Author Topic: Discovery of Flash Frozen Antarctica Civilization {HEAVY STUFF: Dr Michael}  (Read 1495 times)

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13 DEC 2016

. . .
Sigmund then went on to describe recent discoveries in Antarctica, which explain the growing scientific, political and religious interest over the frozen continent:
He [Sigmund] stated that an extremely ancient series of cities had been discovered flash frozen deep under the ice-shelf.  He confirmed that there were also many animals and “pre-Adamites” preserved in the ice…. They were all flattened/ crushed or knocked over by the event that flash froze the area. They have tons of trees/ plants and wildlife frozen in place, like they were put on pause.
This is startling confirmation of the research conducted by Sir Charles Hapgood who has previously studied evidence of pole shifts that have led to the Earth’s axis of rotation shifting dramatically in a short period, where sub-tropical areas might suddenly find themselves at the poles.
His 1958 book, Earth’s Shifting Crust, featured a foreword by Albert Einstein endorsing the rigor of Hapgood’s research. Hapgood summed up his theory as follows:
. . .
Goode says that he has been told by a number of other sources that recent discoveries have indeed occurred in Antarctica, as claimed by Sigmund:
I have now had well over a dozen confirmations that indeed a HUGE F-... discovery was made down in Antarctica. Indeed there are many, many types of ruins and artifacts strewn out across the continent/ group of islands and underground. … Many square miles of ruins have been detected w/only a small % that has actually been excavated.
. . .
OK . . . all pepper specks, please remain seated.
All fly specks, please stand up and leave the building.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
The below article was ref'd in the above one:
NOTE: These tiny excerpts in the 2nd long quote box are from a BOOK LENGTH article. I didn't read every line but only took some of the tips of some of the icebergs. Color and bold emphases added below--except that some of the subheadings were bolded and colored in the original.
ENDGAME PART II: The Antarctic Atlantis & Ancient Alien Ruins
By Corey Goode 11 Dec 2016 (With David Wilcock)
. . .
Nonetheless, Corey’s intel has checked out with what many, many other high-level sources have leaked to me over 20 years of time. The truth is extremely surprising and complex.
The intel also dovetails beautifully with the material in the Law of One series, which I have scientifically validated in three different published books with over 2200 total references.
The Cabal has now taken the incredibly brazen step of black-listing 200 highly popular sites, including Gaia, our main portal for disclosure TV episodes.
They are using Google, Facebook, Apple, Snapchat and other assets to prevent you from ever being able to find these sites—even if your friends wanted you to see them.
YouTube has begun aggressively taking down every person posting videos on this scandal, including all three we mentioned in Part One -- David Seaman, “Reality Calls” and the Alex Jones video.
This is the work of a third-world fascist dictatorship—hardly what we would expect in a democracy. If this was truly all just a big misunderstanding, why are they being so aggressive?
. . .
We have endured death threats, betrayal, financial hardship and incredibly toxic abuse. This journey has not at all been fun or easy for him, nor for me.
This is a spiritual war, not just a physical one. The Cabal is messing around with very real forces that are extremely negative and can influence those around us.
. . .
We also have five different major categories of groups that are now feeding us intel and requesting our assistance. We will learn more about each of them as this update goes on.
. . .
The Alliance has become ever-increasingly powerful as more and more people defect to it.
The Cabal knows they are out of time and as of right now, they have largely completed their negotiations on how they will surrender.
{Qx: The only way I see this as remotely true is if satan has decided to use such a scenario to broaden and deepen the deception and the ultimate tyranny}
At the same time, the Cabal has dirt on the Earth Alliance that they do not want to see go public. Therefore it has turned into more of a truce, where we will get part, but not all of the truth.
. . .
The rapidly-escalating downfall of high-level elite human trafficking rings is bringing these issues to the immediate forefront. The Cabal has run out of time – and they know it.
. . .
{Corey Goode}:
David Wilcock had been gathering a variety of insider testimonies for nearly 20 years when I began disclosing everything I knew to him in October 2014.
He was able to validate my testimony by having heard many of the same things from other high-level insiders, at Cosmic Top Secret level and above.
The majority of this insider testimony was completely off the public record and did not appear anywhere online, nor in any alleged fiction in the public domain.
There were so many points of correlation that we stopped counting somewhere after identifying about 60 different highly specific examples.
. . .
William Tompkins was unaware of me or any of my testimony when he wrote Selected By Extraterrestrials.
Ours has strictly been an Internet-based story, and Tompkins is a 94-year-old veteran who is not online.
During WWII, he debriefed 29 different US spies embedded in the German SSP at the time.
. . .
The 29 embedded German spies Tompkins interviewed during WWII confirmed the Nazis were working with a violent, aggressive reptilian race.
This group is humanoid, but with reptilian features. They have been called the Saurians or the Draco, and pose the biggest problem for everyone in our region of the galaxy.
Surprisingly, the Draco have a central base of operations in our solar system – including huge under-ice facilities in Antarctica.
Hypothetical examples only. No one we know has seen the inside of these bases.
. . .

