Author Topic: Wednesday Morning in the Crystal Ball  (Read 1369 times)

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Offline bolobaby

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Wednesday Morning in the Crystal Ball
« on: November 05, 2016, 08:58:34 pm »
It's Wednesday morning and Donald Trump has lost. Some folks here always knew that The Donald was going to lose. His unfavorables were too high. He failed to unite the party. He acted like a petulant child in front of the undecided voters. Most importantly, he was never really in it to win it.

Oh, sure - he said he was, but let's start accepting the facts.

Hillary Clinton had the press from day one. For all the bluster about the "free press" Donald was going to get, it was obvious that his "free press" would turn on him the first chance it would get. So, when Donald had his bimbo/sexism eruption, it was the dog whistle for the press to tear him apart. Did Donald do anything to prepare for this? No. He tried to pretend like he was the puppet master all along when, in fact, it was people like Donna Brazille that were carefully pulling the strings behind the scene.

But wait - that's corruption! He should have beaten Hillary hands down, right??? Maybe. Hillary was certainly an easy target. Too bad The Donald seldom stayed on target. He was too busy being distracted with attacking fellow GOP members. He was too busy working on the take down of his latest accuser instead of trying to rise above, and stay focused on why Hillary was unfit.

Now, we know that the Trumpettes are biting at the bit to blame #NeverTrump. We told you time and time again, though, that - should you choose to nominate him - you would have to get Trump elected without our help. Apparently, you are so used to the Donald flip-flopping on issues, you have a hard time comprehending what it means to take someone at their word. So here we are; it's not our fault. We told you he would lose. You chose to nominate him anyway.

Now the real schism begins. Do you think it was bad before? #NeverTrump vs the Trumpettes? That is nothing compared to what Trump has done to the conservative movement. We are now irrevocably fractured. This is not like a Romney loss. Mitt was actually a credible candidate despite all his flaws. Oh, not a prefect candidate - but *credible* to a fair percentage of the U.S. population. Unfortunately, Trump was never credible to many Americans and, when those Americans consider conservatism they'll think, "What? Those crazy fringe folk who had the gall to nominate Trump?"

Who will stay on TBR? Who will go? TBR has been a place where Trump has been openly criticized. True conservatives have congregated here and refused to stand behind a clown. Will we now coalesce into a principled opposition, or eat ourselves alive?

How can we stop Hillary now? Now that she's on top, how can such a corrupt woman be brought down? Will Obama simply pardon her for anything related to the email server and national secrets in the interest of "moving forward" and "national healing?" What then?

What can we do as conservatives to reclaim actual conservatism, not just Hillary-opposition, because we see where that got us. We lost because "not Hillary" was not an attractive enough option to the majority of Americans. We have to present a REAL alternative. We have to present ideas. We tried presenting a celebrity and that failed. Miserably. We look like fools. We were taken for fools.

May I propose that we must stop resisting Hillary from the top down. Now is the time to rally behind those in your state that support an Article 5 Convention. If we have any hope of stopping the federal beast, we have to galvanize from the bottom up. We have to stop following single false gods and become the masters of our own destiny. There is no Reagan ready to take the mantle of leadership. Therefore, we must resist like the Revolutionaries did - from the bottom up, as a people. From our Article 5 Convention effort, a George Washington will arise.

Lets just put this Trump thing in the past and figure out how to make this happen. It really is our last hope.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 08:59:18 pm by bolobaby »
How to lose credibility while posting:
1. Trump is never wrong.
2. Default to the most puerile emoticon you can find. This is especially useful when you can't win an argument on merits.
3. Be falsely ingratiating, completely but politely dismissive without talking to the points, and bring up Hillary whenever the conversation is really about conservatism.
4. When all else fails, remember rule #1 and #2. Emoticons are like the poor man's tweet!