Author Topic: America’s Kristallnacht  (Read 320 times)

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America’s Kristallnacht
« on: November 22, 2016, 06:03:01 pm »

America’s Kristallnacht
November 15, 2016

Had Hillary Clinton won the election, would the anti-Trump rioters have behaved any differently?


Instead of protesting Trump's election, they'd be celebrating Hillary's victory with the same appetite for destruction and brutality and carnage. They would be celebrating it in the best Nazi tradition, such as the Night of the Broken Glass., or Kristallnacht in the character of Novemberpogrome. Businesses would be targeted for destruction and looting (see the glass being broken by hooded thugs) and physical attacks on Trump supporters  would be common, and ignored by a compliant news media. The Nazis were celebrating the ascendency of the Nazis in German political life. The "Social Justice Warriors" could just as well be celebrating Clinton's ascendancy to the White House.

"What difference would it make?"


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