I found out these Cabal groups have apparently been in a state of panic for weeks, as more and more has been leaked about their involvement in pedophilia and sex slave rings.
They are also organ-harvesting their young victims to sell on the black market. These are just a few of the crimes being committed.

. . .
The FBI investigators had brought this evidence to several Attorney Generals in the past, only to have them tell the FBI to close their investigations.
The FBI soon realized that major changes would have to occur before they would ever be allowed to bring these people to justice.
The more they investigated, the more prominent and powerful names began to pop up.
It appears that these sex slave and pedophile rings have been associated with close to a third of everyone working in government organizations within the USA and the EU.
It was determined that any attempt to prosecute them would be met by roadblocks.
. . .
I found out that Soros is under investigation by the FBI for all he did prior to the election years before, and his involvement in the current riots.
. . .
The general population is being prepared for some very sickening information about all levels of influence in the US Government.
We are going to find out how many influential people (from BOTH political parties) in the US and the EU have been a part of this massive pedophile ring.
This sex-slave ring has also been used as a device to blackmail powerful people into paying large sums of money, as well as to influence how they make policy decisions.
. . .
The new archeological finds are a major reason for this. They are excitedly taking tours of the findings.
[color=blue ]According to sources, the Cabal plans on fleeing to an island in New Zealand, certain areas of South America, and Antarctica.[/color]
If so, these meetings may very well be a signal to the Alliance that key members of these Secret Earth Syndicates are preparing to escape justice from an angry American populace.
. . .
D: It does also appear that the Cabal will create a financial collapse to further try to ruin Trump if nothing else works.
. . .
In the meantime, prepare to see tons of elite-connected people resigning from their jobs.
They will not flee the country, of course, but will "immigrate" to a safe zone out of protest of Trump being president and ruining all of their hard work, et cetera.
. . .
However, their core teaching is “betrayal is the first rule of the order,” so it is unlikely that they will ever accept any deal and actually do it.
. . .
That is just freaky stuff and I don't like it. An avatar could be used of me to do anything in most dream states.
D: I know the feeling. We’ve both had thousands of people write in after images of us appear in their dreams.
We have to remind them that we are not literally traveling there, nor are we aware of what they experienced.
. . .
D: Buzz appears to have been able to see it as well, only to then have some health issues.
C: His old heart probably about pounded out of his Mars Mission shirt.
. . .
Certainly anything from such blokes is likely to be rife with misinformation, disinformation etc. even though I could believe that they told the absolute truth as they believed it; as they were told and believed what they were told.
Complexities abound--real and unreal.
I believe things will get even more complex and 'off-the-wall' 'fantastic.'
Only those, going forward, who have their hearts, spirits, minds focused on He who IS Truth will know which way is up, much more so, which way to go; when to go and when to stand still.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 03:18:57 am by Quix »
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Offline Quix

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. . . note folks . . . the comment that more than 1/3 of government in the USA and EU are involved in the evil doings with sexually abusing and sacrificing children to satan.

. . . let that sink in . . . 1/3.

I'd guessed it was a big chunk . . . 1/3 . . . ugh . . . I read recently that such elites sacrifice a young child to satan in the USA EVERY DAY.

« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 03:22:53 am by Quix »
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Offline Quix

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Alternate Realities ping list ping to the OP & thread:

@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe

imho, there are several purported 'factoids' in the excerpts worth noting and monitoring in the near term.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 03:33:42 am by Quix »
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No "flash frozen" - continental drift takes many many many centuries

Offline Quix

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No "flash frozen" - continental drift takes many many many centuries

There's lots of curious points in the narrative.

None of us were around.

We sure believe it takes millennia.

But I don't know that that's the only explanation for "flash frozen." I realize it was part of their narrative.

Who knows what percentage and what points in that narrative are totally or mostly false? And what was the deliberate disinformation they wanted to seed with that narrative?

I think the stuff about the critters playing various roles in the not distant future is some of the more interesting bits.

And the bit about betrayal being one of satan's and his secret societies' major memes, strategies, habits . . .
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Online roamer_1

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But I don't know that that's the only explanation for "flash frozen." I realize it was part of their narrative.

