leftism is the perverse rejection of U.S. culture and traditions in favor of something ANYTHING else!!

From a psychological perspective, this is linked to what (genuine) psychologists call "the psychotic response to stress". That is when a person responds to some problem or emotional crisis by resorting to some coping method that is experimental, strange, extreme,  weird, radically divergent from previous or known methods, or foreign.

For example, a normal person when confronted by say a lack of direction after graduating from college might take a few months off to relax and see the world before deciding on what to do with their lives. Maybe they would consult with trusted friends/counselors, relatives about their thoughts, feelings and opinions about what to do with their life. They might take incremental measures to test the waters of a lot of different careers in order to try to get a sense of what they really want to do in life.  On the other hand, a person who resorts to the psychotic response to stress might decide to drop acid, go to a bunch of rave parties, join an "artist" community living in an abandoned warehouse, sell everything they own and move to Tibet to join a Buddhist monastery.

This impulse toward the deviate response is also linked psychologically to what CG Jung called "the Shadow" impulses. Jung's research into the human psyche led him to form the theory that all normal minds have a sort of Shadow mind which exists just below the conscious mind. For every conscious impulse that we follow, there exists a suppressed, semi- conscious one which derives from the Shadow. An example of that would be say, one is driving a winding mountain road and the odd thought comes to see what it would be like to simply drive off the cliff. Normal people find it very easy to resist that Shadow impulse, because their conscious impulse ( to remain alive, well and pursue happiness) dominate over any such inclination.

Leftists often have a perverse fascination with remaining conscious of and obeying their own Shadow impulses. Instead of cherishing and protecting normal young children, they cherish and protect adult sexual deviates. Instead of cherishing and protecting innocent victims of crimes, they cherish and protect those who commit horribly violent crimes. Et cetera.

Alienism with it's attendant perverse fetish for strange, experimental, foreign, radically extreme things and behavior which come from pandering to and obeying their own Shadow impulses,  can be seen in leftist behavior and policy every single minute of every single day.

Interesting. And putting a name to leftists/progressives bazaar inclinations is the first step in marginalizing it.
I'm surprised one hasn't been popularized already.

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Re: Tolerance of the left specifically defined
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2016, 05:32:23 pm »
I'm just a simple behaviorist with an MS.  Yes, it is newly minted and took me 40 years to obtain, but it gave me time to live and experience life so I can clearly recognize differing behaviors.

I have little time for the Sigmund Freud psychoanalysis marathon that extends to talking about something forever or at least until the insurance runs out.

My line of thought is to identify the problems/behaviors, their cause, and then work on changing them by implementing other more healthy behaviors.   

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Re: Tolerance of the left specifically defined
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2016, 08:32:10 pm »
Interesting. And putting a name to leftists/progressives bazaar inclinations is the first step in marginalizing it.
I'm surprised one hasn't been popularized already.

That IS interesting, @LateForLunch.  I hadn't run across "Alienism" before.

Offline LateForLunch

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Re: Tolerance of the left specifically defined
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2016, 09:09:51 pm »
That IS interesting, @LateForLunch.  I hadn't run across "Alienism" before.

I don't agree with everything Sobran wrote or believed, but his observations on Alienism were dead, spot on in every last regard.

I have added the aspects of Jungian psychology (the Shadow) and the psychotic response to stress which reinforce Sobran's central conclusions about Alienism
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Offline Hondo69

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Re: Tolerance of the left specifically defined
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2016, 03:25:03 pm »
I'm just a simple behaviorist with an MS.  Yes, it is newly minted and took me 40 years to obtain, but it gave me time to live and experience life so I can clearly recognize differing behaviors.

I have little time for the Sigmund Freud psychoanalysis marathon that extends to talking about something forever or at least until the insurance runs out.

My line of thought is to identify the problems/behaviors, their cause, and then work on changing them by implementing other more healthy behaviors.

Thank you for taking the time to post the information.  I too find it fascinating.

For every conscious impulse that we follow, there exists a suppressed, semi- conscious one which derives from the Shadow. An example of that would be say, one is driving a winding mountain road and the odd thought comes to see what it would be like to simply drive off the cliff. Normal people find it very easy to resist that Shadow impulse, because their conscious impulse ( to remain alive, well and pursue happiness) dominate over any such inclination.

If I get the gist of this theory correctly, some people are simply more prone to allowing the Shadow impulse to rise to the surface.  A defective "idiot barrier" so to speak.  For the rest of us, our "idiot barrier" functions properly allowing these dark thoughts to remain buried.

If my crude summation is in the ballpark, then the next question presents itself.  Is a defective "idiot barrier" genetic or environmental?

Offline LateForLunch

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Re: Tolerance of the left specifically defined
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2016, 04:03:49 pm »
Thank you for taking the time to post the information.  I too find it fascinating.

If I get the gist of this theory correctly, some people are simply more prone to allowing the Shadow impulse to rise to the surface.  A defective "idiot barrier" so to speak.  For the rest of us, our "idiot barrier" functions properly allowing these dark thoughts to remain buried.

If my crude summation is in the ballpark, then the next question presents itself.  Is a defective "idiot barrier" genetic or environmental?

