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Commentary: What happened to the anti-Trump conservatives? (CBS)

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By/ Will Rahn/ CBS News/ December 9, 2016, 6:00 AM

Commentary: What happened to the anti-Trump conservatives?

Where are all those #NeverTrump conservatives now that the Park Avenue populist has won the presidency?

In a sense, that’s an unfair question: plenty of conservative writers and intellectuals are still knocking Donald Trump. His deal with Carrier to keep a thousand or so jobs in the U.S. evoked particular scorn, as it was a deviation from the free-market orthodoxy still popular among professional thinkers on the right.
But it’s fair to say the criticisms of Trump coming from the right are more muted than they were during the campaign. The New Yorker’s Matt Feeney made this point earlier in the week, prompting a number of conservative writers to note on social media that they’re still criticizing Trump.

But Feeney was largely correct when he noted that magazines like National Review, which devoted an entire issue to castigating Trump during the primaries, has moved on to other, more enticing targets, such as all the despairing lefty protesters.

Really, who could blame conservatives, even those in the #NeverTrump camp, from feeling a bit of schadenfreude? The left is in chaos. Segments of the hated media are distraught. The GOP dominates the government in a way it hasn’t since the 1920s. Harry Reid and President Obama, the two most effective opponents of the conservative project in this century, are both leaving office.
To much of the right commentariat, Trump is still distasteful, and his economic agenda reeks to them of Keynesianism. Otherwise, these are happy days for conservatives, regardless of whom they backed in the primaries.   

And this newfound happiness has taken many conservatives, naturally a rather pessimistic lot, by surprise. Before the election, Washington Republicans were all geared up for a civil war, a period of internecine bloodletting that would make their Obama-era disputes seem quaint.

This faction was readying for battle with that faction. Purges were planned, because there’s nothing conservatives love more than a purge in the ranks. The big question, come November 9th, was supposed to be how the GOP could possibly resurrect itself.

That’s because there was probably no one in America more convinced that Donald Trump would lose than Washington Republicans. He’d done everything wrong. He didn’t have a ground game. He seemed unstable and obnoxious. He never listened to them.


   Thank You myst and important 'others' here for giving US a safe place.


--- Quote from: corbe on December 10, 2016, 01:02:43 am ---   Thank You myst and important 'others' here for giving US a safe place.

--- End quote ---

Trump IS unstable and Obnoxious and I'm still here.

As I put in my tagline: "The enemy of my enemies may not be my friend, but it's still fun watching him make my enemies squirm."


We are still anti-Trump and still conservative, unlike Trump


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