@Frank Cannon,
Thanks for your kind reply.
The cluelessness vs skeptical is an interesting point.
And, frankly, I do actually appreciate even the most rabid skeptic's . . . thoughtful challenges that can often serve to keep me on my toes more and to diminish my tendency toward too many false positives.
However, no, GENERALLY, in most cases, I mean clueless.
I realize that can sound harsh, overblown etc. and for some skeptics, it might be overblown.
However, in my experience, not for the bulk of them.
1. Too many simply do not research the topic remotely thoroughly--and particularly from all sides.
2. Too many of them write fiercely out of deeply entrenched and intensely emotional biases.
3. Too many of them are far tooooo addicted to a kind of mindless "objectivism" that has relatively little grounding in the average conventional reality that all of us deal with--whether acknowledged, or not.
4. Too many of them are far too addicted to and worship far too much at the high altar that strict conventional logic is the only and is an automatic deliverer of the truly truest truth.
5. Too many of them do not appear to be seriously interested in any robust construct of truth over falsehood. They are too intent and intense about wrapping themselves in their robes of their own brilliance and congratulating themselves on being supremely righteously right compared to the ignorant masses.
6. Too many of them have little to no appreciation for a detective's building of nuanced evidence. If it's not a pristine, brazenly micro-scoped neon !!!FACT!!! . . . in their view . . . then it MUST be absolute balderdash and wrong.
7. Too many of them have little to no appreciation for the merits and contributions of the HEBREW approach to discovery of truth and knowledge vs the GREEK. Phenomenological searches for truth have a very long and fruitful history, TOO. And some things are simply NOT sliceable, diceable, MRI scanable to discover the TRUEST TRULY TRUE TRUTH about them.
= = = =
YES, there ARE hazards with the phenomenological approach.
THERE ARE ALSO HAZARDS with the GREEK approach--and far too high a percentage of 'objectivist skeptics' UTTERLY AND TOTALLY DENY those hazards.
They doom THEMSELVES to the consequences of gullibly sucking-up to and worshiping at the altar of an unnecessarily large basket of false negatives.
Balance is crucial in a lot of things. I have persistently found it wise to try and balance both the HEBREW and the GREEK routes to knowledge and facts.
= = = =
It has also been my experience that
the typical skeptic is awash in an intense and huge degree of ATTACHMENT DISORDER.
Often their dads were super prissy, rigid, harsh, alcoholic, workaholic, &/or perfectionistic etc. or maybe the abject opposite, in some cases.
Their typical response was to try and be/do things ever more perfectly to gain daddy's almost totally absent heart-felt approval and love.
Consequently, they developed a similarly rigid set of criteria for what constituted proof, facts, knowledge etc. in order to absolutely minimize the horrific feeling of being WRONG and yet again rejected by daddy or whatever authority figure might be looking on.
Consequently, they tend to fight like a bulldog tooth and toenail for their perspective as though it were the only one Mt Olympus tolerated under pain of zots from Zeus etc. . . . or, perhaps . . . for some few, from Almighty God Yehovah.
They posture as though their passion was for THE TRUEST TRUTH etc. . . . when actually, the intense motivation and energy come from dysfunctional parenting--particularly fathering--and their resulting internal stuff.
= = = =
I say "clueless" because
1. Too many of them typically really do NOT have much of a clue about the realities from the other perspective. They certainly do not have a very robust and solidly researched perspective on those realities.
2. Too many of them ASSUME up one side and down the other about the other perspective while harshly castigating any and every hint of assumption on the other side.
3. Too many of them show little to no interest in--and many seem even utterly INCAPABLE of apprehending any of the facts, truths, solid evidence on the other side.
4. Too many of them appear to be, to sound utterly and totally blind to anything they didn't think of first--or their idols didn't think of. Everything else is automatically trash, to them.
5. Too many of them appear to be INCREDIBLY GULLIBLE
as long as information is presented to them in a way that mimics or appears to come packaged in suitable objectivist clap trap and costumes.
etc. etc.
Cheers. I need to eat something.
I believe you are mistaking clueless with skeptical.
Blurry photos and shaky videos are not something to hang your hat on for definitive proof. All this is sophistry at this point.