Author Topic: The END GAME closes in on the Clintons as the deep state turns...massive collection of criminally damning evidence...  (Read 882 times)

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full title:

THE END GAME closes in on the Clintons as the deep state turns... massive collection of criminally damning evidence about to be revealed that will bring down the Clinton crime family forever

Wednesday, November 02, 2016
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

From: Natural News--The world's top news source on natural health

{bold included in original}

(NaturalNews) My fellow Americans, we are watching history unfold before us with such sound and fury that we are likely to never witness comparable events again in our lifetime. As of today, I am now convinced that the deep state has turned on Hillary Clinton and will unveil damning evidence in the next few days that will end the Clintons' reign of terror over America and collapse her bid for the presidency.
The so-called "deep state" -- the powerful insiders who really run the intelligence services and inner layers of untouchable bureaucracy -- has decided Hillary Clinton is too damaged to defend any longer. Even if she were to win by stealing the election, she would be so mired in criminal investigations and political illegitimacy that she would rip the nation to shreds while fighting for her own political survival.
It has now been decided, I believe, that Hillary Clinton will be taken out of power by releasing criminally damaging emails which have long been held by the NSA and FBI. This will likely happen before the coming weekend. Once that is accomplished, the next goal will be to wait for President Trump to take office, then destroy the U.S. economy through a controlled, global debt collapse so that Trump can be blamed for the near collapse of western economies. (Remember: The deep state isn't pro-Trump. They're still all about defending the establishment. But Hillary is one bridge too far for even the statists to stomach...)
. . .
The Clintons are going to go "full murder" in a last ditch, desperate effort to save themselves
Beware of what may yet unfold in the coming days. Like a cornered wild animal, the Clintons are extremely dangerous when they realize they have nothing to lose by going "full murder" in an attempt to save themselves.
. . .

The criminal racket of the Clintons is about to implode. The participants will be charged under the RICO Act for "racketeering" activities, for which ample evidence already exists.

A new video from Steve Pieczenik describes some of this
In this video, intelligence insider Steve Pieczenik lays out how high-level intelligence insiders are now working in concert to "reverse the Clinton coup" that's attempting to take over America and destroy it from within.
. . .

The Clintons are going to go "full murder" in a last ditch, desperate effort to save themselves
Beware of what may yet unfold in the coming days. Like a cornered wild animal, the Clintons are extremely dangerous when they realize they have nothing to lose by going "full murder" in an attempt to save themselves.

. . .

A deal has already been struck with Obama
Most likely, deep state operatives have already struck a deal with Obama to avoid prosecuting him for his own serious crimes as long as he stays out of the way as Hillary Clinton's head is served up on a platter. This likely explains why Obama is now publicly saying he trusts Comey (and refuses to go to bat for Hillary). There's no love lost between Obama and the Clintons (remember 2008?).
. . .

THE END GAME closes in on the Clintons as the deep state turns... massive collection of criminally damning evidence about to be revealed that will bring down the Clinton crime family forever

. . .

Meanwhile, conspiratorial operatives like George Stephanopoulos fully realize they are probably going to jail for collusion and sedition, so they have nothing left to lose by desperately trying to put Hillary in the White House via any means at their disposal, including totally faking negative news against Donald Trump (which is, of course, the entire news mission of CNN at this point, a disgraced propaganda network run by anti-American traitors).

If the vote is stolen for Hillary Clinton, all hell breaks loose
Should the globalist Soros operators manage to steal the vote, bribe the electoral voters or rig the black box voting machines sufficiently to place Hillary Clinton in the White House, all Hell breaks loose across America:
. . .
{The bullet points following the above  are worth reading}

And the above doesn't really touch on the worst of the NYPD revelations . . . IIRC, one such revelation claimed that officials have video of Shrillery having sex with under-aged girls on orgy island.

But, hey, she "only" made 6 trips to the island--Billdo made 26.

Somehow, I do NOT think that makes her a saint compared to Dillbo.

It is still hard for me to figure out what the oligarchy is up to with Trump. However, the above scenario is more plausible, to me, than any others I've read. Look what they did with Bush Jr. . . . i.e. ordered him to do stuff they immediately blamed and castigated him for in their very controlled MSM. What duplicitous evil arrogant jerks.

Anyway--interesting times, as the Chinese say.

Buckle seat belts for a rather dramatic E-Ticket ride.

Things will only get worse. Any observed improvements will be cosmetic and very temporary, imho.

« Last Edit: November 04, 2016, 07:02:36 am by Quix »
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@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe

I retyped this for TRR (The Right Reasons) private area but will excerpt it here . . .
. . . though probably the whole doc would be OK and reasonable to post. Will do so only if mystery.ak asks me to.

= = =
Anonymous doc found here:
Note: the {} include my grammar etc. corrections that seem obvious, to me. And, I placed a “|.” Between paragraphs to force paragraphing space when posting. Maybe a {br} would have worked but I haven’t found that consistent. I also left the paragraphs too long, in my view just to go with the original.[/]
Anonymous ID:y2Zm+lal Thu 03 Nov 2016 02:52:00 No.95128341
I do not confirm or deny that I work for any law enforcement or intelligence agency. However, I have intimate knowledge of the ongoing investigation(s) into what exactly was discovered at Anthony Weiner’s residence, and the subsequent investigations that fallowed [sic]. First, people must understand, the Clinton Foundation investigation and probe into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server are two separate case files, but they overlap frequently.
To address her use of a private server, the investigation only pertained to whether classified information was transmitted, stored or archived. The FBI  determined internally that all three of these criteria were meant. {met?}

Due to the political sensitivity of the suspect and her aids, the Department of Justice demanded Directory [sic] Comey abandon the probe and make a public statement absorbing {absolving?} secretary Clinton of any wrong doing. AS you {have} seen play out in the headlines over the past few months.

