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Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« on: October 29, 2016, 09:39:22 pm »
I've reviewed thousands of the Podesta Wikileaks over the past week and I wanted to jot down some observations that didn't make it into individual threads. Just some inner workings of the DNC and Hillary's staff. (stream of thought, no order of importance)   -- Note, thread below is continually updated -- Also note, these are not the big call-outs or findings. More like observations that aren't worthy of their own thread. Big findings are in the Scandal Watch category.

John Podesta seems to be a player. Possibly having an affair. One woman has asked him over for leftovers several times and signs emails XOXO.

Podesta is obsessed with UFOs but even with his access, has no evidence and refers to the same fringe internet stuff as the average kook. He even complains the CIA has blown him off on questions.

Podesta also loves conspiracy theories. There is a big chain involving his suggesting concepts for The House of Cards.

Podesta seems to have his hands into all aspects of politics, meets with the President, meets with the press, approves speeches, everyone comes to him for advice.

Not a surprise, but Huma is Hillary's main go-between for the rest of the staff. Hillary sends her stuff to print. However, other than Podesta, most don't like Huma or are at least wary of her. Huma, Cherly Mills, and John Podesta, along with Mook, seem to be Hillary's close inner circle.

Hillary and Cheryl Mills seem to be in regular fights.

Everyone loves WJC and look to him as a godfather. Not so much about Hillary.

Al Gore hates Hillary, and vice versa.

Hillary's staff doesn't take Joe Biden seriously. Didn't give two licks about his endorsement.

Hillary does not like Obama at all. They tried to sabotage him in 08, feel he was taking the party away from them.

Chelsea and WJC are very close and she is very protective of him. She does 'cry to daddy' a lot, but it seems that may be over-blown, she seems to be looking out for people taking advantage of him. She is a daddy's girl.

Chelsea doesn't really mention her mom hardly at all. If she does, it is in a cold, business sense.

WJC seems to be a people pleaser, has trouble saying no, they have to keep his visits on a short leash. He wants to give too much away.  Especially from the Clinton Foundation (example, someone at the CF was asking Podesta to step in because WJC wanted to fund too many medication programs that cost too much).

One thing that really jumped out-- in their private emails, they are 'true believers'. They actually believe they are helping the poor and middle class and the republicans are in it for the rich. These are private conversations. They believe as surely about that as we do in our beliefs about them. It is just window dressing for a bigger conspiracy.

The Soros foundation and George have a lot of influence and everyone wants to meet him. Podesta seems to be the person people call when they need an invite. They even go out of the country to meet him. He tries to have a hand in policy statements. He also seems to be a true believer (he actually thinks he is helping people, doesn't indicate he is using cover stories for other purposes).

Gorebull Warming/Climate Change is a huge issue for them and drives a lot. Once again, they are absolute true believers and repeat the same rhetoric in private- Republicans are science deniers, we are the ones engaging in conspiracies to help big oil, etc.

Every HRC speech is vetted through a staff.

All policy statements go to HRC. She has a lot more control than we probably suspect.

They like WJC better than HRC but they respect her more.

Did I mention they don't like Obama?

...I'm sure I'll remember and discover more as I keep digging...

« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 02:40:16 am by AbaraXas »

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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2016, 09:59:44 pm »
Good stuff, thanks!

Offline ABX

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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2016, 10:03:36 pm »
More observations:
The detail of analytic and modeling is unbelievable. They can model, nationwide, neighborhood by neighborhood and calculate how many people they can swing based on ad buys or local activists posting messages. They can look at how they can cross over these to apply the best specific message in the right place. They are using some heavy computing power for this.

I don't think the Republicans have anything close to their modeling software.

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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2016, 10:06:30 pm »
HRC is on the phone a LOT to engage with lawmakers about her campaign.

This is one day's schedule.

Note, those are HRC personal calls, not someone in her staff. (through line 57)
Several are conference calls.

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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2016, 10:09:19 pm »
They actually are managing HRC's events to smaller groups. They don't want large crowd events because they want 100% control of the visuals.

They are using pool reporters and individual stringers to get stories out more than letting each network attend the event. (ie, one person that writes stories and distributes them to all the networks).

HRC likes events with around 100 people, not stadium events.

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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2016, 10:47:42 pm »
Regarding WJC/HRC relationship. They actually use go-betweens to communicate with each other regarding schedules.