I might mention the arctic - where Mammoth and other ice age fauna are routinely found 'flash-frozen'... with fresh plants still in their mouths, they died that quickly...
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 07:07:25 am by roamer_1 »

Offline Quix

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I might mention the arctic - where Mammoth and other ice age fauna are routinely found 'flash-frozen'... with fresh plants still in their mouths, they died that quickly...


We pitifully finite humans think we have soooo much figured out . . . and most of the time, we do good to know our left hand from our right.

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Offline Victoria33

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That article was so mixed up with this and that and that, it makes little sense.
About a sex ring and our government:  That is also ridiculous and here is why:
Our government is made up of our Representatives and Senators from OUR states.

I know the Texas group is not involved in such.  What about yours?  Usually, people who follow government, know their reps. and senators and their character or they would not have voted for them.  Sure, there are a few who go off the deep end and have a sex problem but not enough to get together and devise a complicated sex ring.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 03:50:33 pm by Victoria33 »

Online roamer_1

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We pitifully finite humans think we have soooo much figured out . . . and most of the time, we do good to know our left hand from our right.


The hubris and sophistry of the religion called science. I couldn't agree more.

That doesn't mean that I can endorse this subject, as I have little information with which to endorse it... But for others to come and say it is impossible is not sustainable either.

I DO know (and have seen) ice-age Megafauna flash-frozen in the arctic, which in and of itself makes the premise of flash-freezing possible... And I have seen ancient maps depicting the antarctic coastline quite accurately - something we cannot do without ice penetrating satellites - indicating that the coasts were once free of the ice that now entombs them... Making the premise of cities present on the continent equally possible.

However, being me (as you know), I will abstain from speculating until more evidence presents. : )

What a find, if true tho, eh?

Offline Idaho_Cowboy

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No "flash frozen" - continental drift takes many many many centuries
I haven't checked out the entire article yet, but off the top of my head there were mammoths frozen standing up in the arctic they seemed flash frozen. 
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour

Offline Cripplecreek

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No "flash frozen" - continental drift takes many many many centuries

I read this idiocy elsewhere a week or so back and just knew it would end up posted here.

Offline andy58-in-nh

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Now that was an... ummm...interesting... article....

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"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of Men who wanted to be left Alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

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I haven't checked out the entire article yet, but off the top of my head there were mammoths frozen standing up in the arctic they seemed flash frozen. 

Absolutely indeed.

I don't know what to make of all the Antarctica stuff. imho, there's far too much smoke for there to be absolutely nothing underneath it all.

I don't think the Admn Byrd stuff was all made up by any means.

The recent stuff--who knows. Linda Moulton Howe has a number of sources giving her info on her

site. Time will tell. And in terms of such goings on, I do believe that fact will turn out to be a lot stranger than fiction.

However, those who fancy themselves to be supremely intelligent with a total grasp of all the facts known to man--will continue to pontificate as though their pronouncements as to fact and fiction are superior to the knowledge of the Pope, the living Presidents, Harvard, Stanford and Oxford combined.  . . . humility never being something they've treked within a galactic cluster of association with.

Myself--I collect puzzle pieces . . . and wait to see what connections or confirmations or disconfirmations surface in any lasting way.
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There's lots of curious points in the narrative.

None of us were around.

We sure believe it takes millennia.

But I don't know that that's the only explanation for "flash frozen." I realize it was part of their narrative.

Who knows what percentage and what points in that narrative are totally or mostly false? And what was the deliberate disinformation they wanted to seed with that narrative?

I think the stuff about the critters playing various roles in the not distant future is some of the more interesting bits.

And the bit about betrayal being one of satan's and his secret societies' major memes, strategies, habits . . .

And @geronl and @Idaho_Cowboy :

Charles Hapgood was one of the proponents of the theory of catastrophic pole shift, where the location of the poles could shift 15-30 degrees literally overnight. This (the theory went) was due to shifts in the Earth's rotation causing the crust to "slip" over the mantle; thus a hapless mammoth munching grass one day in temperate climes might find himself literally in Arctic conditions hours later, and be "flash frozen".

Needless to say, these theories pre-date the idea of continental plates that geologists have now, and are generally discredited.
Let it burn.

Offline Quix

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And @geronl and @Idaho_Cowboy :

Charles Hapgood was one of the proponents of the theory of catastrophic pole shift, where the location of the poles could shift 15-30 degrees literally overnight. This (the theory went) was due to shifts in the Earth's rotation causing the crust to "slip" over the mantle; thus a hapless mammoth munching grass one day in temperate climes might find himself literally in Arctic conditions hours later, and be "flash frozen".

Needless to say, these theories pre-date the idea of continental plates that geologists have now, and are generally discredited.

Right . . .

