Author Topic: Rush: From Fake News Conspiracies to the Jill Stein Recount, the Left Is Trying to Delegitimize Trump's Presidency  (Read 914 times)

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From Fake News Conspiracies to the Jill Stein Recount, the Left Is Trying to Delegitimize Trump's Presidency
November 28, 2016
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RUSH: I have never in my life, ladies and gentlemen, never in my life ever been in a situation like this where I literally doubt everything I see in the news.

You know, this fake news business, the Democrats, I warned everybody, and it's gonna continue every day for the next four years. Everything that you see, this Jill Stein recount, all of this attention to fake news.  The Washington Post has made a fool of itself with a massive story on fake news, as though there has never been satire or parody or lies in the media.

Thomas Jefferson wrote about it, about how all the lies, so many lies appeared in the daily media way back in the earliest days of the founding of the country.  To pretend that it's something new and from Russia. I mean, these are the people, the Soviet Union back in the days of Soviet sponsored communism, when any of us in this country tried to point to the Soviet Union and ring alarm bells, it was people like the Washington Post who made fun of us and pooh-poohed us and said, "Come on.  Are you the kind of person that sees a communist behind every rock?  You are insane.  You're a lunatic.  The communists are not that bad."

They just did everything they could to lampoon and impugn anybody who wanted to point out the dangers and rigors of communism.  They're doing the same thing now with people trying to tell the truth about Castro.  Now, those people are now pointing fingers of blame at the old Soviet Union, Russia, and claiming that Russia is behind the election of Donald Trump because Russia sponsored fake news all over social media and so forth.

They are doing everything they're doing to delegitimize the Trump election right now, and then they will move forward to try to delegitimize the Trump presidency.  That's what all of this is about.  Now, with the Jill Stein recount, there's much more than that going on, but that's part of it.  The delegitimizing of the Trump election, his victory and his upcoming presidency.  Just look at it as a replay of Florida 2000 with different circumstances.

This recount that she's mounted here is such a scam, and it's such a fraud on so many levels.  But its secret purpose -- and there might be two or three secret purposes -- the overall primary reason for it, outside of raising money for Jill Stein -- you know what this also could be?  It could also be a trial balloon for Obama to see how easy he could get rich like the Clintons did when they left office.  I mean, if there are this many ticked-off Democrats willing to send in thousands of dollars at the first conspiracy note, imagine how Obama might be salivating out there at the opportunity he's got to become Obama Inc.

Now, this fake news business, let me tell you why it's even a factor. It's the same thing I said here at the opening of the program.  I don't know what to believe in the mainstream media anymore.  My instinct is to not believe any of it, and it's their fault.  They got this ball rolling.  They are the people, I hate to say this 'cause I like this guy, Jim Rutenberg at the New York Times, we highlighted the story he wrote sometime this past summer.

A front-page article in the New York Times pretty much encouraging journalists to throw objectivity out the window, throw it aside, because the circumstances are so dire. The candidacy of Donald Trump and the potential election of Donald Trump so dire, circumstances so extreme that they had to throw out all the rules, all the objectivity, all the fairness, they had to become activists.  They had to become advocates.  They had to become opinion journalists.  And they did.  The New York Times urged the media.  And never were objective and they never were fair.  All that was a pretense and an illusion.

But they threw the illusion out the window.  So when the Drive-By Media, led by the New York Times, openly encourages itself and others to cast aside the time-honored traditions and rules and principles of journalism, when they admit they're gonna become fake news, how can you blame anybody else for getting into it?

Fake news has been so blown out of proportion anyway.  What it largely is is satire and parody that liberals don't understand because they don't have a sense of humor, particularly if it's about them.  You can't laugh at them, you can't mock them, you can't make fun of them like they can laugh at and mock and make fun of everybody else. But you try it against them and you've got -- well, you've got potentially dangerous situations wherever this happens, 'cause they just can't take it.

And, of course, they can't come to grips with the fact that they were rejected in this election, so they have to come up with some sort of excuse.  And you won't believe some of the things they're coming up with.  Try this.  There's a guy in the Washington Post who wrote a story that, "Well, you know, this election, you guys may have won it, but do you know that 64% of the economic activity in this country voted for Hillary?"

In other words, in the areas of the country where 64% of economic growth is, the coast, New York, California, Hollywood, they voted Democrat.  And 36% voted Trump.  So the economic engine of America actually voted Hillary.  And they've come up with a couple of other weird, oddball examples, and they're gonna come up with more, and that's genuine fake news, because they cannot acknowledge, they cannot accept that they've been rejected.