The Clinton Foundation probe has been taking place since the summer of 2015. It involves an incredibly complex array of individuals, countries, banks & politicians. The general specifics of the case can be publicly found in Peter Schweizer’s book “Clinton  Cash”, which is in fact accurate. However, there is a much darker and sinister level of corruption taking place, which has been suspected, but did not have any hard evidence until now.
. . .

. . . I can confirm they are all true, we are dealing with serial pedophiles.

This archive of emails and files, Huma kept appears to have been kept with the intention of soliciting bribes. . . .

When this was discovered, the FBI immediately took both Mr. Weiner and Mrs. Abedin in for questioning, as now we were dealing with a national security and potential espionage situation. Mr Weiner quickly confessed to knowing about the bribe material, and is in full cooperation with the NYPD, FBI & the CIA’s counter espionage team. For Anthony Weiner’s cooperation, he may face lesser charges for helping convict, Mrs. Clinton & William (Bill) Clinton. Huma is only cooperating to a point, she does not deny the material that was found, however she refuses to provide details on who she was communicating with, and is currently under observation while the FBI & CIA conduct a separate investigation into Huma’s ties with foreign actors.

There are a lot of moving parts, and the more shocking evidence (the pedophilia) was used to gain leverage on the Department of Justice who have continuously stonewalled these investigations for political reasons. Following Fridays {Friday’s} announcement, the President of the United States was briefed, and warned that his interference into these investigations can and will lead to his arrest. Namely, on the charges of treason (for stopping the investigation into a suspect accused of espionage) & obstruction of justice. He was placed under a gag order and was told if he speaks about the investigation he will immediately be arrested

The FBI is looking to charge: Hillary, Bill, Chelsea & Donna Shalala under RICO law in addition to the other offenses uncovered from the Weiner investigation. Loretta Lynch is slightly more difficult, because she controls the DOJ. There is an internal battle between the DOJ and the Washington FBI office. The FBI has basically been forced to bribe the DOJ by going public if Lynch interferes with the new investigation. This is one reason, you have yet to see a press conference from the FBI. However, things are starting to get dicey and cooler heads are not prevailing fast enough. You may see within the next week to two weeks, the NYPD or the FBI have an informal press conference confirming this information, which has been leaked already through anonymous internet post, {s,?} videos & former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Dr Stephen Pieczenik. There is also a third angle in this internal feud taking place within the federal government. Several members of the intelligence community have reached their boiling point with the President, Loretta Lynch, John Brennan, Valerie Jarret, Susan Rice & the head of the DIA, James Clapper.

This has initiated a “soft coup” of sorts which started with the resignation of Genersl [sic] Michael Flynn, who refused to participate in acts of treason by the Obama Administration as it relates to the transfer of weapons & supplies to Islamic State of Iraq & Levant.

This soft coup is not just a few individuals, it includes members of the NYPD, FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA,   DHS & Department of Naval Intelligence. In addition to a coordinated effort of retired and non-retired intelligence officers, analyst {s?} & commandos.

It is also worth mentioning MI6, Mossad, Interpol & independent civilians like Mr Julian Assange have also put their lives and careers on the line to help expose this hostile takeover of the US Government by a criminal crime syndicate, by means of political subversion. There have been causalities already of leakers both government and non-government. It is also worth noting, several US Military Generals and Admirals have also agreed not to follow certain orders. This includes actions in Syria as it pertains to Russia, Turkey & Iran. Cooperation in intelligence meetings have literally come to a halt, right now the United States ability to conduct clandestine operations is virtually impossible because of this grid lock between the political, military and intelligence community. However, this is another way the soft coup is gaining leverage. Susan Rice the National Security Advisor to President Obama has not helped, she too could be facing charges of treason, if the right factions within the federal government take control. The political actors causing these problems are obvious{ly} in the public eye to anyone, who understands even the rudimentary intricacies of how healthy government is supposed to function. Those basics which hav e been outlined by our founding fathers in the US Constitution. A Constitution which I proudly swore to uphold and defend at all cost no matter the odds or advisory {adversity?}.

I outlined the resistance to the political coup which has taken place. I can tell you, the political forces at work lack the intellectual ability to combat the intelligence community. The leaks that have yet to come out are devastating to the government and in the next few weeks we will either have a peaceful transition of power or turmoil. The Clinton Foundation probe can go one of two ways, it ends with those responsible for the heinous crimes going to jail or the bravest patriots I have ever had the privilege of knowing “resetting” our republic and the world to a status quo.

« Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 12:02:07 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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For those with the stomach for it . . .

RE: Jeff Epstein . . .

Links on the ATS thread forming a brief overview of major hints, some specifics of his evil ways etc.  . . . some pics of his orgy island; a Temple to Mollach? . . . etc.


@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/