Author Topic: Wikileaks - connection between Hillary and a child abductor?  (Read 699 times)

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Wikileaks - connection between Hillary and a child abductor?
« on: November 04, 2016, 12:02:28 am »
I lifted this from a friend's Facebook:
From the kids at Redditt

BREAKING: I believe I have connected a convicted child abductor who was caught stealing children in Haiti with the Clintons

The individual in question is one Laura Silsby, former director of The New Life Children's Refuge. She was caught trying to steal 33 children from the country, most of whom were not even orphans and had families.

Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura's NGO. Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located to Haiti.


Huma Abedin was constantly forwarding Hillary articles on this woman's organization:

One of the first things Hillary did when she took over the scene in Haiti was to get Laura off the hook:

And the attorney who represented Laura Silsby? A man who was himself convicted as a sex trafficker:…/323249_-os-haiti-us-legal-adviser-t…

Even more disturbing, we uncovered an email in Wikileaks where they are literally pricing how much it costs to transport children:

Again, this was the same group that got busted by Haitian Authorities trying to Traffic kids.…/New_Life_Children%27s_Refuge_case

They're in the Clinton Emails;

Pitch for funding or some shit, super sketchy.

This looks like Mills & co are drafting statements following extradition.

Help me research!!! There are surely more emails to be found in Wikileaks on this! If we can connect the Clintons to a child abductor their campaign is DONE!!!

EDIT: Wanted to add this email showing HRC contacting a lawyer regarding the 10 people who were arrested for their roles in this kidnapping case, thanks /u/Look_See_Think for bringing me this:
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