Author Topic: Reince Priebus signals big changes for White House Press Corps  (Read 644 times)

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Reince Priebus signals big changes for White House Press Corps
« on: December 15, 2016, 01:27:58 pm »
December 15, 2016
Reince Priebus signals big changes for White House Press Corps
By Thomas Lifson

Elections have consequences, as Barack Obama boldly stated following his election as president in 2008. Those words, celebrated by the left, including the White House Press Corps majority, now must seem ominous to many. President–elect Trump’s chief of staff, Reince Priebus, is letting the grandees of the White House Press Corps know that a new sheriff is in town, and big changes lie ahead. Pam Key of Breitbart writes about what he told radio host Hugh Hewitt yesterday:

    HEWITT: Last two questions have to do with the media. First of all, instead of that boring Saturday morning radio address, I think the President should do a Friday morning drive time nationally syndicated show each week, you know, in the morning when you can shape news. Don’t you agree?

    PRIEBUS: Well, you know, what? Look, I think that many things have to change, and I think that it’s important that we look at all of those traditions that are great, but quite frankly, as you know, don’t really make news…

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Re: Reince Priebus signals big changes for White House Press Corps
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2016, 03:22:01 pm »
I'd like to see two-tiered seating, with the leftist MSM assigned to the second tier. Second tier seating would be in an uncovered, unheated outdoor area with an HDTV monitor used to show Trump or his spokesperson to those in the second tier area. They would get to ask questions via a microphone remote, but only if there was sufficient time left after all first tier questions had been answered.

Also I think there should be uncaged lions roaming the second tier area. Hungry ones.

Am I to assume from your post you aren't fond of the MSM? :silly: