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Top Senate Dem puts GOP on notice. Republicans yawn


Free Vulcan:
The Democrats have begun selecting their new slate of leaders, with the Senate roster being pretty much fleshed out. At the top of the heap is the new Senate Minority Leader, Chuck Schumer (New York). Having successfully moved in to replace Harry Reid, Chuck wasted no time letting the President Elect and the GOP majority know that he wasn’t in the mood for any conservative tomfoolery about Obamacare or Dodd-Frank and he was putting the other party on notice. (Associated Press)

--- Quote ---Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York is threatening political payback if congressional Republicans and President-elect Donald Trump try to undo President Barack Obama’s major legislative achievements.

    “They will rue the day” they repeal Obama’s health care law, Senate Democrats’ leader-in-waiting told The Associated Press in an interview in his office on Friday. “It’s a political nightmare for them. They’ll be like the dog that caught the bus.”


    “He should not even try to think about repealing Dodd-Frank,” Schumer said. “We will have enough votes to beat that back.”

    As leader of a 48-member Senate Democratic Caucus next year, Schumer will command enough votes to block majority Republicans from getting the 60 votes needed to proceed on most major legislation.
--- End quote ---

So that was… I’m sorry. Did you say something? I sort of drifted off there for a moment.

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