Author Topic: Hollywood Alarm Grows Over Prospect of Donald Trump Victory  (Read 576 times)

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Hollywood Alarm Grows Over Prospect of Donald Trump Victory
« on: November 03, 2016, 05:59:19 am »
November 2, 2016 | 07:17PM PT
Ted Johnson
Senior Editor @tedstew   

In an industry that leans heavily to the left, for many it’s a nightmare scenario. The “October surprise” bombshell letter that FBI director James Comey sent to Congressional leaders on Friday triggered new levels of anxiousness over its impact on Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Others have been trying to call attention to stories that have yet to gain traction. Ron Howard tweeted out a Huffington Post story that asked why the media has not been covering a woman’s claim that Trump raped her when she was 13 years old.

Norman Lear said that he doesn’t have “any sense of a person who isn’t nervous. It is very reasonable to be nervous if you are sensible.”

The next few days also will see a slew of entertainment figures on the stump for Clinton. On Thursday, Steve Aoki will perform in Las Vegas, and former president Bill Clinton is scheduled to speak. Stevie Wonder is performing in Philadelphia on Friday, and Jon Bon Jovi will join Tim Kaine in St. Petersburg, Fla., on Saturday.


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Re: Hollywood Alarm Grows Over Prospect of Donald Trump Victory
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2016, 06:00:21 am »
From the 'Variety' blog ..

E says:   
November 2, 2016 at 9:50 pm   

Hollywood is part of the problem. They are all Marxist Communist perverts and narcissists. They all support the crime syndicate run by Clinton and Obama. Hypocrites! The Clinton Foundation is a front for pay to play schemes and not charity or helping the poor. As a practicing and traditional Catholic (backwards according to the Clinron campaign from Wikileaks) I am offended at the person in the article praying on rosary beads while supporting a pro abortion candidate. They say they are for a democracy but do they not know we are actually a Republic? They are the intolerant ones! Drain the swamp!
chris Perrien says:   
November 2, 2016 at 9:37 pm   

Well screw Hollywood and al their left-wing anti-white, anti-Christian, BS. Rot in Sheol.

BD says:   
November 2, 2016 at 9:28 pm   

30+ years working “below – the – line” in Hollywood & NONE of these comments surprise me…..The industry is full of sniveling…whining. self-indulgent pricks who believe the world revolves around them & their value system. This article pretty much confrms that. I AM disappointed in Ron Howard. Not surprised, just disappointed. But Im happy to say, there’s gonna be a WHOLE LOT MORE disappointment come next week.
lamestreamdoc says:   
November 2, 2016 at 9:27 pm   

What a bunch of self-important, entitled, elitist, histrionic CLOWNS. They’re right about one thing, though: they DO live in a bubble — a bubble of privilege, narcissism…and persistent denial. I hope all those celebs who are saying they will leave if Trump is elected will make good on their collective promise. Plenty of other wonderful, talented, GRATEFUL people to take their places.

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Re: Hollywood Alarm Grows Over Prospect of Donald Trump Victory
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2016, 08:54:35 am »
If Trump wins I can at least look forward to Hollyweird getting even goofier.