What is it, this -- I'll get to it in a minute.  I've got all this laid out to get to it in order.  I'm just getting a tabletop view of what's coming today, but they've got all kinds of stories they're telling themselves to, in effect, lie and tell themselves they actually won this were it not for the Electoral College.  In fact, CNN has a poll.  Ready for this?  Did I put it on top?  CNN has a poll showing that eight in 10 voters want the Democrat agenda enacted.

"Eighty percent of people who --" yes siree bob.  "Eighty percent of the people who voted in the election want --" here we go. "CNN/ORC poll: A Nation Divided, and is it ever -- After a bruising presidential election featuring the two least liked major-party candidates in recent history, more than 8-in-10 Americans say the country is more deeply divided on major issues this year than in the past several years, according to a new CNN/ORC poll. And more than half say they are dissatisfied with the way democracy is working in the U.S. ...  Nearly 80% overall hope to see the GOP-controlled government incorporate some Democratic policies into its agenda."

Classic.  They can create a poll that produces whatever result they want, but you want fake news, here you've got fake news.  Eighty percent of the people in America want the Republicans to incorporate a lot of Democrat policies into its agenda.  "Almost 8-in-10, however, say the Republicans should make an effort to include Democratic policies in any legislation they pass rather than sticking to a GOP-driven agenda."

This happens every time the Republicans win.  Every time a Republican wins the White House, whenever Republicans win control of Congress, the Drive-Bys always claim that the message is voters want a balanced and divided government.  This is gonna lead -- mark my words, it isn't gonna be long, first six months of next year that we're gonna start seeing people like Chuck Schumer and the likes start bleating about the rights of the minority.  It's gonna be something you're gonna need a real stiff spine to deal with.

But the fake news, believe me, folks, if you want to get to the root of this current iteration of it, they're trying to blame the Russians for it.  See, the Democrats can't lose on their own.  There always has to be some trick.  It's impossible for them to be rejected, even though they've lost over 1,200 seats since 2008, since they ceased to be a national party.  They really are not a national party.  They have been decimated.  But they're lying to themselves and telling them they actually outnumber us, and they overwhelm us, and they're more powerful than we are and it's just The Electoral College that made this an oddball result, so Trump -- dadelut dadelut -- is not legitimate.

And one of the great comforts they point to is fake news, and I'm just telling you they are responsible for it when they, led by New York Times, announce publicly that they are going to throw in with Hillary Clinton, that they're going to use every bit of power, all the resources they have to trash Trump and elect Hillary, you can say bye-bye journalism, you can say bye-bye to the pretense of it, even though there hasn't been anything but a pretense of journalism, objective journalism for years, but they made it official.  So when they throw away the time-honored, sacred principles of journalism in a public way, well, then there is no legitimate journalism to be found anywhere, therefore everything is fake news.  They're bringing all of this on themselves.

By the way, for those of you concerned -- (interruption) yeah, we'll get to Conway and Romney.  That's interesting what's happening, Kellyanne Conway and Romney and Trump, really fascinating what's going on.  I think we're in store for a presidency even more unlike any that people have been imagining.  I think it's gonna be tough to predict this and to analyze it, certainly in contemporary, traditional terms.

But many of you still, I'm sure, are upset over the possibility that Trump will not pursue an investigation of Hillary Clinton.  Now, that could be all off, too, what with Hillary getting behind this Jill Stein effort on this phony, fake recount.  However, a little story at the New York Post from yesterday.  I don't know how many of you saw it. "Trump Administration Will Pressure Foreign States to Probe Clinton Foundation"  Did you see this?

"Foreign governments will be encouraged to investigate the Clinton Foundation’s finances, as many are already turning off money spigots to the scandal-scarred group."  You know, that could be another thing going on with Jill Stein.  You know what else this could be about?  Do you know this Jill Stein babe has raised more money for this recount than she raised for her campaign?  She has raised more money in two or three weeks than she raised in months for her entire presidential campaign.

And the fascinating thing about this recount fundraising scam, she started out saying she would need a million-and-a-half dollars to do the recount in three states.  And as donations kept coming in, the amount of money she said she needed kept increasing.  Now she's up to needing four-and-a-half or $5 million.  The more money she gets, the more money she says she needs.  It's clearly a scam.

What if some of the donors are indeed Clinton Foundation donors who have been hoodwinked into thinking this is a genuine effort to get Hillary elected president so that the money they sent to her foundation could actually be worth something?  There could be any number of possibilities to explain why so much money is flowing into this recount effort.  And we may not need to really complicate it with a bunch of different theories.  It's probably staring us right in the face.  The left can't accept rejection, they can't accept defeat, and they're gonna spend the next four years telling themselves they didn't lose, that Trump is illegitimate, and they're gonna have the media just dumping all over the Republicans each and every day, and who knows what role Obama's gonna play in that, but he will be playing one. 

