Author Topic: The Top 100 Most Damaging WIKILEAKS  (Read 1198 times)

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The Top 100 Most Damaging WIKILEAKS
« on: November 04, 2016, 08:06:46 pm »
TOP 100


Why are they only going after Hillary Clinton?

       10 years ago, WikiLeaks became famous for exposing elements of the Bush administration and the Iraq wars, and quickly became heroes to the left. This year, Hillary Clinton is being exposed because of the unprecedented levels of corruption throughout her history. Julian Assange, who is not necessarily pro-Trump, has stated that if any controversial Trump material is found, it will be published. However, everything controversial they have has already been said by Trump himself, according to Assange.

​Why is the media barely covering them?

       Because almost 100% of mainstream media sources, as well as several prominent publishing news sources are implicated in the leaks in colluding with the Clinton campaign. These "news" sources (as you will find in the leaks below) have conspired to get Hillary elected, by only reporting anti-Trump smear pieces, manufacturing or exaggerating scandals, and hiding anything damaging to Hillary. Most are even donating big money to the Clinton campaign in order to keep the globalist status-quo. These revelations are the stories journalists dream of, but CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Politico, Huffington Post, AP, and several more are all implicated in the leaks. This is why the media has been so one sided this election season, and why only 6% of people trust the mainstream media. Trump hasn't helped with some past comments, but as CNN said here, the media is doing everything they can to help Hillary and give her a free ride.

​Is Russia behind the leaks?

       Despite Hillary stating at the third debate that 17 intelligence agencies have said Russia is behind it, there is no proof that Russia is responsible for these leaks against her and the DNC. In fact, even Politico (who has been implicated in these leaks several times with Glenn Thrush) gave her claim a negative fact-check. There is no definitive proof, even from Hillary, only theories that it "could" be Russia. The reason for this constant claim by the media (as if it is 100% truth) is to pivot away from what is actually in the damning leaks and get your attention onto "evil" Russia. This immature approach by Hillary and the media, in conjunction with other recent foreign policy blunders, has led to extremely increased levels of tension with Russia, not seen since the Cold War. Julian Assange has strongly indicated that insiders in the DNC and US government are responsible for the leaks, including hinting at one DNC insider who was killed shortly after the DNC leaks. Regardless of who the hacker is, it does not take away from the validity of what is actually in the leaks.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2016, 08:09:53 pm by HAPPY2BME »


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Re: The Top 100 Most Damaging WIKILEAKS
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2016, 08:08:59 pm »
(more proof the Clintons control MSM)

Hillary Clinton Coms Director Jennifer Palmieri: PBS will obey my instructions to change air time for news "story" on Clinton and #TPP.


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Re: The Top 100 Most Damaging WIKILEAKS
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2016, 08:10:55 pm »
"Spirit Cooking" (Warning: extremely graphic)


    “I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?"

    "Are you in NYC Thursday July 9 - Marina wants you to come to dinner -  Mary?"

    The email is from Marina Abramovic and John Podesta's brother Tony, asking John to come "to the Spirit Cooking dinner". It is safe to assume that John knows who Marina Abramovic is, as his brother refers to only her first name.

    Here's where it gets graphic: Marina Abramovic has a webpage that shows the graphical book she created, which goes over what "Spirit Cooking" is

    And here is a video on what Spirit Cooking actually is.  Not for the faint of heart (satanic-in-appearance).  Hillary's team (potential future leaders of our country) are into some really messed up stuff.

    Note: it could just be considered "art" but than the invitation for "Spirit Cooking dinner" would seem out of place.


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Re: The Top 100 Most Damaging WIKILEAKS
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2016, 08:12:52 pm »