Author Topic: MUFON International Tracking Multiple Triangle UFO Reports + 2 other reports  (Read 756 times)

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"MUFON International Tracking Multiple Triangle UFO Reports"

 Posted by: Roger Marsh October 26, 2016   1 Comment

Four triangle UFO cases were reported to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) international desk in recent months from Switzerland, New Zealand, Canada and Iran.
A Switzerland witness at Neuchatel recalled an incident from March 2011 when he and his wife were sitting in the living room of their apartment at Rue de la Cote.
“My wife sat under a side window of the room from where you can see the Rue Auguste Bachelin,” the witness stated.“It was already dark outside and there were nearly no cars in that road anymore. There is anyway not much traffic in that road. It was very silent outside and inside we had no light switched on as we were watching TV. It is impossible that this is any reflection from the inside. Then I turned around to talk to my wife and I saw a huge triangle with three lights under each corner.”
The witness described the object.
“It was approximately 15-20 meters wide and maybe 1.5 meters high. The edges were rounded and there were no windows or anything to see. Maybe there was something on the top, but that was not visible from that angle. The object was flying/hovering maybe 10 meters or lower from west to east, following the street.”
The witness was able to watch the object for between 10 and 20 seconds.

= = = =

A Michigan military veteran at Roscommon reported watching a hovering black, triangle UFO near Camp Grayling with an odd light configuration, according to testimony in Case 80122 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The military veteran with training estimating distances and vehicle sizes was traveling southbound along I-75 near Camp Grayling at 10:01 p.m. on October 30, 2016.

“I noticed a large, but low set of lights – green and red, west/east respectively – on the horizon,” the witness stated. “At this distance it was approximately 20-25 degrees from the horizon. After getting a mile or so closer, I gave it more attention as I thought it was an aircraft landing at Camp Grayling, or one possibly training.”
The witness moved another mile or so closer.
“I remarked to myself that it hasn’t changed altitude, and now I could see an alternating set of strobe lights blinking. I again thought to myself that maybe it was a helicopter. As I closed the final mile between myself and the craft I began to get a better sense of its size as the gap between the red and green lights grew. It was as large, if not larger than a CH47 Chinook (the reason for the two sizes specified, this craft did not change size).”
. . .

I don't know if any of the GBR folks were in that area, or not???
Not an exceptionally dramatic sighting report but sounds like a reliable one.
= = =
From Open Minds
"Colorado Witness Says UFO About 2,000 Off Ground"
24 Oct 2016 by Roger Marsh
The witness was outside in Babi Yar Park with four friends shooting a school video project at 11 a.m. on October 16, 2016, when the object was first observed.
“I looked up for some reason,” the witness stated.“I don’t know what caused me to, but when I did I saw an object. This object looked like a B-52 bomber, but it was dark and made no noise. The object had a leading edge of 10 lights with one in the center and four on the sides of the leading edge of the wings, and appeared to be black as if painted matte black.”

= = =

imho, These are fairly typical sightings these days . . . Most of us who are well read on the topic are almost weary of this sort of sighting and report. They are just toooo common to be that interesting any more.

However, for those experiencing such--particularly for the first time--they are not at all mundane.

I know a solid research based estimate of 3 million Americans have evidently been abducted by UFO critters--though some may have involved our military alone and/or with the "ET" critters . . . and some by the critters evidently alone.

I don't know what the estimate would be of how many million have seen authentically 'other' kinds of craft at reasonably close range (i.e. other than distant lights moving oddly/impossibly in the sky).

I'm curious how many hereon have had a sighting??
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Then there was this quickly disappeared little tidbit about the EM drive . . . mislabeled the warp drive . . . that could evidently make a moon trip in 4 hours and mars in 70 days vs 500 days.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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