Yeah, the Castro stuff.  This is fascinating, too.  The way the left is reacting to the death of Fidel Castro up against the incontrovertible facts of who he was, you want to talk about a disconnect.  In fact, I don't think it is a disconnect.  I think the left, the power brokers, the leaders, I think they actually did admire the guy.  I think this is what they think Castro's power -- I've always said, the people have asked me, how do these actors and people and these leftist politicians, how come they admire people like this?  I said, "They envy their power."  And I think there may be a lot to that.

Let me take a brief time-out.  We've briefly set the table.


RUSH:  Here are the two greatest examples of the Democrats lying to themselves about how they actually won, and there will be many more of these as time unfolds. But here's Ezra Klein, who is at Vox.  You know, Vox is this Millennial publication where they claim to explain the news.  They don't report the news; they explain what it means, because audiences are too stupid to understand it.  Ezra Klein: "More Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump. More Americans voted for Democratic Senate candidates than for Republican Senate candidates. So why aren’t Democrats acting like it?

"Why aren't they trying to force Republicans, the media, and the emergent Trump White House to act like it?" Why, we won!  We won.  More people voted for Hillary.  We won.  Why aren't our people acting like it?  Ezra, you didn't win.  We elect presidents via the Electoral College.  The popular vote's not a factor -- and if it were, this campaign would have been entirely different.  And rather than 16 states being campaigned in, three or four would have been...  That's why the Electoral College is set up.

But this is really unhinged.  "More Americans Voted for Democrat Senate Candidates than for Republican Senate Candidates." Yeah.  The New York Yankees scored three times runs the pirates did in the 1960 World Series, but the Pirates won the World Series.  Ezra, the Democrats have lost 1,200 seats.  The Democrats have lost something like 69 House seats, 11 Senate seats, 39 governorships.  It's incredible what the Democrats have lost.  You're not winning anything, Ezra.  You're losing to the point that all you are is a coastal party.

Now, here's the next one.  It's from... This guy is Jim Tankersley, Washington Post.  He talks about how divided we are as a country but that the real division is economic.

"According to the Brookings analysis, the less-than-500 counties that Clinton won nationwide combined to generate 64 percent of America’s economic activity in 2015. The more-than-2,600 counties that Trump won combined to generate 36% of the country’s economic activity last year." So less than 500 counties -- 64% economic activity -- voted Hillary.  Mr. Tankersley, you think it would make sense if you looked at this the right way?  Thirty-six percent of the country's economic activity is located in something like 2,600 counties?  That's not good.  Those people there were ticked off, Mr. Tankersley.  Those people want an improved economy.

That's the Obama economy you're talking about.

It makes sense they would vote against it.


RUSH: By the way, I know the Jill Stein recount, everybody involved -- Hillary, Hillary's campaign, Jill Stein -- everybody involved says they haven't found one shred of evidence of any chicanery.  They haven't found any evidence of tampering with votes.  They haven't found any evidence that anything is illegitimate or criminal.  And I was wrong.  Jill Stein's up to needing $7 million.  Her original claim was that she needed a million-and-a-half.  Now she needs $7 million.

originalThere are so many things wrapped up in one here. It's a fundraising scam. It's a trial balloon, I think, for perhaps Obama to see just how fluid and angry Democrat losers are and how freely they will part with their money, depending on what they're being asked to pay for.  And that's another thing, folks, about all of this.  All of these stories designed to tell Democrat voters that they actually won, that it was just the quirks of our democracy and maybe some chicanery and the Russians and fake news which led to Trump's victory, that it's totally illegitimate.  And then you go out, "Send us some money! Send us some money so we can continue our efforts to establish and prove this."

Democrats are writing checks left and right.  Democrats are being scammed by the people responsible for their loss.  It's an amazing thing to see.  But I want to go back to this, 'cause you're gonna see all kinds of these examples as the effort to make the Trump win illegitimate and his presidency illegitimate.  Numbers, I know, are hard to follow on the radio, but I want to go through this because this is the Washington Post.  The Washington Post is quickly trying to become the safe space for Donald Trump deniers, for the Trump-won-the-election deniers.  I think the Washington Post is establishing itself as the safe space for anti-Trump delicate snowflakes to go.

This guy Jim Tankersley says that the divide in America is real and it's big but that it is economic.  And he cites a Brookings Institute analysis.  Hillary Clinton won, and they claim the popular vote, she won in less than 500 counties.  And those counties who number less than 500 generate 64% of economic activity in America.  Trump won 2,600 counties, and all of those counties.  I mean, Hillary, less than one-fifth of the counties that Trump won, and yet those counties generate 64% of the USA Today economy and the 2,600 counties that Trump won only generate 36% of the country's economic activity.

