Author Topic: Wikileaks - Using Right-Wing Forum Conspiracies and Opposition Research on Jindal  (Read 1067 times)

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Offline ABX

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It seems in conducting opposition research on candidates, Hillary's camp likes to look at conspiracy theories and nutty statements they can use from none other than (as well as other sites)

...Bobby Jindal oppo

               Date: 2008-05-22 15:40
               Subject: [big campaign] Bobby Jindal oppo

 Who Is Bobby Jindal? The Good, The Bad, And The

Two of the three governors headed to Sen. John McCain's Arizona ranch for
preliminary vice-presidential auditions this
known political quantities. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney
was, of course, one of McCain's fiercest rivals on the Republican
presidential primary circuit, while Florida Gov. Charlie Crist won a
gubernatorial race that captured national attention in 2006.

Bobby Jindal, however, is much less well known -- though that's an
impression the 36-year-old second-generation Indian American has been doing
his best to address in the first five months of his new job as Louisiana

An eight-minute spot on Jay Leno's
a National Press Club speech that was well received by
prompted some on the right to muse about the benefits of having his
presence on the presidential ticket. Alternatively, others are now worrying
whether their own Rhodes Scholar wunderkind might be needlessly
running during an inauspicious year for GOP candidates.

But in an interesting development, the same quarters that have raised doubts
about freshman Sen. Barack Obama's national security bona fides seem
relatively unconcerned about Jindal's potential place on a ticket headed by
a 71-year-old whose heath has been the subject of
the media. Similarly, given McCain's accusations regarding Obama's
"inexperience," Jindal's short if well diversified resume has nevertheless
failed to prove a stumbling block to speculation about the fast-tracking of
his political future.

On the National Review's blog, The Corner, Yuval Levin
"[Jindal has] more management and executive experience than Hillary Clinton,
Barack Obama, or John McCain can point to. The Democrats could hardly accuse
him of a thin resume if they're running Obama." While that analysis could
conceivably be run in reverse, as well, there is actually something besides
armchair political analysis to consider when looking at Jindal.

LSU Political Science Professor Jeffrey D. Sadow says the new governor's
first five months can be split into the good, the bad, and the ugly. The
"good," according to Sadow (who is also a registered Republican), includes
budget cuts, new spending priorities and the passage of a package of ethics
reforms for Louisiana politicians. If these new rules don't quite meet the
"gold standard" Jindal promised on the campaign trail, Sadow said they merit
a "silver."

State Democratic Party communications director Julie Vezinot said, however,
that many of these reforms "were already in the works" before Jindal assumed
office, while the rest "are not enforceable." The non-partisan Public
Affairs Research Council of Louisiana has echoed her second charge, and also
alleged <> that a burden of
proof change in the new ethics code will make "violations more difficult to
prove." Nevertheless, the Center for Public Integrity was impressed enough
to boost <> Louisiana's
poor 2006 score on its state disclosure ranking.

Still, the conventional wisdom about Jindal being a reform-minded politician
is not without opportunities for Democrats to challenge, should he become
McCain's choice for the veep slot. The fact that Jindal's second-highest
paid campaign staffer turned out to be an energy
not be the best issue for a presidential candidate who is fighting a
on the very same issue. Also, Jindal has agreed to pay a $2,500 fine in
order to avoid an ethics hearing due to his
accurately report over $118,000 worth of in-kind contributions from
state GOP.

Other issues that could gain traction in any fall campaign against Jindal
run the gamut from the personal to the wonky. Among the former, there is the
wild and controversial claim that Jindal, a convert to Catholicism, witnessed
an exorcism <> (though
state Democrats ultimately decided
this "issue" last year). Meanwhile, on more substantive grounds,
though McCain came out
federal marriage amendment in 2004, Jindal voted
yay <> on the matter as a House member in
2006. Jindal was also viewed as the most fervently anti-abortion candidate
in the governor's race,
Times-Picayune, "I am 100 percent anti-abortion with no exceptions. I
believe all life is precious." McCain and Jindal also hold opposing views on
the creation of new embryonic stem cell lines for medical research. While
these issues could help intensify support for the eventual Democratic
nominee in moderate to liberal circles, they would also likely strengthen
McCain's hand among the evangelicals for whom his candidacy has occasionally
proved a tough sell.

Elsewhere in his evaluation of Jindal's record, LSU's Sadow identified "the
bad" as the governor's awkward and late embrace of a tax cut proposal put
forward by Republican State Senator Buddy Shaw. Senate Bill 87, still
working its way through Louisiana's legislature, would roll back a an add-on
to the state's income tax code that is opposed by many conservatives and
some Democrats.

