Author Topic: Is Yale on the verge of changing its name?  (Read 309 times)

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Is Yale on the verge of changing its name?
« on: December 09, 2016, 02:04:33 pm »
December 9, 2016
Is Yale on the verge of changing its name?
By Ed Straker

My alma mater, Yale University, embroiled in the latest PC controversy about the renaming of one of its dormitories, or residential colleges, named after John C. Calhoun, has announced a process under which students may petition to have the name of Calhoun College (or any other residential college) changed. One wonders however, if this will only be the beginning, rather than the end, because Yale itself is also named for someone connected to the slave trade, Elihu Yale.

This is hardly a new development, politically speaking, for Yale. In my day there were fliers in big 50 point font screaming "LESBIAN IS LUSCIOUS!" posted in Yale Station; Morse College hosted a huge sculpture of a giant lipstick on a tank, the statue of Nathan Hale was regularly defaced on the Old Campus, an oval pool that dripped water seasonally called the "Women's Table" was put in front of Sterling Memorial Library; and people wore pink triangle buttons and even giant pink triangle sweaters as a fashion statement. Viewed in this light, the Calhoun controversy is only the latest iteration of the restless urge to find wounds on the basis of race, sex, and class.

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Re: Is Yale on the verge of changing its name?
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2016, 02:07:04 pm »
They could name it Intolerant U., or Closed Mind College.