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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2016, 04:29:03 am »

I think you unwarrantedly dismiss Podesta's true level of knowledge about UFO's and conspiracy stuff--evidently without sufficient research into the realities involved yourself.

Certainly it is hard to guess just what he does know. However it's not a hard guess that he knows a LOT more than he's let on in public . . . or likely even in vulnerable emails about.

He has to realize his life is expendable, too, if he missteps too seriously.

He likely has been in touch with the faction of the super-elite who have been arguing with their counterparts off and on for years about disclosing major portions of such realities to the public.

The major sticking point is evidently fear of criminal and civil suits costing them tons of money and their freedom--from politicos to major defense contractors.

Before OThuga was installed, people were championing OThuga's selection of Podesta as proof that disclosure would occur on OThuga's watch. I was skeptical. It's far above OThuga's pay grade as well as his IQ.

Nevertheless, Podesta has kept pushing that meme faithfully all these years and seems eager to give it another go under a Shrillery regime.

I doubt he wants to look terminally stupid. I can't imagine that he'd push it so energetically if he felt there was 0.0% hope of getting anywhere with such a goal.
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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2016, 03:14:31 pm »
I think this has already been reported but Chelsea uses the pseudonym Anna James which makes sense because her email is

It would be interesting to find the reasoning behind that choice.

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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #8 on: October 30, 2016, 03:19:10 pm »
I think this has already been reported but Chelsea uses the pseudonym Anna James which makes sense because her email is

It would be interesting to find the reasoning behind that choice.

Could be this: or:

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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2016, 04:25:28 pm »

You might find this informative about Podesta and the UFO issue:
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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2016, 02:10:49 am »
Some more thoughts just about personality and process.

Huma and Podesta are very close. He confides personal stuff with her but not vice versa.

I think I may have Podesta being a player having an affair wrong mentioned above. That just seems to be the way he talks to people and they socialize.

Podesta appears to have four homes but lives humbly. I looked up some of the addresses and none are mansions, they are all just little cottages (nice but small). He drives a Ford Focus. But he appears to be worth millions. (nothing concrete but some websites estimate it at 12 million).  This is John and Mary's primary house. Cute simple little place. I think that actually may be Podesta himself jogging in the street view image a half block up the road.

His brother Tony Podesta does not seem to be trustworthy.

Huma and John play games with staffers to see who may leak stories to the press. Huma or Cheryl Mills will send them for chats with John and he'll report back observations and if they are 'chatters' about stuff they shouldn't discuss.

I know the general belief is that Huma is a Muslim Brotherhood agent, possible girlfriend of Hillary, but if any of that is true, she plays it very close to the belt, at least to people she emails. She comes across more as an ambitious schoolgirl. Wicked smart and apparently remembers everything. She actually recommended avoiding being too harsh against Israel and taking balanced approaches on several occasions. From the emails, she seems to be much more of a moderating force.

Anthony Weiner is only mentioned a couple of times in all the emails.

Discussion of Clinton's affairs is a code red. If it is brought up, Cheryl Mills immediately demands they take it to a phone call.

There is a Politico reporter who is constantly giving Podesta campaign advice and is leaking stories other reporters are writing to Podesta (I'll look him up in a bit, but I did post one of his leaks in the scandal watch section).

Their schedules are insane. Meetings at 6 AM, calls at 11 PM, text messaging all hours of the night. They are always on.

There is a lot of crashing on people's sofas and guest bedrooms while they travel. They are very stingy with spending with exception of key players like HRC of course.

They hate the MSM as much as we do, they just seem to play them and have key contacts that help them.  Things we think are defending HRC, for example, they see as unfair or spun wrong.

I mentioned it before but I'll mention it again, the Obamas, Clintons, and Gores have no love between any of them (except Bill, everyone likes him).

Biden is an after-thought and they are just as happy dealing with one of his staffers.

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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2016, 02:18:57 am »
Oh yea, this one was funny.

Hillary is very, very interested in 'Bible Code' prophecy.  (for those who don't know, it is kooky almost numerology type stuff).  So interested she has meetings set up between Podesta and the guy here in the US who is famous for it.

The Secret Service however, caught wind of this and warned Podesta about meeting with him. To the point they wanted a very important debrief about concerns shortly before Podesta's meeting. I don't think they would be warning him about kooky beliefs, some sort of security issue there for the Secret Service to get involved).

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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2016, 02:33:46 am »
Several other people who have an inordinate amount of influence.

Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO of Dreamworks. Big donor, regular e-mailer, someone they go to for advice on advertising and media often.
Eric Schmidt with Google. He has personally set up a lot of the DNC's technology and lets them use their facilities and servers. A regular on technology related emails.
Sheryl Sandberg with Facebook has a very personal relationship with Podesta and his family. Hillary seems to socialize with her too. Example (a lot of personal chit chat with her like this)
Tom Steyer, hedge fund manager, is the real big money and has a LOT of influence. Even more than Soros. At that, Soros' people even kiss his ass. They let him do what he wants, when he wants. He writes checks for millions that they then have to figure out how to move around to keep it legal. Soros almost seems like yesterday's news compared to how Steyer is treated in this cycle.

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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2016, 05:46:17 am »


Hillary is very, very interested in 'Bible Code' prophecy.  (. . . it is kooky almost numerology type stuff). . . .

. . .  I don't think they would be warning him about kooky beliefs, some sort of security issue there for the Secret Service to get involved).

Uhhhhhh . . . no.

That's far too simplistic a blanket statement to be remotely accurate.

The best website on the topic is:

Dr Chuck Missler (Annapolis grad & CEO of several defense corps--trained and a leader in cryptographic information transmission, handling etc.  He's well trained to discuss the topic) has some youtube's beginning with this one on the topic:


The last 10-15 min of the first one are informative for those new to the topic.

There IS a lot of shallow balderdash junk published under the general topic. Drosnin's books qualify for trashy and mostly nonsense.

It mostly depends on the rigor of the statistics/science involved--and particularly how long the code is in number of characters involved. In many cases, it can also depend on how many shorter, CLEARLY RELATED terms are clustered together within a relatively small geographic area of the area in the text concerned.
IIRC, the last I checked, a code had to be at least 30 characters long to be considered well beyond chance occurrence.
IIRC, Isaiah has one or more codes 150 characters long.
There's also frequently very clearly meaningful codes in a cluster and sometimes pictorial graphic form around and through the surface text about the same topic.
There's a wealth of startling facts that are totally inexplicable apart from God's authorship of the text.
It's often asserted that any sufficiently long book will provide the same sorts of codes. That's simply NOT TRUE. Sure, they will provide 'codes' that are too short to be considered valid. So what.
The whole thing has NOTHING whatsoever to do with numerology. Numerology involves ascribing to numbers magical powers etc.
Valid Bible codes research and findings are a result of incredibly strict and scientific statistical analysis. One of the NSA's chief mathematicians was long involved. I assume he still is.
The valid level of codes have been published in professional peer reviewed statistical journals after extremely strict and exhaustive review--well above average for such journals.
One or more Jewish experts on the topic became a Christian because of what the authentic codes in the Old Testament disclosed about Yeshua/Jesus The Christ.
I'll stop there.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2016, 08:29:12 am by Quix »
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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2016, 03:29:52 pm »
More observations:
The detail of analytic and modeling is unbelievable. They can model, nationwide, neighborhood by neighborhood and calculate how many people they can swing based on ad buys or local activists posting messages. They can look at how they can cross over these to apply the best specific message in the right place. They are using some heavy computing power for this.

I don't think the Republicans have anything close to their modeling software.

They don't. The GOP efforts are crude at best, if they exist at all. Most of the time they throw dice to the wind. It's amazing they win anything. It was one of my biggest bitches while I was there - the lack of real coordinated ground game. Most of my cohorts didn't want to hear it, they spent more time wanting to schmooze with big name somebodies than actually organize.

That's why you'll always see me take a win or loss and bust it down per precinct, by the 'swing' which is always half the margin, or the amount of votes you need to flip to win or lose. The GOP generally just doesn't get that stuff.

If we would make even a half hearted effort to do what he Dems do, they'd probably never win another election again.
The Republic is lost.

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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2016, 03:40:14 pm »
If we would make even a half hearted effort to do what the Dems do, they'd probably never win another election again.

Yes, but....  the Dems use those data for purposes of identity politics.  I can't see that they're really all that useful for much else. 

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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2016, 05:46:13 pm »
Yes, but....  the Dems use those data for purposes of identity politics.  I can't see that they're really all that useful for much else.

You could easily convert it to issues or similar for flipping Indies and soft Dems.
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Re: Observations From Podesta Wikileaks
« Reply #17 on: November 30, 2016, 12:55:54 am »
You could easily convert it to issues or similar for flipping Indies and soft Dems.

It could be if your candidate wasn't a detestable nut turd.
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