"Clearly Jindal's handling of SB 87 has been about the only mistake he's
made ... politically," Sadow said. "While Jindal never promised any
individual income tax cuts during the campaign, he said he hoped to to do so
and even eliminate the income tax. Yet his unexplained hesitancy to embrace
even one that seemed quite 'affordable' mystified many, especially among his

The bill's author, perhaps once perturbed, now sings Jindal's praises,
however. "I just think that he would be an excellent choice [for
vice-president]," State Sen. Buddy Shaw told The Huffington Post. "Given his
energy output and intellectual capability ... I would see it as good for
Louisiana and good for the country." Still, Shaw hopes Jindal's ascension
doesn't occur too quickly, since his tax cut bill is still working its way
through the conference committee. "I hope he's not on the campaign trail
prior to signing that bill," Shaw admitted. "If he leaves, I'm not sure what
the incoming individual would do."

Louisiana state Democrats are clearly trying to make an issue out of
Jindal's potential abandonment of his duties for the national stage. In a
press release issued rapidly after news broke Wednesday of Jindal's upcoming
visit with McCain, Louisiana Democratic Party Chairman Chris Whittington
said: "The Louisiana Democratic Party has said repeatedly throughout his
campaign for governor that Jindal will cut and run the minute he gets a shot
at a higher office. Now, not six months into his term, his eye is on the
prize of the Vice Presidency with little focus on what is going on here in

The extent to which claims by Jindal's critics will stick ties into the
problem Sadow labeled as "the ugly" part of the governor's tenure thus far.
While Jindal is currently coasting on a sky-high 77 percent approval rating,
Sadow said this is in spite of a sputtering public relations machine. "Where
Jindal has come up shortest is in his administration's ability to
communicate effectively its policy preferences as opposed to its much
superior efforts in conveying a campaign agenda," Sadow said, suggesting
that Jindal believes the local media will be against him no matter what.

"He has cooperated with the media only when it suits him," Sadow noted.
"However, in part it also is just lack of skill. The SB 87 incident is the
best example, where the administration totally misread the public and
legislative mood. As a result, it had to grab onto the caboose rather than
jump into the cab of that juggernaut train. For example, had he given a
principled explanation -- and he had a good one -- to what appeared to be
his opposition to the bill, he probably would have suffered little political
damage. But either he couldn't or he thought non-communication about it
would work. It didn't.".....

Offline ABX

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This time McCain opposition research..


               Date: 2008-08-15 14:19


One day before the *Saddleback* Civil *Forum* on Leadership and Compassion,
where John McCain will discuss issues of faith, he and allies remain silent
on anti-Catholic author Jerome Corsi, who is working to make McCain



* *

•         "Unfortunately but unsurprisingly, given his earlier hit job on
the last Democratic nominee, Mr. Corsi's latest is rife with inaccuracies
and innuendo." [Washington Post

* *

•         "But his outrageous assertions and fringe theories … have hurt his
credibility on the right, as well." [Politico

* *

*When will Senator McCain and book-sponsor, and conservative operative, Mary
Matalin condemn the anti-catholic bigotry of Jerome Corsi?  *

•         Matalin, conservative operative, former Dick Cheney aide, and
Corsi's book editor calls the book, "…a piece of scholarship, and a good one
at that." [New York Times

* *


•         "Maybe while he's there he can tell the UN what he's going to do
about the sexual crimes committed by "priests" in his "Church" during his
tenure. Or, maybe that's the connection -- boy buggering in both Islam and
Catholicism is okay with the Pope as long as it isn't reported by the
liberal press." [Jerome Corsi, Free Republic,

•         "So this is what the last days of the Catholic Church are going to
look like. Buggering boys undermines the moral base and the lawyers rip the
gold off the Vatican altars. We may get one more Pope, when this senile one
dies, but that's probably about it." [Jerome Corsi, Free Republic,


•         "Catholics United today called on Senator John McCain to
categorically and unequivocally denounce the bigoted and intolerant comments
of author Jerome Corsi.  Corsi, who recently reprised his 2004 attacks on
the Democratic candidate for president with the book *Obama Nation*, has a
history of making statements offensive to Catholics and other people of
faith." [Catholics United, Attached  Press Release, 8/15/08]**

•         "He could have a Catholic problem as we go forward here, because
he apparently - - these folks that are speaking, you know, maybe not on his
behalf, but he certainly hasn't disavowed this bunch - -  this bunch of lies
that is out there." [Rich Masters, MSNBC, "Hardball,"