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Offline Machiavelli

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Veterans Day
« on: November 11, 2016, 03:48:30 pm »

Veterans Day is an official United States public holiday, observed annually on November 11, that honors military veterans; that is, persons who served in the United States Armed Forces. It coincides with other holidays, including Armistice Day and Remembrance Day, celebrated in other countries that mark the anniversary of the end of World War I; major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when the Armistice with Germany went into effect. The United States previously observed Armistice Day. The U.S. holiday was renamed Veterans Day in 1954.

Veterans Day is not to be confused with Memorial Day, a U.S. public holiday in May; Veterans Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans, while Memorial Day honors those who died while in military service.

Veterans Day Facts

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Re: Veterans Day
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2016, 02:05:01 am »

Frank Glick took this photo at Fort Snelling National Cemetery. When he recorded the shot, he never could have guessed how much it was going to mean to the widow of the World War II veteran buried there. The following is my poem that was inspired by Frank's picture.

The Eagle's Watch

In a quiet river valley
Lies a green and peaceful place,
Where warriors come to rest,
Having honorably met their fates.

No more do they stand the watch,
Their worthy service done,
They've passed their duties on
To other Fathers' sons.

Yet flying high above them,
On silent wings spread wide,
Soars freedom's embodiment
And a country's sign of pride

The mighty Eagle watches o'er all
And guards their well-earned rests.
For he like they, knows the feel,
Of Freedom in his chest.

And though he does his best to guard
The fallen warriors' sleep.
Still at times he grows so weary
And must rest his wings a-beat.

So slowly he glides his way
To where the fallen rest,
And there he bides his time a bit
Among the honored Vets.

And though he knows no words
Of the valiant warriors' speech,
Still they communicate
In a way that words can't reach.

Having communed with those who lie
Among the rows of stone,
The Eagle takes to flight again
And resumes his post alone.

In endless soaring circles,
He surely makes his rounds,
guarding the fallen heroes
Who make this hollowed ground.

Copyright © 2011 by Jack Cook
Charley Waite: "Well you may not know this, but there's things that gnaw at a man worse than dying."

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Re: Veterans Day
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2016, 11:12:57 am »
Bookmarking and printing out.

Thank you both gentleman for a beautiful post.
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