Author Topic: Millennial turnout may be deciding factor in Clinton-Trump contest.  (Read 357 times)

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As the polls opened across America this morning, the presidential election is neck and neck. Critical battleground states including Florida, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, are all toss ups at this point.

It’s all going to come down to turnout: which candidate can better mobilize their base? Herein lies Hillary Clinton’s problem, particularly when it comes to millennial voters. Ironically, the same young voters who turned out in record numbers to propel President Barack Obama to victory in 2008 and again in 2012 could keep Clinton from the White House.
There are about 70 million millennials who are eligible to vote, meaning they could make up the nation’s largest voting bloc. With the race against Trump being razor thin, Clinton is depending on young voters to turnout for her like they did for Obama. 
Young voters were excited to go cast ballots for Obama because they viewed him as an authentic candidate who represented hope and change. But Clinton is largely viewed as the opposite of those things: an entrenched, untrustworthy candidate who represents more of the same in Washington, D.C.
Make no mistake: millennials overwhelmingly prefer Clinton to Donald Trump. But her problem is that these voters are not enthusiastic about her. And unenthusiastic voters are less likely to spend time and effort voting on Election Day...

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Re: Millennial turnout may be deciding factor in Clinton-Trump contest.
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2016, 03:13:47 pm »
If and when they make an APP that would let a Mill vote from their iphone/pad/handheld you might see a significant impact on an election.  Till then they will be sucking down Starbuck poser juice and checking their facebook likes and share counts.