Author Topic: Republicans still think they're the 'party of ideas.' That's laughable in the age of Trump.  (Read 1004 times)

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Offline sinkspur

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Republicans still think they're the 'party of ideas.' That's laughable in the age of Trump.

Republicans still think they're the 'party of ideas.' That's laughable in the age of Trump.
James Pethokoukis
November 3, 2016

In the run-up to the U.K. vote to leave the European Union, pro-Brexit politician Michael Gove said "people in this country have had enough of experts." In other words, voters would be right to ignore all the economists and business executives warning that Brexit would do serious long-term harm to the British economy. And so they did.

Surely, many Republicans are taking the same dismissive attitude to a letter released this week from a group of nearly 400 economists, including eight Nobel laureates. These experts called Donald Trump a "dangerous, destructive choice" for president and chastised him for promoting "magical thinking and conspiracy theories over sober assessments of feasible economic policy options."

The letter is unlikely to sway many Trump voters, or nudge any swing states toward Hillary Clinton. Nor would it change the minds of Trump's most ardent fans to learn that a Wall Street Journal survey was unable to find a single Trump backer among the former top economic advisers to Republican presidents. After all, in the age of Trump, the Republican Party has embraced a sort of visceral, nativist populism. Rank-and-file GOP voters have no use for what "pointy headed" intellectuals — on the left or right — have to say. Experts and elites be damned!

And yet, amazingly, many GOP leaders still consider theirs the "party of ideas." It's a term first applied to the GOP by Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a New York Democrat, in response to the Ronald Reagan-era party's growing reputation for intellectual heft. And it's a particularly favorite phrase of House Speaker Paul Ryan.

 Paul Ryan ✔ @PRyan
We're ready to move past 8 years of failed liberal ideas. We are the party of ideas. Join us
1:55 PM - 17 Aug 2016
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Or as he said at the Republican National Convention, "It still comes down to a contest of ideas, which is really good news, ladies and gentlemen, because when it's about ideas that advantage goes to us."

But does the ideas advantage clearly go to the Republican Party when its presidential nominee rejects the broad economic consensus, across the political spectrum, on a whole host of fundamental economic issues, including taxes, trade, immigration, and monetary policy?

Now, Ryan and other thoughtful Republicans will surely counter that Trumponomics is not the same as mainstream, pro-market GOP economics. And that might be true of some Washington pols and thinkers at center-right think tanks and magazines. But a recent Bloomberg poll found that when asked who better represents their view of the party, Republican voters prefer Trump over Ryan — 51 percent to 33 percent. What's more, a majority of GOP voters, unlike Democrats, think free trade has been bad for the United States.

Recall that it was the Reagan-era GOP that first earned the "party of ideas" tag. Yet Trump's nomination is a de facto repudiation of Reagan's achievements and legacy. Trump's "Make America Great Again" vision hearkens back not to the 1980s and 1990s but to the 1950s and 1960s. In Trump's bizarro version of economic history, the Reagan years are when the U.S. economy began to veer wildly off course by letting Asia — first Japan and now China — steal U.S. manufacturing jobs. And Trump called Reagan's sweeping 1986 tax reform an "absolute catastrophe for the country." (Translation: an absolute catastrophe for highly leveraged New York real estate developers.)

But the problem isn't just Trump. Even before his presidential run, the GOP had become been susceptible to sketchy, fringe economic theories that led politicians to declare that deep tax cuts pay for themselves, U.S. debt default would be no big deal, in a deep recession you should "cut to grow" the economy, and that it's time to take another look at linking the dollar to the gold standard. There is a direct line from the acceptance of those ideas to the embrace of the loony Trumpian notion that America would be better off by reversing globalization and mass immigration, and building a mega-wall on its southern border.

So even if Trump loses next week and his white nationalist populism is exorcized from the party, the GOP will remain in a precarious position, at least as a vehicle able to engage in serious policy debate and push forward a fact-based policy agenda. What Reagan once said of Democrats now seems true of far too many Republicans: It isn't so much "that they are ignorant, "it's just that they know so many things that aren't so."
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.


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Good article, but needs a link.

Offline DagnyT

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Donald Trump is bringing in new ideas not the stale old ideas of the establishment losers.

win and MAGA


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Trump has no ideas

Offline Night Hides Not

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Donald Trump is bringing in new ideas not the stale old ideas of the establishment losers.

win and MAGA

Those "new ideas" do not get stale, because he changes his mind as often as Hillary changes her Depends.
You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

1 John 3:18: Let us love not in word or speech, but in truth and action.

Online corbe

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Donald Trump is bringing in new ideas not the stale old ideas of the establishment losers.

   Those old establishment Losers retook the House and the Senate in the last 2 Midterms.   

   As far as new ideas. you certainly got that right, The GOP Party Platform is hardly recognizable thanks to cancelling votes, shutting off microphones at the Convention.  It's yours.  Good Luck
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

Offline montanajoe

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Both party's are just opposition to the other. If one says the sky is red the other will say its blue. They are businesses that like sports teams have have fans but the real idea is to make money for and preserve the jobs of the team members of each. Neither party wants nor welcomes "ideas".

Clinton and Trump are merely symptoms of a sick political system that lost its way long ago...
« Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 09:29:41 pm by montanajoe »

Offline txradioguy

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Donald Trump is bringing in new ideas not the stale old ideas of the establishment losers.

win and MAGA

New ideas?  You mean like stealing Reagan's campaign slogan and Hoover's disastrous economic and trade policies?

THOSE kind of new ideas?
« Last Edit: November 05, 2016, 11:05:01 pm by txradioguy »
The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years. The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Republicans Don't Need A Back Bench...They Need a BACKBONE!


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Donald Trump is bringing in new ideas not the stale old ideas of the establishment losers.

win and MAGA


What sort of ideas?  Nativism and know-nothingism are not new.  Anti-trade tariffs aren't new.  Xenophobia and racism aren't new.  Trump doesn't have new ideas, he has cast-offs and second-hands from dictators of years past, and from liberals, past and present.

And as for the establishment, Trump is part and parcel of the establishment.  He's been cheek by jowl with the Clintons for years - they do to each others weddings and parties - and you don't get ahead in NYC real estate without having some politicians in your pockets and being in the pockets of other politicians.

Trump has the wool pulled over your eyes so far not even your toes are sticking out.