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New York should seize Trump Tower


New York should seize Trump Tower
By Catherine Rampell Opinion writer December 12 at 7:46 PM


The challenges of securing this 58-story building in a high-density neighborhood will, by Inauguration Day alone, drain $35 million of local taxpayer money. Who knows the additional costs to commerce and property values?

The feds have thus far been stingy about footing the bill. Fortunately, I’ve come up with a solution that should warm the cockles of the president-elect’s heart: New York should use eminent domain to seize Trump Tower.


...thanks to a 2005 Supreme Court ruling, perpetuating a line of earlier decisions, governments may now use this power to condemn property if they can devise virtually any use that better promotes “economic development” — kicking out poor people and building luxury condos, for example.

On both left and right, almost everyone hated that ruling.

But not Donald Trump.

Trump loves eminent domain, especially this ruling. He thinks it’s wonderful. And there’s no question why: Throughout his career, Trump has lobbied governments to seize properties from those who refuse to sell when he wants to build amusement parks, golf courses, office buildings and parking lots on their land. He believes expansive use of eminent domain is necessary to promote economic growth and “beautification,” and that it’s even a good deal for property owners who don’t want to sell.

“When eminent domain is used on somebody’s property, that person gets a fortune,” he has declared.


Excerpt.  Read more here.

I've put in the hotlinks that were in this excerpt.  There are lots more in the original piece.  I think it's a great idea!

It could work.   Then sell it to the DNC.

Weird Tolkienish Figure:
Wasn't the WaPo once a serious newspaper?


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