Author Topic: Brief Bk Review Intro to Stanton Friedman's [i]Fact, Fiction, & Flying Saucers[/i]  (Read 791 times)

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by Stanton T Frieman and Kathleen Marden
Fact, Fiction, and Flying Saucers

Full Title:

Fact, Fiction, and Flying Saucers: The Truth Behind the Misinformation, Distortion, and Derision by Debunkers, Government Agencies, and Conspiracy Conmen 1st Edition

I have met and talked with Stanton a few times at UFO conferences. He's quite a character. I respect and like him a lot--though I would not be all that surprised to eventually discover that he may still have ties to one or more various agencies.
In this book, he is his usually very meticulous best. He is also his typical scathing in his exposure with tons of documented facts of media, government and particularly Dr Donald Howard Menzel and Philip J Klass--leaders of the debunking idiocies--of their irrational, unfounded, unscientific, outrageous and often unwarrantedly assaultive assertions. Condon of Blue Book fame was also in a similar debunking agent category.
I don't think he got to Carl Sagan on such scores, in this book. Sagan was certainly on the government payroll to be a contrarian debunker as a disinfo/misinformation spreader--much like Menzel and Klass were in their efforts.
Klass comes off as a hostile, bitter, angry, hostile, absurd, irrational, mean-spirited, self-righteous, arrogant pain in the arse on a vendetta against the whole idea of UFO realities--whether for personal or governmental employment reasons.
Klass ruthlessly and relentlessly tried to destroy the careers of anyone who disagreed with him about UFO's regardless of their degrees and professional stature. One such scientist eventually committed suicide--probably in significant part as a result of Klass's ruthless, unwarranted and irrational assaults on the scientist and his career.
Klass's hostile assaults on Dr James McDonald were incredible as Friedman documents.
= = =
I think the book is well worth the time for folks interested in the history of UFO's in terms of governmental public stances about them and disinformation/misinformation efforts about them.
I think Stanton Friedman's curmudgeonly excellent research and scathing exposure of idiots like Klass and their ruthless lying debunking efforts are excellent and well stated.
There's not much of anything new about UFO's but there's quite a bit new about those who spent so much time spreading disinformation/misinformation about the topic in propagandized mass mind control of the public on the topic.
If you have an interest in such things, then this book is likely a 'must read' on that topic.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2016, 05:09:01 am by Quix »
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I think the book may well be of interest to those seriously interested in the history of solid researchers vs the debunkers in the UFO field.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/