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Good riddance Harry Reid



Good riddance Harry Reid
By Washington Examiner • 12/9/16 12:01 AM

In a Thursday op-ed in the New York Times, Democratic Leader Harry Reid of Nevada wrote ruefully on the occasion of his retirement, addressing what many liberals have described as the "post-truth" world. After all, how else could they have lost the 2016 election?

"Much of the responsibility for separating what is real and what is fake," Reid solemnly asserted, "will fall on Democrats."

What claptrap! And how ironic! For Reid will be best remembered not for his parliamentary skill, not for any bill he sponsored, not even for the controversial way in which he changed the rules of the Senate. Rather, he will be remembered for the amoral dishonesty of a hoax he played on the Senate floor, for which he remains completely unrepentant to this day. This is fitting, because there is no incident in Reid's career that better exemplifies the cynical leadership he brought to his party as its Senate leader.



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Cloaked in legislative immunity, Reid told the Senate and the nation that he had it on good authority that Mitt Romney, then running against President Obama, had not any paid federal taxes in a decade. He described his source as an investor in Bain Capital, where Romney had worked.

This was a flat out lie, and has been proven false. But not only has Reid not apologized. He is proud of himself. When CNN's Dana Bash asked him about it a year ago, he replied glibly, "Romney didn't win, did he?"

This is Reid's morality: Win, at any cost, by any means necessary. It's a toxic worldview, and his years as a Senate leader have poisoned the institution he professes to love. 
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Here's how I will remember Harry Reid (and I still want to know who beat him up---I owe them flowers)  888blackhat 


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