Author Topic: Sheila Jackson Lee beclowns herself on the Ohio State terror attack  (Read 3141 times)

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Re: Sheila Jackson Lee beclowns herself on the Ohio State terror attack
« Reply #25 on: November 29, 2016, 10:23:27 pm »
Liberals/Democrats are preprogrammed automatons. They function like robots, with no rational thinking behind what they do.

Must vote for Democrat in all cases no matter what. (the DNC knows best, better than I, whom I should vote for)
Gun equals racism. (unless it is used by any of the myriad of "protected groups" (special rights groups) as designated by Dems)
Police are always wrong. (unless they are protecting Liberals)
White people, and only White people, are all racists. (White people are the only racial group on Earth that is racist)
Muslims are innocent victims of White oppression worldwide. (they have a right, to kill their oppressors)
Muslims are being persecuted for their religion. (the fact that they murder innocents everywhere has nothing to do with it)
Black people are persecuted by White people, and only White people, because of their skin color. (not because of their crime rate)
Homosexuals are persecuted by Christians. (really, it is the other way around)
And on, and on, and on...

This list is too long to continue. But, needless to say, Liberals and Democrats are astounding in their hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance. And because they are preprogrammed robots, it is impossible to debate with them or to discuss anything. Everything they believe is 'settle science' in their minds. And there is no way to get through the firewall that was installed in each of them by their programmers.

We can only hope that the laws of nature take over, and these defective people are no longer able to survive or breed in real reality. Only then can we regain control of the asylum and return to an objective, fact based, normal society.

This really looks like your list of things you believe about anyone not exactly like you.