Author Topic: ExoPolitics vs ExoSpin--a response to Dr Steven Greer by Dr Michael Salla  (Read 739 times)

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NOTE: This very long article--collection of writings--is saturated with New Age deception, hogwash, disinformation, misinformation etc. However, it does give a good bunch of insight into a lot of the prevailing views of many in the general population as well as many of the leading UFO researchers and possibly some few in government.
imho, even very interested folks do not need to read even half the long article. Several paragraphs here and there should give you a good sense of where Salla vs Greer are coming from as well as the layers thick of New Age hogwash/blather that's thick with deception.
More on such issues at the end of the quote.

Discerning the Mystery website
Exploring The Multiple Perspectives on the Process of Disclosure
4 Nov 2016 Friday
By now, many have come to realize that the process of Full Disclosure is both complex and multifaceted. Additionally, there are numerous people who have different perspectives on this process as to how it ought to progress, and what the end result should look like.
Complete paradigm shifts are nothing simple. So it is understandable that there would be a difference of opinion as to how such a shift should take place. We may have noticed that there are a number of well-known figures involved in the disclosure process and that not all hold the exact same views. This difference of opinion is fine as long as we can all work together toward learning the entirety of the truth for the good of our planet.

This article is an examination on two particular opinions we may find on the subject of disclosure. These are the viewpoints of Dr. Steven Greer and Dr. Michael Salla. Both of these individuals are highly respected and well-versed in their areas of study. They also have the same goal of learning the entirety of the truth.
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Two Points of View

As we may know, Dr. Michael Salla is well-versed in the detailed study of ETs and UFO encounters. He first dedicated himself to the study in the early 2000s and has continually advocated for Full Disclosure. Salla is the founder of a specific field of research which he terms Exopolitics. This is the study on the possibilities of developing peaceful relationships between Earth humans and ETs. Dr. Salla continued his work into the present and now devotes his time to the promotion of open disclosure of all credible information on the subject of off-world life.
Exopolitics With Dr Michael Salla:
Global Elite Prepare for Massive Solar Eruptions Claims Secret Space Program Whistleblower

Quotes continued from original OP link:
We may know Dr. Salla's work from his website, This is the site where Salla has collected his analyzes on the various whistleblowers he has interviewed. It stands to reason that in the development of peaceful relationships with ETs, the compilation of data is the first task to complete. This way, the progress of positive relationships can take place from a state of knowledge as opposed to one of ignorance.
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Dr. Steven Greer is a well-known figure in the area of ET disclosure as well. His work ranges from the area of medicine to research on UFO encounters, and the development of a specific contact method which he has termed the CE-5 Contact Protocols. Dr. Greer has held many conferences and has briefed many individuals on the subject of ET life. He has worked hard in the past to compile the data gathered on different encounters from a variety of people.  Though I personally do not subscribe to the specific belief systems which Dr. Greer maintains as true, I consider his research to be a valuable contribution to the goal of Full Disclosure.
Extraterrestrial Contact: The Evidence and Implications‏ - Behind the Scenes with Dr. Greer - Plus Radio Interview and Commentary
Both Dr. Greer and Dr. Salla have somewhat opposing viewpoints on the possibilities of what we might find in space. Dr. Salla seems to be open to any possibility, while Dr. Greer believes that there are only positive ETs and that negativity is an entirely human condition. The following is an excerpt from the conversation of interest. It is an informative debate which details each point of view and reveals the reasoning behind why these men hold their own opinions on the matter of ET life.
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It seems obvious that Dr. Greer is extremely opposed to the idea of any ETs being negative in nature, and that is fine. Everyone is welcome to their own opinion. We as human beings typically form our opinions based upon our experiences. However, many times there is an emotional component to the formation of these opinions.
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Dr. Greer has spoken on many scientific breakthroughs only to be shot down by the mainstream.  It seemed that those who refused to listen to him did not want to accept any information contrary to that which they chose to trust. Even though the information that Dr. Greer attempted to share was provably valid, these people tossed it aside as though it was worthless. This made his task of disclosure extremely difficult and quite discouraging at times. At present, it seems that Dr. Greer is now on the other end of this equation. He is being given information that is difficult for him to accept based upon his own experiences, and it seems that he has had the same reactions as the numerous skeptics had when he was trying to open their minds to new possibilities.
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There is NO WAY the fallen angels pretending to be ET's are going to ultimately do lasting good to mankind. They are in the service of their lord--Lucifer. His only goal is to trash, abuse, torture, shred as many humans as he can as his limited way of throwing sand in God's eyes for getting kicked out of Heaven.
It is plausible that he may have worked with his fallen angel crew for millennia to set up layers of END TIMES GREAT DECEPTION.
And, that MAY include some critters taking on the role of "good cop" while others take on the role of "bad cop." Either way, mankind will be coerced into a one world government and one world religion--both headed by satan--eventually demanding to be worshiped as almighty God--including the damning-to-hell Mark-of-the-Beast chip implant etc.
It appears to me that we are racing closer and closer to the critters manifesting themselves openly in the skies and on the nightly news around the world. Life will never be the same after that--and for the worse--greatly worse.
On that score, Dr Greer is greatly deceived.
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