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It’s Not a Junta...By Rich Lowry


 It’s Not a Junta
Despite claiming to regret crying wolf, the Left doesn’t seem to have learned much about hyperbole.
By Rich Lowry — December 13, 2016

President-elect Donald Trump has already committed a grave offense against our system of government by forming a “junta,” according to his critics.

The Trump junta consists of three former generals whom the president-elect has tapped for top national-security positions, with others still under consideration. Like much of what Trump does, the military selections have inflamed people who pride themselves on their knowledge and discernment into flights of self-discrediting outrage.

There are only a few problems with the charge that Trump is creating a junta, a term associated with Latin America and which the Cambridge dictionary defines as “a small group, especially of military officers, that rules a country after taking power by force.”



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