Author Topic: You Tuber Search 4 Truth Reality Interview of William Tompkins and Robert Wood  (Read 876 times)

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Offline Quix

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ATS thread:

I have read William Tompkins' book:

Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic Secretaries
I thought I'd made a book report of it hereon but I can't seem to find it.

The first video listed in the above ATS thread is here:
Welcome to Search 4 Truth Reality
Published on Jun 15, 2016
Welcome my channel: Search4TruthReality, where I don't spoon-feed the truth. On my channel, you'll find a supply of story-tellers - raw data - vocal intonation - body language - eye contact - from which to discern the truth on your own.
= = = =
He has some pretty farrrrr out sources on his channel. LOL.
I do think that William Tompkins is one of the most interesting and convincing such sources compared to a vast array of others . . .
Robert Wood and William Tompkins Interview Part 1
= = = =
Robert Wood and William Tompkins Interview Part 2
Qx's  paraphrase . . . I'll put the following in quotes though it's mostly my paraphrases:

. . . building . . . 200 stories high 'floating' above the moon.
. . . a number of vehicles--huge vehicles--that were closing in on our [moon] vehicle--S4V stage . . . 2nd stage booster is gone . . . S4V stage and the LEM . . . this massive extraterrestrial vehicle is coming toward us . . . this great big vehicle looks like it's going to hit us . . . it didn't . . .
. . . those guys hovered around one side of the rim of a crater . . .
. . . all the astronauts did not know . . . those making the mission were told ahead of time what to look for . . . talking about seeing . . . as they orbit . . . before landing . . . affirming the facilities that the unmanned missions photographed earlier . . .
We had 8 other missions to go up there and do all kinds of stuff . . .
{Robert Wood}: What Bill believes is important to listen to . . . but what he heard and saw . . . is very unique. You're the only person alive who heard and saw what was going on in that room.
{William Tompkins}: They don't have a problem with the landing . . . the first thing they do is take the Freem... plaque and they put it over next to the structure, so you can see both of them--and they photograph that--as the Freem...s then accepting the ownership of the moon.
WT: So then, all this before you do the real thing . . . they bring out the Freem... flag and they stick it in here like this and they stand next to the Freem... flag--first things first here.
Robert W: So you've seen these pics?
WT: Yeah . . . and I'm only saying . . . what do the Freem...s gotta do with it?
Interviewer: You've seen this. . . ?
WT: Yeah! ... Every one of the astronauts were Freem...s
RW: Was it before or after one small step for mankind?
WT: Before.
WT: Neil A saying 'good God--sir, they are enormous'--referring to these massive ET craft--they weren't craft--they were ships . . . to be parked around the edge of the crater floating above the surface . . . and then many of the reptilians standing with their legs apart . . . on the ground
Interviewer: The reptilians are standing on the ground . . . and you saw this?
WT: Yeah.
Interviewer: were they scaly?
WT: Yeah. Then the word came back: "They're giving us the finger."
RW: They were pretty far away . . .
WT: Yeah. whether that was actually happening--the finger thing or not--but that's the statement was made . . .
WT: All the Apollo astronauts that went to the moon were Freem...s
WT: It's not really your moon--not even you're planet--we're just the laboratory for the rest of them . . .
RW: ...the idea that the first homosapien on the moon was a German Navy Captain and according to Michael Sala's book . . . that was the case . . . it was what--in 1942 or something like that . . . he set foot on the moon and began a small Navy base up there. German Navy . . . {WT says yeah} . . . so then by the time the war was over there was a group of what--20--20 or so--Nazi's that were up there--{WT says yeah, shakes his head yeah} . . . so they had already made their deal with the reptilians that were giving us the finger years later. . . .
WT: All that was done before . . .
RW: The thing that excites me so much is that the Germans were way ahead of us and even on the moon before the end of the war is--is something that if we can convince the public that that's true, then I think it's a lot easier to convince them of the rest of this almost unbelievable stuff . . .

RW: . . . it depended on what Bill personally overheard these Navy operatives say over a period of 3 years . . .  in the presence of Admiral Rico Bata . . . and the process where multiple times these fellows testified about what they saw . . . and you helped them create the final reports and deliver them. And even the Admiral said sometimes that 'This is unbelievable."
WT: Michael Sala? did a Freedom of Information study on Admiral Bata . . .
. . .
= = = =

Interesting stuff. Time will tell. Some of these details are new to me but the general outline has mostly been outted in tiny bits and pieces here and there. This is the most complete disclosures of this sort of stuff I've ever come across.

« Last Edit: November 22, 2016, 04:01:24 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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« Last Edit: November 22, 2016, 01:41:43 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/