Author Topic: Trump assembles a war cabinet to meet foreign threats - Cliff Kincaid  (Read 375 times)

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December 6, 2016
Trump assembles a war cabinet to meet foreign threats
By Cliff Kincaid

With the selections of General James N. "Mad Dog" Mattis as Secretary of Defense and Lt. General Michael T. Flynn as national security adviser, President-elect Donald J. Trump has indicated that he is prepared to meet foreign threats from Russia, China, and global Islam. Indeed, Flynn argues in his book The Field of Fight that the U.S. is facing a "working coalition" of enemies that includes radical Islamists, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.

The subtitle, How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies, suggests that radical Islam is the main enemy. But the content of the book suggests something else – that Russia and China are behind this "enemy alliance" of countries and movements trying to destroy us.

"We face a formidable group of terrorists and hostile countries, and we've got to be better prepared to compete or we will need to be ready to destroy them," says Flynn.

Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, has been known for his criticism of President Obama for failing to identify radical Islamists as the enemy. But his book expands the list of enemies to Russia, which seems like a strange pick since Flynn had appeared at the Russia Today (RT) propaganda channel's 10th anniversary celebration in Moscow, sitting next to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Flynn's co-author, Michael Ledeen, dismisses concern about Flynn's attendance at the RT dinner, saying, "He attended a conference in Moscow, and ended up sitting next to the Russian dictator." That conference was sponsored by a Moscow-funded channel described as KGB-TV by a leading Soviet defector because of its transmission of Russian government propaganda and disinformation.

Ledeen said that Flynn's critics should read their book to understand his real views on Russia, and that he is not being soft on the Russians.

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