So doesn't it sort of make sense that people who can't get a job and can't find any economic activity and can't get a raise and haven't, doesn't it make sense that they would vote for Trump?  They're not participating in the Obama economy.  They're not participating in the Democrat economy.  It makes total sense.  And yet what they're trying to say here is that, well, the brains and the engine of American prosperity, the smartest people, they voted for Hillary.  The rubes, the idiots, the out-of-work, the lazy, the people that were not making America work, the people not contributing, they voted for Trump, they're idiots.

That's what is being said here.  And, of course, liberal Democrats who read this are just sopping it up.  And they're actually believing that this election -- and this is where they're catching themselves short.  I've read them.  I've studied what they're saying.  They actually think that the Trump election is a weird outlier, that America will instead, and without much effort, will continue to trend in the direction Obama was taking it, that most people wanted that.

And CNN's got a poll for them.  Eight in 10 want Trump to incorporate the Democrat agenda into his.  And so they're telling themselves that there was some weird aberration here and that this is the last dying gasp of Republicans and conservatives.  Trump's election is a last dying gasp, that we get through these four years or however many years it takes to impeach Trump, and then we'll get back to what was normal.  Well, they're gonna lose out on shaping the Supreme Court for at least a generation.  They're gonna have to put up with so much of what Obama implemented being just ripped to shreds and ripped out.

This is much more than an aberration.  The Democrat Party has been reduced to the point it's not a national party anymore.  And these guys citing their statistics, whether they know it or not, are proving it.  They have no representation. They have no appeal. They have nothing about them to recommend them to well over 90% of the geographic area of the country. It's huge, and these people try, "Well, it doesn't matter, because not nearly as many people live there."

"Well, you lost."

"No, we didn't lose the election.  Popular vote we won, we won."  They're telling themselves they won everything.  Mere aberration.  And you know the old saw.  When you have a problem, the first thing to do in addressing it is to honestly identify it.  These people can't even bring themselves to that area.  I think they're headed for even tougher times than they even imagine.

They're also going nuts over Trump tweeting the idea that millions of illegal aliens voted, and if you take those votes out he's probably gonna win the popular vote.  I wish I could remember.  I saw that somewhere.  It was an opinion piece someplace, and I can't remember where. And I even referenced it on this program when I saw it that there are people looking into it and that we will know at some point.  The Democrats are acting like, "Oh, my God, they're accusing fraud?  There's no evidence of any fraud."  These are the people before the election were running around claiming there already was fraud.

These are the people before the election were warning of it, and they were telling everybody be on the lookout for it. They had their lawyers at all the polling places.  They were expecting fraud.  They use fraud.  They have perfected it.  They opposed voter ID so that they can engage in it.  And now all of a sudden when Trump references the possibility, these people, "No, no, no.  This election was clean and pure as the wind-driven snow."  Except, except now they want to look at maybe recounting in three states where they can't find any evidence of chicanery, they can't find any evidence of tampering.

originalAnd yet they must think there was some or they wouldn't want these recounts.  And yet when Trump alludes to possible fraud, they laugh at it and mock it and say it's ridiculous, while at the same time they're trying to find it.  Of course, not their own.  The don't want to find the evidence of illegal aliens voting.  No, no.  They want to find discrepancies between machine tabulations and paper ballots, and they want to look at these variations, if there are any, and claim the machines were tampered with by the Russians.  By Vladimir Putin, the Russians.

Now, keep in mind this is the same party that got in bed with the Soviet Union everywhere it could around the world, including Cuba, including Nicaragua, including Ted Kennedy warning and begging Soviet leaders to be patient until they could get rid of Reagan.  The same people who have done the bidding of the Soviet Union in the U.S. House of Representatives.  Yes, I know exactly what I'm saying.  The Democrat Party has had a friendly, supportive relationship with every communist regime on this planet in my lifetime.  And now all of a sudden their buddies, the Soviets, i.e., Putin and the Russians, have abandoned them and are now sabotaging them for the purpose of election.

These people are deranged.  I think they're out of their minds.  They've literally lost their minds.  They don't know what they're talking about.  They're talking, they're flapping just to hear their heads rattle.  They have no semblance of substance in anything that they are talking about now, and they're bringing along their deranged, lunatic fringe, which is their base, right along with 'em, and it's contributing to this whole idea of a divided country with no hope for crossing the gap or bridging the gap.

So you sit tight my friends.  I'm wound up about all this and I'm gonna try to squeeze as many of your phone calls in. 

« Last Edit: November 28, 2016, 06:57:39 pm by mystery-ak »
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