Human behavior is always a complex issue. We see this in the ongoing attempt of some homosexuality "advocates" to claim that people are "born homo", while all of the evidence is that there are always behavioral (affective, environmental) elements to the development of sexual identity.

That being said, I'll venture to say that it's likely a combination of organic and affective elements that push someone into listening to and manifesting their Shadow impulses. Most prominently the role of the parent seems to influence a person's attitudes toward the world and themselves. People generally reach appoint in development where they rebel against and reject much of what they consciously connect to their parents. This knee-jerk contrarianism is not all bad, because it is a part of the individuation process in which the "fledgling leaves the nest". But if a person gets stuck in what is known as "infantile rage" or, the sense that the entire universe is somehow "wrong" it can propel a person into a trajectory that takes them far out into deviate attitudes and behavior, including alienism.

Generally in normal development, a person abandons infantile rage because they find that a partnership, cooperative relationship with parental authority is more beneficial than an adversarial one. But in some people, the infantile rage stage becomes protracted and they essentially "stay angry at the universe" feeling put upon, impeded and cheated by the simple normal everyday frustrations, compromises, limitations, and disappointments of growing up which most others come to accept. Such people consumed by anger may spiral downward into anti-social behavior which separates them from both their parent's affection (any that remains after their endless tantrums and acting out of excessive anger) and from the main stream of society, which is focused on achievement and accomplishment, not tantrum-throwing and vituperation.

The organic element can enter the picture when something called L-dopamine reuptake and functioning of other brain chemicals involved in impulse-control can be impeded by deficiencies in brain chemistry derived from genetics and also from drug abuse or prolonged exposure to stress. Essentially the principle will not rebound from stressful events as quickly as others and will develop coping mechanisms (such as substance abuse, anger-addiction) to ameliorate their problems, which only aggravates their anti-social behavior and can become a pattern of reactive, out-of-control, destructive behavior. 

This whole process can lead to a masochistic fascination with destructive, negative aspects of life and thinking which all are part of the Shadow universe.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2016, 04:14:16 pm by LateForLunch »
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Re: Tolerance of the left specifically defined
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2016, 06:03:46 pm »

Good post, LFL!

I greatly prefer Jung over Freud.  Jung seems to be somewhat more willing to say that the human race is polluted with evil.  The Shadow is common to all of us.  It is racially transmitted. 

Martin Luther was once asked "What is in the heart of an evil man?"  Luther replied (and this is not an exact quote) "I don't know what is in the heart of an evil man.  But I do know what is in the heart of a good man--and that is bad enough."

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Re: Tolerance of the left specifically defined
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2017, 07:02:40 am »
But if a person gets stuck in what is known as "infantile rage" or, the sense that the entire universe is somehow "wrong" it can propel a person into a trajectory that takes them far out into deviate attitudes and behavior, including alienism.

I've always been puzzled by selective outrage.  Yes, I fully understand how politicians utilize selective outrage for expediency, but with average run-of-the-mill citizens I feel it is another story altogether.

For example, during the economic crisis Barack Obama announced a health care overhaul was needed and he was open to any and all suggestions.  In response to Obama's call for suggestions, the CEO of Whole Foods put together a very well constructed op-ed in the Wall Street Journal.  Hardly what one would call a conservative, he was well known for treating his employees unusually well here in Austin.

The reaction to his op-ed from the Left was swift and harsh.  They began picketing Whole Foods stores and threatening shoppers who entered.  Death threat were made to him and his family to the extent where he moved his family out of town for their own safety.  And his crime was that he answered the president's call for any and all suggestions. 

This was all before any hint of an outline of health care reform was offered by the Democrats.  All anyone knew was it was time for a change.  And this very liberal CEO with a vast amount of experience with employee health care plans was merely offering his two cents worth into the conversation.

It struck me as classic cult behavior.  Others might call it selective outrage.

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Re: Tolerance of the left specifically defined
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2017, 05:46:14 pm »

Martin Luther was once asked "What is in the heart of an evil man?"  Luther replied (and this is not an exact quote) "I don't know what is in the heart of an evil man.  But I do know what is in the heart of a good man--and that is bad enough."

That reminds me of a quote from a book by author Gene Wolfe:
Vodalus :"I believe that you are a good man."

Severian:"I think rather that I am a bad man, trying to be good."

Vodalus:"As are all good men!"

GOTWALMA Get out of the way and leave me alone! (Nods to General Teebone)

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Re: Tolerance of the left specifically defined
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2017, 12:48:49 am »
I read all of this and laugh.  People and who they are is something very easy to see, isolate and understand at any given moment in time.

Why do people lie, and they do lie constantly???

Because they can and do talk.  If that statement leaves you scratching your head think about it this way.  Dogs are very honest.  They are what they are and do not use words to try and hide their behaviors.

People talk to deceive others about what their actions/behaviors clearly demonstrate who/what they are.  Their actions are who they are, what they are, and indicate how they will behavior in the future in a similar situation.

If you want to know the truth simply turn off the sound and watch their behavior, watch what they do, do not do, and do not listen to what they say.

The truth will always be found in their behaviors and they will lie constantly to rationalize their behavior to fit their self image/projected image.

This is just a truth about people...