Author Topic: BUSTED: Shock Emails Just Exposed How Deep Clinton’s Claws Go At ‘Justice’ Dept.  (Read 361 times)

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by: Joe Saunders

They don’t need to fly to Phoenix for secret meetings.

In the continuing drip of WikiLeaks revelations about the politically incestuous, too-close-for-comfort relationships between the Clinton crime family and other Washington power players, the Daily Caller is reporting on one particular friendship that goes a long way to explaining the Justice Department’s kid-gloves treatment of Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.

And it goes way back to the scandal-ridden Bill Clinton White House.

According to the Daily Caller, hacked emails published by the anti-secrecy website show Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta did something significant the night after Hillary testified before the House Select Committee on Benghazi in October, 2015. Podesta attended a dinner party that included a certain high-ranking Justice official.

Peter Kadzik, an old law school buddy of Hillary’s campaign chief, had become a key player at the DOJ thanks in part to a Podesta recommendation. Talk about political back-scratching.

A year earlier, according to the Daily Caller, Kadzik, an assistant attorney general for legislative affairs, was part of the effort to have Loretta Lynch confirmed by the Senate to replace outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder. Lynch was confirmed in February, 2015.

Does anyone think the Justice Department’s investigation of the Clinton email scandal didn’t come up at dinner that night? Or maybe it was all just golf and grandkids, as Lynch and Bill Clinton supposedly discussed in their highly suspicious airport meeting in Arizona only days before the FBI let Hillary off the legal hook.

“The political appointees in the Obama administration, especially in the Department of Justice, appear to be very partisan in nature and I don’t think had clean hands when it comes to the investigation of the private email server,” Matthew Whitaker, executive director of the watchdog group Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust, told the Daily Caller.

That’s putting it politely.

According to the Daily Caller, Whitaker compared the dinner party gathering to Lynch’s almost-secret meeting with Hillary’s husband on that tarmac at the Sky Harbor International Airport in Arizona in June.

“It’s the kind of thing the American people are frustrated about, is that the politically powerful have insider access and have these kind of relationships that ultimately appear to always break to the benefit of Hillary Clinton,” he said.

Insider access and the kind of sleazy deal-making and brazen dirty tricks that seem to define the Democrat Party and its standard-bearer.

And the Podesta-Kadzik relationship goes much deeper, it turns out, than a conveniently timed D.C. dinner party.

Aside from being friends at Georgetown Law School, Kadzik was Podesta’s attorney when Podesta came under scrutiny by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr’s investigation of the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal in the 1990s.

Podesta was deputy chief of staff in the White House then, and needed a lawyer, just like everyone who gets tainted by touching the Clintons eventually does.

Near the end of the Clinton presidency, Podesta and Kadzik got tied up in another Clinton scandal, according to the Daily Caller. Podesta had been promoted to chief of staff by then, and Kadzik lobbied him heavily on behalf of Denise Rich, who was seeking a presidential for her husband, fugitive financier Marc Rich.

Bill Clinton pardoned Rich on his last day in office, while Rich was still a fugitive from American justice, hiding out in obscenely lavish exile in Switzerland dodging charges of evading taxes on income worth $48 million.

It remains one of the most obscene acts of a Bill Clinton presidency literally loaded with obscenities. Even the Clinton-loving New York Times pretended to be shocked. (After eight years of Bill Clinton in the White House, no sentient human could not have known the man was corrupt.)

In the years between the 2001 and 2015, Kadzik and Podesta remained close. In 2008, according to a WikiLeaks email reported by the Washington Free Beacon, Podesta recommended Kadzik for a job at the Obama Justice Department in 2008 because he was a “fantastic lawyer” who “kept me out of jail.”

Clearly, they have high standards in the Clinton inner circle.

According to other Podesta emails released by WikiLeaks and reported by the Daily Caller, Podesta and Kadzik met socially several times after the dinner party, and Kadzik’s son had even sought Podesta’s help getting a job with the Hillary Clinton campaign.

And it’s not all personal services. According to the Daily Caller, when he’s not out living the high life with Hillary’s campaign manager, Kadzik has been earning his keep as the Justice Department’s stonewalling liaison with the Republican Congress by stiff-arming questions about DOJ’s “investigation” of Hillary Clinton’s email scandals.

As recently as September, according to Politico, Kadzik touched off a firestorm by refusing to answer questions from House Oversight Committee Republicans about the immunity deals offered to key players in the Clinton email scandal.

Maybe he and Podesta had a nice talk about that over lobster and braised asparagus tips, too.

With every day that passes, with more revelations of just how deep runs the corruption around the Clinton crime family, it gets harder to believe that this scandal-tarred woman is the best the Democrat Party could offer as someone who should be president.

And it gets harder to believe that the American people would actually consider sending her back to the White House.

Offline driftdiver

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"And it gets harder to believe that the American people would actually consider sending her back to the White House."

Most of her supporters don't care about the corruption.  As long as they get their piece of the pie.

Fools mock, tongues wag, babies cry and goats bleat.