Author Topic: The Restoration  (Read 519 times)

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The Restoration
« on: November 08, 2016, 05:33:56 am »
The Restoration

By Josh Hammer  |  November 8, 2016, 12:24am  |  @josh_hammer

At long last, after years of ceaseless chatter and months of obstreperous mudslinging between two general election nominee jokesters whose would-be presidencies despotisms are less pleasant to contemplate than the prospect an unanesthetized colonoscopy, Election Day 2016 is finally here.

The Party of Lincoln, the once-serious Reaganite vehicle for advancing substantive ideas about spurring economic growth and promoting Aristotelian human flourishing, of which I have formally been a member since the day I turned eighteen years old, and which has otherwise made extraordinary gains at every level of government throughout the lethargic and Leviathan-engorging Obama presidency, has done the unthinkable by nominating for the highest office in the free world a catastrophically unfit, temperamentally unbalanced, borderline-deranged, willfully ignorant, quasi-fascistic, Kremlin-tained, bloviating, demagogic reality TV show blowhard.

The Democrats, in reneging upon their own one-time intellectually defensible tradition of supply-sider John F. Kennedy and “peace through strength” internationalist Scoop Jackson through the economic centrism and tough-on-crime resolve of Bill “the era of big government is over” Clinton, have similarly beclowned themselves by nominating for the highest office in the free world a congenital liar and shapeshifting chameleon of a zealous kid-killing socialist who is the most systemically corrupt person to receive a presidential nomination in at least a full century, who recklessly helped foment the metastasis of the global jihad due to her serial profound misjudgments on the world stage as U.S. Secretary of State, and who quite possibly belongs in jail due to her deliberate and deceitful undermining of U.S. national security.

Seriously—thank God this election season is over.  In thinking back to how excited I was last fall, when it looked as if the GOP had its best presidential field in half a century—and how excited I was after Iowa, when my preferred candidate won a dramatic victory in the first-in-the-nation caucuses—it is hard to believe it has come to this.  But, alas, it has.

Pending a perfect storm—possibly a “Bradley effect” of sorts which would amount to the biggest error in polling since, at least, the midsummer Brexit—Hillary Clinton is going to win the Electoral College vote total tonight.  My own prediction is for a tighter race than many expect it to be, but I’m also giving Trump Florida in my map, and I candidly have absolutely no idea if that will be true.  A Trump internal poll had him down two points in Florida as of yesterday, which coincides with what I’d heard from a friend of a friend working on the Marco Rubio reelection campaign in Florida—namely, that Rubio, who is largely expected to run ahead of Trump (in a delectable reversal of fortune from Rubio’s fatal March 15 presidential primary loss in Florida, I might add) on Tuesday night, is himself in a razor-thin polling margin-of-error dogfight.  And even if Trump wins Florida, moreover, the math still does not add up unless he wins every other feasible swing state and also wins Pennsylvania (not happening), Michigan (not happening), or a combination of New Hampshire and Nevada (not happening).

So Hillary Clinton is all but certain to become the next President of the United States this evening, and those who pushed Trump in the primaries—who nominated the one buffoon who Hillary Clinton was dying to face, possibly because he is the one clown even more unfathomably unlikable than even she is—will have no one to blame but themselves.  Ditto the feckless GOP establishmentarians who unconscionably chose the nationalist populism of Trump over the constitutional conservatism of Cruz when it crucially mattered.

But, from the perspective of preserving and promoting post-Russell Kirk/William F. Buckley, Jr. movement conservatism, the presidential election tonight almost does not even matter.  After I went out and cast my early vote for Evan McMullin, I noted how conservatism has, sadly, already lost:

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No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Online corbe

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Re: The Restoration
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2016, 05:54:41 am »


If you are still reading at this juncture of this lengthy post, you are likely a committed conservative who cares about ideas–who cares about first principle beliefs.  You care about the well-being of our intellectual movement.  You care about Aristotelian human flourishing, about Burkean skepticism, about Madisonian constitutionalism, about Hayekian “spontaneous order,” about Kirkean virtue, about Buckleyite Fusionism, and about Reaganite “peace through strength” moral clarity.

You are the kind of person who will be counted on as a foot soldier in our Resistance-turned-Restoration project.  The need to re-prompulgate and evangelize these principles, even in the (perhaps unlikely) event that our movement is accompanied by a new top-down “Sharon Statement,” thus falls on all of your shoulders.  Preach on social media, if that is your style.  Preach at the local church, synagogue, or other house of worship.  Preach at the local gym or diner.  Preach at the local coffee shop, or in the town square.  Interact with your fellow citizens.  Engage them personally.

Conservatism is going to lose this evening in the race for leader of the free world, regardless of which Democratic Party-donating Big Government New Yorker prevails in the Electoral College vote tally.  Tomorrow morning, the restorative project commences.

I am in this fight with you.  So are the rest of us here at The Resurgent.

Good luck, and Godspeed.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline Frank Cannon

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Re: The Restoration
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2016, 06:05:02 am »
I am in this fight with you.  So are the rest of us here at The Resurgent.

Ohhh. So we're going to have a deluge of blog posts for the next 8 years telling us how things should be in response to what a new Clinton Regime WILL BE DOING without any roadblocks at all.

Can someone point to me how exactly Hitlary will be stopped from doing anything? She will be in control of a gov't where Progressives and Communists are already fully installed. She has the Clinton Foundations cash and power behind her (any investigations into it will be stopped Jan 20th 2017). The Congress, even if it held by the GOP are a bunch of go along guys and by the time the next election cycle rolls around, the country will be swimming in all sorts of foreign born voters.

Listen up kids. The Pollyanna bullshit being spread in this piece is nothing more than some sort of exercise to give the writer some sort of hollow solace that he did the right thing.

It's over....for good. Face it and adjust to the new paradigm.

Online corbe

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Re: The Restoration
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2016, 06:09:45 am »
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.