Then there's the expanding earth theory . . .
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Offline Cripplecreek

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 The theory was widely accepted till something better came along that explained things better. One of the problem's with Hapgood's theory is the fact that the earth isn't perfectly round. Displacement would throw up massive mountain ranges in the polar regions and massive cracks in equatorial regions.

As far as flash frozen fauna found in standing position is concerned, there are plenty of ways to explain it without them alive one moment and frozen the next. Animals may have wandered into boggy ground and gotten stuck there and died. Other animals may have been feeding in deep snow and died on their feet. I've also picked a lot of rocks out of the same field year after year to know that the soil moves quite a bit on its own.

Offline Quix

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Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Quix

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The theory was widely accepted till something better came along that explained things better. One of the problem's with Hapgood's theory is the fact that the earth isn't perfectly round. Displacement would throw up massive mountain ranges in the polar regions and massive cracks in equatorial regions.

As far as flash frozen fauna found in standing position is concerned, there are plenty of ways to explain it without them alive one moment and frozen the next. Animals may have wandered into boggy ground and gotten stuck there and died. Other animals may have been feeding in deep snow and died on their feet. I've also picked a lot of rocks out of the same field year after year to know that the soil moves quite a bit on its own.


There are aspects

of how the grass, flowers in the Mammoths' mouths etc. were frozen that indicated some strange kind of 'flash' freezing.

IIRC, your explanations just did not fit the evidence.
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There are aspects

of how the grass, flowers in the Mammoths' mouths etc. were frozen that indicated some strange kind of 'flash' freezing.

IIRC, your explanations just did not fit the evidence.

When you limit the evidence that way, certainly.

Offline Cripplecreek

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When you limit the evidence that way, certainly.

Most animals just don't brush their teeth before or after death.

Offline Idaho_Cowboy

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Most animals just don't brush their teeth before or after death.
If memory serves. They had undigested plant matter in their stomachs meaning the contents of the stomach were frozen before the acid could break it down. It's a bit of a head scratcher if nothing else.
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour

Offline Quix

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That article was so mixed up with this and that and that, it makes little sense.
About a sex ring and our government:  That is also ridiculous and here is why:
Our government is made up of our Representatives and Senators from OUR states.

I know the Texas group is not involved in such.  What about yours?  Usually, people who follow government, know their reps. and senators and their character or they would not have voted for them.  Sure, there are a few who go off the deep end and have a sex problem but not enough to get together and devise a complicated sex ring.

I do hope Texas is not guilty of the too common in such regards.

And, I hope your assertions are truer than I think.

However, sorry, but I have to quibble about this issue.

The evidence is considerable--piled rather high, actually.

And, if one knows some high ranking investigators, detectives . . . one can usually get some sobering stories, fast.

I think this narrative by the retired NYPD detective/investigator is far too accurate.

These folks have been covering for one another for a very long time.

I do hope his assertion about "70%, in some cases" is overblown . . . but I doubt it is.

We know from the Biblical prophecies that lawlessness will be extreme in these END TIMES. So, we were warned.

We were warned about it being "as in the days of Noah." . . . all that fits.

Also, in terms of sex rings among the high and mighty in Texas . . . you might do some reading or youtubing re LBJ's long term mistress and her narrative.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 09:25:54 pm by Quix »
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Offline Quix

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I didn't realize the 'flash-freeze' issue was that controversial.

Here's a link:

. . .
Mount McKinley (i.e., Denali) in Alaska has been know to experience Flash Freeze events
    Temperatures dip as low as -75° F (-60° C) with windchill temperatures down to -118° F (-83° C), cold enough to flash freeze a human
    These temperatures have been recorded at the automated Mount McKinley Weather Station at 18,700 feet (5,700 meters) 2
Certain “Brinicles” or “Underwater Icicles” in Antarctica are know to be so cold that they instantly freeze starfish to death just be touching them
. . .

= = = =

Evidently the story is not as simple as I'd understood.

Supposedly there's only been about 4 mostly intact frozen mammoths. And most such animals had their internal organs rotted out.

There are some hypotheses that are somewhat plausible about flash-freezing mammoths . . . but most seem more than a little 'out there.'

It is a narrative that began decades ago . . . I forget the book's author . . . S.... And I think he was mostly speculating. He wasn't basing it on meticulous, solid scientific investigation.

However, there is an interesting theory about Noah's flood time . . . of great geysers spewing tons of water "from the deep" . . . water reservoirs the Bible speaks of deep within the earth . . . .spewing tons of water very high up--that could have come back down very cold . . . resulting in flash freezing.

Anyway--it sounds like an iffy enough issue to not bet one's farm on it.

Yet, there are evidently ways that it could possibly have happened.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/