Author Topic: US firms join international air show in Iran  (Read 305 times)

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US firms join international air show in Iran
« on: November 18, 2016, 05:20:57 pm »
US firms join international air show in Iran

On the front page of the Nov. 17 edition of the Reformist Etemad newspaper, a headline in small type, tucked in a corner, read: “Americans in Kish [Island].” The report detailed how American companies are participating in Iran's 8th International Air Show on Kish Island in the Persian Gulf, even as Iran tries to negotiate deals to buy jets from Airbus and Boeing.
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While the US House is attempting to halt Western aircraft manufacturers’ recent deals with Iran, American companies are participating in Iran’s International Air Show.
Author Changiz M. Varzi Posted November 17, 2016

Etemad did not name the US companies participating in the air show, but reported that “their participation in Iran's air show is a sign of interest in having closer ties with Iran. However, Iran’s agreements with Airbus and Boeing have been overshadowed by a new [US House] bill, and US President-elect Donald Trump’s remarks have deepened the uncertainty of these deals.”

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