Author Topic: URGENT! Prophetic Dream--America's Coming Destruction {100% original title}  (Read 813 times)

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Offline Quix

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A Minute To Midnite . com
By Joanie Stahl & Brook Ardoin
Nov 2016
This just came an hour or so ago from my former FREEPER housemate . . . now in NC.

. . .
I approached them and they screamed at me to stand back, to stay back.  I got close enough though to get a good look at what they were looking at. 
I looked and I saw hundreds of killer whales at the wall.  There were so many and more were coming in, and coming in masses.  It was as if they were gathering.  It was in no way normal by any means. They were coming in with speed.  They were all at the surface violently thrashing.  Like a feeding frenzy about to take place.  They looked ravenous and staving.  Yet, there was something different about them; something completely unnatural, bizarre and disturbing.
I looked as one, the biggest one, rose up in a total unnatural way. It stood upright in the water and glared right at me.  It had an intelligence about it. It stared at me for seconds and I can tell you that I knew it was in its own way saying to me, “I am going to kill you”.  I could feel that as I looked right into its dark, black eyes.  I cannot emphasize it enough, but these were not normal killer whales.  The one that confronted me had a persona.
. . .
Very close to shore, perhaps only five miles out to sea or less was a wave. This wave was not like any wave that could be on earth.  No way. 
The wave was coming with intense speed.  I was looking straight up at it and the best way I could describe the height was that it looked bigger that if 10 empire state buildings were stacked.  In fact, that would even dwarf in comparison.  I looked to the top edge of the wave and it looked like it reached into the upper heaven.
I undoubtedly knew there was no escape – It was already upon me.  I noticed just then, there was a woman with me.  I screamed out as loud as I could, RUN!  We both took off running to the house I was told to go back to.  We ran as fast as we could.  We got inside the door and I screamed, “Lock it!”  Then I reached for the lock, locked it, and immediately bolted upstairs.  We ran upstairs and continued upwards.  As we ran upstairs, skipping every other step, there were little windows placed all along the way up. Through them, I saw and heard the violent impact of the waves smashing against the house.
We kept running upstairs and flew past the second story until we found a tiny little chamber on the third story. There were windows all around.  I screamed at the top of my lungs to the woman, “Hold on as tight as you can”!  We preceded to wrap our arms and hands around the big wrought iron pieces of the railing.  I could feel and hear the power and destruction against the house. 
I was so terrified beyond any words that are available to mankind to describe the horror.  I began to scream out in tears that turned into heavy wailing.  With the full force within my lungs, I screamed as loud as I could, “Oh God! Forgive the sins of this nation”!  I began to scream out as loud as I could in my prayer language, but it was causing me to lose my voice from how hard I was screaming.  My throat hurt terribly.
In this part of my dream, the Lord allowed me to see in a vision what was happening outside of the house I was in.  He had to do this in order to show me the full-scale scope of the destruction.  I was crying so greatly because I could hear the force of destruction rampaging over the land.  I could hear screaming… horrific screaming. And it was extremely loud.  It was loud because it was from the untold numbers of humanity screaming so loudly.  They were all screaming because they were all dying.
. . .
Here is what He showed me.  I saw that the wave was destroying not only the area or region I was in. It engulfed the entire United States of America.  From an arial view, I watched the whole nation being destroyed and no one was ready for it.  The wave came so suddenly and was upon them so fast that no one could escape.
I wailed in great tears and howling to God because I knew that many of my loved ones were in that destruction and there was nothing I could do.  They were not ready for it and not expecting it.  I cried and cried as I heard the loud roars of humanity dying and the sound of the destruction upon everything.
. . .

I've read a number of such dreams. Most of them seem authentic and Holy Spirit breathed.
I sometimes get weary of reading them and have mostly avoided them the last year or 3. Sharon (FREEPER) keeps much more tabs on such sources than I do, these days. And, she tends to limit what she sends me as she knows I have gotten weary of too much of it.
It's not that I disbelieve all of it--though there's a lot of hokey stuff in the genre.
It's more that I try and do all I can do to be ready myself and to wake-up those who cross my path--ALREADY.
And, I'm not sure that one more vivid dream etc. is going to help me do any better at that.
However, this dream has a flavor about it that is at a different, more intense level of warning than I've read before. Hard to put my finger on it--it just is, to me.
I know many of us have felt that Trump's installation MAY signal a slight breather or maybe a slower descent into hell for the nation and the planet. That may well be a vain and erroneous assumption. Though certainly Shrillery would have gleefully rushed the Nation and planet toward hell at a more rapid and more feverish pace.
 :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
imho, anyone who does not feel and recognize the demonic forces gathering, building, intensifying etc. in our Nation--particularly in leadership and media circles--and around the world--may well be alarmingly spiritually dead--deaf, dumb and spiritually dead--a frightful state to be in whether they realize it, or not.
 :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :smokin:

It does feel like the exhortation that there's nothing more that can be done is quite true or extremely close to being true.
We do well to guard our own hearts, words and actions as much as we can manage with God's help.
And, to reach out as HE leads to those who cross our paths . . . but . . . we know that most will absolutely not listen . . . until the "killer whales" are chomping them to bits.
Not a pretty thought--regardless of how that metaphor plays out.
I look back over 50+ years of trying to wake people up.
I've studied globalism since 1965 . . . UFO's and Bible prophecy since 1962.
I've seen things build toward the Biblically scripted END GAME for that many years. The graph of national, world and spiritual, cultural, government goals, behaviors, norms has always averaged and increasingly steep upward slant depicting the increasing and intensifying full court press toward that END GAME. And the last several years--the rate of the rush toward it has seemed to become an INDY 500 race sort of pace.
Christ warned . . . as in the days of Noah. Certainly that's been true in every way measurable. And, it will continue to be true . . . people were partying and mocking until GOD shut the door of the Ark.
The party is about to end with a wrenching, blood-curdling cacophony of screams.
When, precisely, remains to be seen. But even if it were years away--which I doubt--that is still far too little time for many to prepare remotely adequately.
The Pope said last CHRISTmas that THAT was the LAST CHRISTmas the world would have--evidently indicating--with any peace or normalcy to it. It certainly is an increasing conviction in my bones that before CHRISTmas 2017 . . . the world will be STARKLY DIFFERENT.
Time will tell.
I guess I'd encourage one and all to search their own hearts and lives and do all you know to do to be right with God through the mercy, Blood and love of Jesus--Yeshua, THE true and soon coming MESSIAH.
May all of good heart toward God experience His mercy and protection.

« Last Edit: November 24, 2016, 06:18:25 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline skeeter

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Wow. That'll put a special 'umph' into tonight's Thanksgiving prayer.

Happy one to ya, BTW.

Offline Quix

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Wow. That'll put a special 'umph' into tonight's Thanksgiving prayer.

Happy one to ya, BTW.


Thanks thanks.

May your Thanksgiving chats be all you'd like them to be.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/