Author Topic: Yippee! Clinton defanged  (Read 275 times)

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Yippee! Clinton defanged
« on: November 15, 2016, 03:41:41 pm »

Posted By Burt Prelutsky On 11/14/2016 @ 7:32 pm In APP Frontpage,Commentary,Opinion

Apparently, the age of miracles isn’t over.

I wish I could say I saw it coming, if only because I could have cashed in by making a big bet when the bookmakers were giving odds of 6-1, making Hillary a prohibitive favorite.

Fortunately, that was one of the few places where she was anybody’s favorite. Even the majority of Democrats didn’t like her, not personally. Oh, they appreciated the fact that she had a (D) after her name and had promised to double-down on Obama’s certifiably insane policies, but they knew that she was basically an evil, grasping, creature whose only concerns were her own insatiable greed and self-aggrandizement. People who compared her to Medusa or Lady Macbeth were being too kind. She more closely resembles one of those hideous monsters you often come across in sci-fi movies, complete with fangs, claws and a craving for human flesh.

Besides, nobody likes a liar. And even if they did, it would be because the liar had a great deal of charm, who’d tell his lies with a wink, making you a willing victim of his blarney. But Mrs. Clinton is totally devoid of charm or warmth or even what most people would consider femininity. Hillary Clinton’s idea of communicating was to deepen her voice, furrow her brow and deliver heavy-handed pronouncements, reminding some of us of Benito Mussolini in his heyday.

It didn’t help that she was so out of touch with people who weren’t millionaires that she actually thought most Americans wanted their taxes raised in order to subsidize illegal aliens, inner-city blacks and thousands of Islamic refugees. It never concerned her that a great number of those Muslims she was so eager to adopt were motivated by nothing more than a desire to kill Americans, just like their brothers and cousins who have spent the past several years butchering “infidels” in Paris, London, Berlin, San Bernardino, Orlando and Manhattan.

But, then, why would people like the Obamas and the Clintons, who will spend the rest of their lives being protected by large men with big guns, be concerned by the collateral damage created by their anti-gun/pro-open borders agenda?

I have experienced a great many election campaigns, but never have I seen so much blatant hypocrisy. For openers, we had Hillary’s team, an odious group that included Huma Abedin, John Podesta, Donna Brazile and 95 percent of the media, trying to dismiss everything we learned through WikiLeaks about her traitorous activities on behalf of the Clinton Foundation, by telling us to ignore the messages and, instead, kill the messenger. That would be Russia.

Vladimir Putin may or may not have been behind the leakage. If he was, the American people are in his debt. How else would we have ever breached the wall that has surrounded the Clintons for decades? Bill and Hillary may have built the castle, but the media were only too happy to provide the moat.

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