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Rex Tillerson, Wrong Man for State - Frank Gaffney Jr., CSP blog



--- Quote ---Rex Tillerson, Wrong Man for State
Frank Gaffney, Jr.
December 12, 2016 | [CSP Journal]

Donald Trump has lined up an impressive array of demonstrably capable people to fill the senior ranks of his administration.  His instincts have served him well, until now.

In the face of a political firestorm fanned by reports that the U.S. intelligence community is convinced Vladimir Putin’s Russia interfered in the recent presidential election campaign, Mr. Trump is considering making Exxon-Mobil chairman Rex Tillerson his Secretary of State.  While Mr. Tillerson is clearly an extraordinary executive, his business dealings and personal ties with Putin would make him a real liability for the President-elect.

Three Republican Senators – John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio – have already expressed concerns about a Tillerson nomination. That’s enough to sink it.  More will doubtless pile on.

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--- End quote ---

Nothing here we didn't know already, this is just a blurb but I thought it merited being posted. I thought Gaffney had been helping advise Trump and of course, their organization is a big supporter of Bolton.


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